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Everything posted by robciviccrx

  1. Thanks for doing this, does anyone know if vilayer hide this file ? Cannot find it on our server with ftp or the acp file manager thing, could someone tell me the file path it should be at ? Im guessing it should be in the cfgdayz folder but its not.
  2. robciviccrx

    Vehicles are not saving at all

    Its an alpha, yes it an overused phrase but in this case more than appropriate. I was in the BF3 alpha and beta and pretty much nothing changed and no bugs got taken care of, I cant even express my dissapointment at the console game excuse for Battlefield that got released. DayZ in like the month I have played has changed lots of things, fixed bugs, created bugs, gameplay features have come in and out and to top it off this is only the mod not even the stanalone game alpha, also not including the changes and fixes that had happened before I played. If you dont want to test the patches then rollback to a stable version but dont bitch about bugs for the sake of it, report them and move on.
  3. robciviccrx

    Vilayer get your crap together

    Why was it stopped when you werent playing ? No its not against the rules and I dont even know if you had it turned off to protect your precious loot while you werent playing but if you were you deserve to not be able to start it. Id like to to get on the latest patch, cant even attempt a manual update because the rcon stop command just restarts and I read that the ftp wont accept dll and exe files anyway but im not really sure on that. Still im not really complaining server is still running fine, it would just be nice if I could do these things without the acp.
  4. robciviccrx

    Vilayer get your crap together

    I dont know our vilayer server has had no down time at all over more than 2 weeks, its lags much less than multiplay servers which im lucky if I can play on at all. The acp thing has been down alot but with an rcon you can still do anything you need to. Its all relative and to me they are a pretty good provider, not to mention the cheapest I found at the time we ordered, although I would like to be able edit the server.cfg and the acp isnt great but yea overall they have been good for us.
  5. robciviccrx

    Chernarus file

    Do a search this has been asked alot. Copy the beta armaoa.exe from the expansion/beta folder to the main armaoa folder overwriting the exe in there. Add > -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca -nosplash < to the launch options in steam, run as combined ops.
  6. robciviccrx

    Fresh Vilayer server

    Whenever we have needed them my mate who has the main account has just jumped on ts and spoke to someone shortly. I guess it depends on the time of day.
  7. robciviccrx

    Fresh Vilayer server

    Your waiting to be given an instance id and have it applied to your server, go on their ts and poke them a bit it was a matter of minutes when my mate did that.
  8. By the looks of it he is opening his rpt from his hard drive, locally, so no his server is not infected at most his pc.
  9. Well I have had a few run ins with people running scripts, one time the whole server died at once to a Russian, people started to get teleported into the air as I was on ts but not in game the server got stopped straight away and no-one lost anything. The funniest was last night, so me and a mate were setting up an ambush in the wilderness when some guy starts speaking over direct comms, this is pretty trippy as we cant see anyone anywhere. So eventually the guy shows himself and declares himself a genie and if we can answer some questions we get 3 wishes. At this time we are franticly trying to find out who this guy is so we carry on.. He asks if we want to see his spaceship so we are like yea go on then, a boat pops in on top of my mate breaking his legs and knocking him out. We fix him up and he asks for his first wish, a chopper and a chopper appears. Then the second wish was a dog, now I dont know if this was some dude morphed into a dog or a random npc but lassie kept running around and wouldnt come home. At this point my mate tries to fly the chopper, this goes badly and it goes boom, lol. The genie as ill now call him asked what I wanted for the third wish I wanted a tank but apparently that wasnt fair, oh the irony. So we get in his time travel spaceship go pick up my mate then he teleports around to random people proclaiming a great flood is coming and they should get on or die in the flood, I dont know why but people didnt take to his time traveling spaceship and mostly ran away. On about the third teleport to what I believe was actually another "hacker" who as he spoke to him glitched around like mad and eventually killed us all and himself somehow. While all this was going on another admin was constantly scanning logs trying to find who this guy was and the two names who we believe were the genie and the guy that killed us show up no IP and no guid, no record of them at all. A restart wiped any vehicles that had been spawned but it seems thats about the best we could do. So it would seem that at least at this stage we are completely at the mercy of anyone who wants to do whatever they want. Can I say though people who kill the whole server or teleport you somewhere stupid doing malicious things for whatever reason they have are bad, this genie guy although I dont agree with using all this stuff and would of banned the guy if we even could was really funny and not just ruining peoples days for lols.
  10. robciviccrx

