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Everything posted by Korrigan

  1. Korrigan

    What happens when hoarders get bored

    So you collected all this gear on one/two servers that have high population? ...Thought so
  2. Korrigan

    Silent Gunfire

    Happened to me as well. Guy near me shot a cow with a shotgun and I didnt hear the first shot.
  3. Korrigan

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I miss the numbers on the hotbar. Are they gone for good? Not even an option to enable/disable them?
  4. Aren't we supposed to be civilians in DayZ? Switching weapons takes plenty of time if you dont have a holster (even depends on the holster) and a rifle sling (or you just drop your rifle).
  5. Korrigan

    Whats going to be in 0.31.114160

    Suppressor .45? GIEF
  6. Korrigan

    Best Character Contest.

    ITT too much green/camo, gasmasks... and M4s without magazines?!
  7. Korrigan

    how do i regain blood atm?

    No warning msg does NOT mean that your drink and food is at max. I read somewhere that you get no warning message if your drink is 2000+ and your food is 600+. But to regenerate blood you need drink 3000+ and food 2500+. I can tell you for a fact that regeneration works. I had black and white and super blurred vision and I stuffed my stomache (you get a message when you eat A LOT). Then I started to regenerate blood. So after you get no "thirst" "hunger" in character screen you need to eat like 5 more whole cans of food (I dont know the exact amount) until it says you feel full.
  8. Korrigan

    Revolver vs 4 man squad.

    Would be a cool video if it weren't 3dp:on (and ch:on too)