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About lastninja9

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  1. It also depends on the latitude and season. In northern europe it never gets darker than "early morning" on summer nights (even if it's cloudy and without a full moon). It only gets pitch black in the darkest of winter (and even then only if it's cloudy and no snow) - the rest of the year YOU CAN SEE at night. But the darkness suits this game, and really they can't make it any brighter cos then people will make it brighter than daytime using the gain slider. I only wish they made flashlights much better and more useful.
  2. lastninja9

    Why I've Stopped Playing DayZ

    I run DayZ with a constant 60+ FPS on my THREE YEAR OLD computer. So, if you get 25 FPS, it must really be a crappy PC.
  3. lastninja9

    Zigzagging/fast zombies

    They should make the zombies able to attack a player when he's running, as now one can just run across the entire map with 40 zombies following and none of them will be able to attack you.
  4. lastninja9

    Hide "so and so was killed" messages

    Yeah, but removing murders and bandits killed would be a good thing, and perhaps prevent people who aim for a high score in pvp murders.
  5. lastninja9

    A New map

    I'd prefer if they made all buildings enterable and added more buildings in the cities and towns on the Chernarus map first.
  6. lastninja9

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    Worst idea ever!
  7. lastninja9


    There was a mod for this for Arma1
  8. lastninja9

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Lost all my gear... probably no hope of getting it back though...
  9. lastninja9

    Shopping cart

    That would be a great addition! +1
  10. lastninja9

    Shit/Piss System

    The 'take a shit' hotkey should be a PRESS AND HOLD button, so you'll only be shitting while holding the button down. If you repeatedly tap the shit button you'll only shit out small 'dots' like morse code. This will also make it possible to write messages in the middle of the roads and stuff like that, like- "don't shoot I'm friendly"... ...
  11. lastninja9


    If you REALLY want realism... how about... removing zombies from the game?
  12. lastninja9

    Skins, clothing, and dyes!

    Yeah, more customization options for the appearance is really needed, as there's almost no way of telling people appart unless you're standing 1 meter from them. I've been shot several times approaching and chilling out with the wrong guy (who looked exactly like the other friendly guy!).
  13. lastninja9

    Sticky notes?

    No sarcasm, I just really, really like this idea! :D Of course there would need to be some limitations on how many notes one can post and a timeout period. Having notes ingame might create some fun little player created "mini quests". True open world quests. "Fish was here and stole all your gear".
  14. lastninja9

    Sticky notes?

    Imagine the possibilities! This would be one of the best additions to the game IMO.