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Everything posted by TheHappyPeanut

  1. TheHappyPeanut

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    I fail to understand why people continuously complain about being killed on sight. We are playing a game based in a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world where food and water are rarities; a game where it can take hours of scavenging to build a somewhat decent supply of resources. You're living in a fairy tale world to believe that you should not be killed on sight, and for multiple reasons. 1) Food, water, and medical supplies are rare. My friend and I barely have enough to keep us alive between each town. If we see someone who appears to have anything we can use, they'll be killed on sight. 2) It's a dog-eat-dog world in DayZ. You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to trust someone who has absolutely nothing to lose by stabbing me in the back. Trusting a stranger in this game is instant suicide. If you're concerned with being killed on sight, avoid survivors at all cost. In a game that took me two hours to establish my character, you're damn right that I'm going to murder you to ensure that you don't pose a threat to me or my partner. The majority of people who complain about killing on sight would do the exact same thing in the situation they were in; they're just angry that they ended up losing in the situation they were dealt.
  2. TheHappyPeanut

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    It's likely that I would attempt to rob an individual if I had a partner with me at the time, but it's not a risk I'm willing to take if I'm traveling alone.
  3. TheHappyPeanut

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    I disagree with shooting players who are obviously freshly spawned at the coast. I think it's wrong because 1) they have no supplies and 2) you're ruining the session immediately for them. However, once they get further inland or you see that they have supplies, they're fair game. But to make it clear, I don't kill everyone on sight. There are a hundred variables that determine whether or not someone is worthy of being killed. I ask myself these questions: 1) Does this person have supplies on him? 2) If I allow this person to live, what is the likelihood that we will meet again under different circumstances? To be honest, if a person doesn't see me and doesn't have weapons on him, I'm not going to kill him unless I have no other choice.
  4. TheHappyPeanut

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    The problem is that this isn't real life. I've had this discussion with friends. You would do things in DayZ that you would never do in real life. You would never kill someone in real life for a backpack. But in a virtual game, you have nothing to lose, no remorse. It makes it much easier. And using bullets on zombies is a bad idea because 1) it wastes ammunition and 2) attracts other players and additional zombies.
  5. TheHappyPeanut

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    "Kill on sight" means to kill upon seeing. That does not mean that you have no reason to kill them. It means nothing more than to kill upon seeing.
  6. TheHappyPeanut

    Dayz Server Monitor...

    Let's be realistic. No one would make their servers freeze in time if night time's gameplay wasn't so horrible. It's exactly why people want their servers running daytime only, because nighttime is absolutely unplayable.
  7. TheHappyPeanut

    Running Hive Files

    I'm trying to get my server set up and I'm on the last step where I start the Hive files (right now on hiveAuth). Well, it says it successfully connected to the MySQL database but it's stuck on "Waiting for client connection..." What do I do?
  8. TheHappyPeanut

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Is there no way to throttle the amount of users who are capable of loading at once? What if you just pulled one server online at a time?
  9. You are some serious nerds.
  10. TheHappyPeanut

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Yes but what type of idiot wouldn't use a stick if he needed to? Is that what you would do in real life? Just let them devour you when you run out of bullets? I imagine you'd throw yourself to them.
  11. TheHappyPeanut

    Melee Weapon Petition

    There really needs to be melee weapons. If you run out of bullets and zombies are chasing you, you're just dead. There's no discussion. Just dead.
  12. TheHappyPeanut


    Or you could just increase the amount of animals in the game...
  13. TheHappyPeanut

