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About d4rwin

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    On the Coast
  1. myself and my co-admin are slightly lost with some on-going issues with configuring our HFB server, its even as much to say that the tech team at HFB have not been able to resolve our issue. as it currently stands we have locked down our server settings to stay as a mercenary sever ( every option disabled) however myself and the majority of players want certain settings enabled. basically like this: 3rd person: off Nametags: on Crosshairs: on Waypoints: on Map placements: off armor: off were open to most settings being turned on however our bottom line is having 3rd person must be off! However continued alteration has led us to no avail; for those who are familiar there are 4 places the configuration can be changed to effect the settings all four can be found here http://imgur.com/a/KcT6Z is there anyone who has been able to make these changes successfully and how was it done?
  2. so myself and another co-admin a server and have come across a discussion over 1st person vs 3rd person, we both feel 3rd person is not in the best interest of our server however we would love to see the ability to enable 3rd person for vehicles only... unsure if this has been discussed before...thoughts? ideas?