    The murderer problem

    Player killing is the most exciting thing in DayZ, also being shot at and killed can be fun or at least get your adrenaline going. How many games actually give you that feeling when you spot someone. I only get those feelings because there are no levels, no xp, no retarded cant shoot players balancing. Your survivor needs to have the threat of being wiped of gear and dumped back on the coast at any moment or its just not the same.
  11. robciviccrx

    DayZ Server Suite Alpha 1.0.3

    This is great that your making this should really help server admins out. Quick question is alpha002 the latest build with ftp ?
  12. Grow a pair. Also if you feel you need to abort rather than just kill or lose the zeds (both of which are stupidly easy) maybe you need to get better and not just abort all the time. Oh yea and aborting/alt f4 when being shot at is the act of pond scum. As mentioned above you also have your definitions wrong. Oh man I just fed the troll didnt I... was so obvious too.
  13. robciviccrx

    Help me with my first DayZ server

    Personally im using arma II RCon at the moment, it dc's alot but saves connection info.
  14. robciviccrx


    Your doing it wrong. Such a pussy going on a low pop server just to move around, man up and get some balls. Although what you do is a cheap way of moving around its nothing like as bad as people who combat log then move position on another server, those people deserve global bans.
  15. www.dayzdb.com look at that, profit.
  16. robciviccrx

    Mature UK Group looking for new recruits

    Honestly the 2 guys who found the atv were in a different channel to both admins and all the other players on ts until they found it and everyone went for backup. It was a bit harsh for us to say the weapons were scripted in by you, but its also harsh to just assume the admins had to of used scripts to find an atv parked not exactly hidden next to stary sobor and then to also see you running across a field in the open. Have fun on whichever server you play on but please dont bring things not supposed to be in the game to UK135, it'd be appreciated.
  17. robciviccrx

    Mature UK Group looking for new recruits

    The only people who got killed by people on TS were crobinho and fatkev who were using a scripted in as50 tws a couple of guys found their atv and caught them running across a field towards it or Jamie who spawned himself a chopper after being killed and we only killed him the first time. Neither of which were "spotted". So want to elaborate on what you say ? btw timezone should be UTC -4 but its jumping around a bit atm.
  18. robciviccrx

    Mature UK Group looking for new recruits

    Infact its a bit of both !
  19. robciviccrx

    New Dayz Developer

    Most publishers seem to dumb down games and make them easier, rocket makes it more like games used to be I think anyone but rocket would probably cave in on alot of the things that make this mod so good.
  20. robciviccrx

    Vilayer can you get your act together?

    I would guess you dont have an instance ID yet, same boat as us, just wait you will get it eventually.
  21. robciviccrx

    beta patches not patching no cd key

    Steam versions apply the cd key as it runs the game I believe, when I install updates manually it pops up no cd key but you just continue and it works fine.
  22. robciviccrx

    Fix for the artifacting.

    Its odd because I havnt had an artifact from any dead soldiers, although they randomly flash between dimensions or something, but the tower at green mountain would give these artifacts if you hold right click to zoom a bit but not from just looking at it. I played for 4-5 hours yesterday and that was the only time I saw anything artifact. Memory : default, AA is on, vsync off, no fov adjustments. Maybe I was just lucky and today it will get to me, I will see.
  23. robciviccrx


    Copy the armaoa.exe from the beta/expansion folder into the main folder and overwrite the armaoa.exe there. Back it up if you feel like it. Put this > -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca -nosplash < into the launch options in Steam. This is what helped my game work properly hope you have some success, btw I take no credit as other people have posted this here a few times.
  24. robciviccrx

    Fake or idiots or both?

    Im with you, fucking awesome. It just shows what people can do with this mod, its great. The guys voice is really annoying but doesnt take away from the vid :)
  25. robciviccrx

    Pending Update: Build

    Lots of posts with this same thing...can you not understand he was taking the piss moving the date back? Still, it makes me laugh everytime someone takes it seriously..