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    As much of a pain it is to not be able to play in my own server at times, I can understand the reasoning behind this. Let's say you're playing with your friend and you are currently being attacked by zombies; you have the ability to kill the zombies together, but what happens when an admin wants to make room for a member and kicks you? Well, your friend is overrun and killed by zombies. How would you feel? I know exactly what you would do: you would complain about it on the forums. Because no one cares about the consequences as long as it's not happening to them. It's simple. Don't be a dick. I understand the frustration server owners experience, but you're going to have to suck it up until reserved slots arrive -- which is a feature that the game REALLY needs.
  14. My friends and I have played DayZ since the beginning of the week and I would like to share my first impressions of the game. This is a completely unbiased opinion of the game as I have nothing to gain or lose from my statements. Well, here it goes. Initial Thoughts I initially thought the game was pretty interesting. My friend had shown me a video of the game last weekend and I decided to buy the expansion for ARMA II and give the game a try. The videos suggested that the game had a lot of teamwork and that's something I enjoy. Moving on to my first day: I was killed immediately after spawning. After that, I decided to try to find my friends (I was playing with two friends). We all spawned at different locations so we had to use landmarks to find each other. Although it's not difficult to find out where you are and walk along the coast, it does take a good bit of time and I felt that it unncessarily wasted my game time. I feel like I spent more time trying to find my friends than I did playing with them. I'll fast forward to a couple of hours ago: my friends and I were planning to go north and then on to the eastern coast. As we were going along, we decided to clear a barn and see if it had any supplies in it. Well, we shot our way through the front of the barn and cleared the wave of zeds that were obviously going to come; what we did not know is that they were going to keep flowing in non-stop. Within the next minute there was at least 20 zeds blocking our exits; we eventually ran out of ammunition and died -- and, before you say it, we DID try to escape. I'm not sure if it was a glitch or if that's how it was supposed to happen, but it wasn't fun. We tried it again but died in a similar situation because the zeds overpowered us in numbers. The last thing I would like to talk about is playing at night. Well, I tried it once and at first it was really scary. And then about ten minutes later it got flat out annoying and boring. When I'm playing a game, regardless of how realistic it is, I want to be able to see. I certainly understand that this is a realism game, but there's a point where you have to make a compromise; starting out, I was not provided with a flashlight or any valuable light source -- before you say it, flares are not a valuable light source because they can't help you travel. Let's say you start out as a complete newbie at night and you have just set up the game. Okay, let's go down our check-off list: 1. It's pitch black -- check 2. I can barely the ground in front of me -- check 3. I have absolutely no way of traveling because I cannot see -- check It just shouldn't work like that. A new player should begin with the materials he needs to survive his first night. Flares aren't going to help him find a safe place. If anything, they're only going to get him killed by bandits, who obviously don't care that he's new. In the end, this new player is going to hate playing at night. You can tell me that isn't true all you want, but there's a reason all the Americans move to the Russian servers at nighttime in the US; in its current state, no one wants to play at night because it's just not feasible. With all of that being said, I do believe there are many wonderful things about this game and I especially want to thank Rocket for developing it. I believe with further development it will turn into a fantastic game, especially with the support the community shows. And to show that I'm not here to bash the game, I'd like to tell you some things I really like: 1. The thought process behind the game is incredible. It's the first zombie game that I've been truly interested in playing. 2. The teamwork this game requires is a wonderful thing. It brings players together in ways you wouldn't normally see. 3. The fact that you have to eat and drink to stay alive is pretty cool; it's actually something I prefer in games. 4. The choice to use ARMA II was a pretty great choice. I believe it was a great game to base DayZ. With that being said, I'm going to sign off for a little while. I'll come back in a few months and see how things have come along. I look forward to keeping track of the progress of DayZ and I certainly look forward to playing it some time n the near future. Again, I'm not bashing the game. I'm simply stating my thoughts on the game.
  15. TheHappyPeanut

    First Impressions of DayZ

  16. TheHappyPeanut

    First Impressions of DayZ

    Finding your friends wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to continuously do it. Don't get me wrong... I love a lot of zombies, but when they respawn faster than you can kill them, it's ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that once they start chasing you they will stop for nothing. So basically, you run out of ammo and with no melee weapon, you are screwed. So you die, find your friends all over again, and repeat. That's just not fun to me. You look at games like Killing Floor and there are a lot of zombies in that game, but they are pretty balanced; they don't respawn in five seconds. And then there's the pathetic pathing of the zombies but I'm pretty sure that's not so easy to fix due to the engine. I'll see if this next patch does anything decent.
  17. TheHappyPeanut

    Dev may stop?

    Not sure if trolling or serious...
  18. TheHappyPeanut

    Washington D.C. Server

    Hi guys, I am the owner and operator of the Washington D.C. server. If you have complaints or feedback regarding the server, feel free to PM me. The server details are: Server Name: Washington D.C. Server IP: Total Slots: 30 Difficulty: Regular Current Version: 1.5.6 Notice: The server's time is currently synced to Pacific Standard Time. ments. This server is one of the few (if there are any at all) that is hosted on cloud-based servers. This means that we have the capability of scaling in any direction at any point in time, with only minutes of downtime between upgrades. We are currently allotted the following resources: CPU: 3.6GHz Memory: 2256MB Bandwidth: 6TB
  19. TheHappyPeanut

    Washington D.C. Server

    The server will be taken down at 4:30PM EST. for some quick maintenance.
  20. TheHappyPeanut

    Creating New Profile

    If I create a new profile in ARMA 2 to change my name, will it reset my DayZ character?
  21. TheHappyPeanut

    Please take my money!

  22. TheHappyPeanut

    Respawn bug....

    When will this bug be fixed where you respawn when you didn't even die? It's EXTREMELY annoying when you walk 10 miles, log off, then log back in in the town you originally started at. And I do mean EXTREMELY annoying.
  23. TheHappyPeanut

    Players Turn Into Zombies

  24. TheHappyPeanut

    Horses - We all need horses

    I believe this would be a wonderful implementation. The map is insanely huge and it takes an incredible amount of time to walk it on foot. It would be pretty awesome if you were able to tame horses to make your trip a little quicker. I understand that there are already motor vehicles in the game, but I believe a horse would be more enjoyable and an overall better experience, since you could ride through the wilderness with your friends. Perhaps you would have to feed and water your horse or it would die... just to balance things out.
  25. TheHappyPeanut

    Dogs: Discussion

    Dogs have helped men hunt for many, many years. Why would it stop because of a zombie infestation? You do realize this is supposed to be realistic, right? Dogs can be trained to do just about anything. There is nothing unrealistic about that. If you don't want to use a dog, you don't have to.