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Everything posted by JesterEric

  1. Hello Everyone who wanted to poke there heads in. :) I'm looking for a group to play with, I spent about 3 or 4 months playing solo in the DayZ mod; jumping from server to server having the time of my life in a post-apocalyptic world. Sadly though I stopped, I don't remember what it was exactly but one particularly nasty bug annoyed the hell out of me and I just didn't log back in. Then a while back when the news of the stand alone came out my excitement soared and it's my most anticipated game since Skyrim. Anyway, today I was looking around to see if a release date had been released yet and since "probably December" is the only answer I could find I thought it'd be a good idea to get started and find some people to play with to enhance my game play experience. So about me, I'm an American currently living in Germany so my time zone is +1 (If it's easier 12pm on the U.S. east coast makes it 6pm my time) I'd like to play on a U.S. server but any English speaking group that would have me is just fine. :) I'm looking forward to being logged in between 5pm and 1am my time on week days and almost the entire 48 hours on weekends. I'm 23-years-old and not to be offensive to anyone but I'd rather have all members of the "group" over 18, but I'm flexible if others are willing to vouch for there maturity. I have a YouTube channel I plan on uploading my games to after a (badly needed) CPU overhaul, so if that bothers anyone I guess I wouldn't be interested. :( I am strongly in favor of a group that owns or has access to a TeamSpeak or Ventrillo server while playing. I would like to stick to playing on one server when the game comes out and not hopping around (I'm not sure if this is a thing, I just thought I should put it out there.) One thing I'm not particularly flexible on is that I want to play on a hardcore mode server I really liked the little things it added in the DayZ mod and I predict based on what I've read and watched that I'm going to have most of my zombie nerdgasems on hardcore mode. Other then that very long biography I'm an easy going guy who's happy to follow someone elses lead, I kind of like role-playing when I'm in front of my computer but not to that "creepy guy" extent where people aren't sure if he know's it's a game, lol. (In other words, I prefer to word my statements "I'm pretty thirsty." rather then "My guy's drink meter is all red.") Anyway, if you've read all that and your group fits my criteria and you'd like to have me on board just let me know what you're offering and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. (Not really sure why this felt more like a resume then asking "Hey you guys wanna play with me?" lol)
  2. JesterEric

    Improved surrender animation

    Perhaps instead of rope or handcuffs we could just use duct-tape, that'd be more realistic to break free from, and it'd make restraining someone a more viable option for the n00blit bandits.
  3. JesterEric

    Improved surrender animation

    I disagree with Aksuduud as well, (Personally in the game I'd rather be robbed then killed) however I've got two points. First off it entirely makes since that (some) people would rather die then face the possibly they would be left for dead with no food, water, or weapons. I mean to say, even if you surrender there's no promises made that they wouldn't kill you anyway, or they do indeed have plenty of room to take everything that you own. Secondly in a more "real life" light, it is his game that he payed for to have his own version of fun and as long as he's not cheating there's no reason why we should put him down simply because we disagree with someone's idea of fun. On the other hand, his idea of fun is stupid compared to ours. ;)
  4. JesterEric

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So is Rocket going to be the copyright holder for DayZ or will it be Bohemis Interactive? (Like if I wanted to get permission to do a video series, who would I write to?
  5. Hello Survivors, I'm JesterEric and I'm a YouTuber. I started playing DayZ about a month ago, and was QUICKLY blown away by everything in this game. It really is everything I've wanted in a zombie game. I try telling my family and friends "It's more like a Zombie survival simulation." But I digress. I'm here because I've asked the creators of DayZ for permission to do a series I'm calling "DayZ Days" It's in a diary format from the perspective of a survivor. It's a stright faced telling of some of my more favorite stories that I've colected while playing the game. But obviously I've only got so many stories to tell, what I want is, if any of you have the time please send me one of your best stories of something that's happened to you in the game and I'll incorperate it into the series, but please keep in mind it takes place as the main survivor. (I don't want to pick storys that have already been posted because I wouldn't want the creator to say "That dick stole my story" lol) The Rules are: 1) No excessive profanity. (A "Fuck" or "Damn" is alright, but not every other word please.) 2) Nothing sexually explicit. (I'm not going to read to the world how you "Caressed her fine ass") 3) The story must be in the past tense. (I'm reading a diary, if you die then you obviously couldn't have writen about it.) 4) I retain the right to modify your story. (I'm not going to rape what you send me. But if it's too long I'll cut a few things out.) Also if you have a story but it's as a bandit rather then a Survivor I've made another post that's linked down below where you can go to post it. :) I made two different topics because I think the requests are JUST different enough to need it. :) Thank you allfor your time. http://dayzmod.com/f...345#entry286345 Here's a link to day 1 & 2: (Now that the premis is out of the way, it should get more exciting. :D lol)
  6. JesterEric

    DayZ story request (Survivor)

    I've updated and put the first video in my main post. :D
  7. There's another place you can post this. And I don't mean to be rude but I only skimmed your post because it's just like many before it, but your comment: You're exactly what's wrong with the game. You're forcing an entire community to play one specific style in a sandbox game or suffer because they don't I've just got to say that's like real life. lots of people make good money off stealing from others. The challenge of the game is to stick to your morals if you want to be a good person. I HATE killing other players in the game, even the bandits that shoot me first, but if I group up with someone I ALWAYS have the devil in the back of my head saying "if you kill him you get his stuff" it's an awesome and waunderful thing.
  8. JesterEric

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    I just chalk the mindless killing up to people who have gone bat-shit-crazy since the end started. Or the people who are like "Hey, if there's no law, that means I can really do ANYTHING I want to do.... including killing people just for fun." I know they are out there.... I've been dodging one of them IRL for weeks. :P
  9. JesterEric

    Day Z Urban Legends

    That'd be VERY awesome, but sadly I fear a group of bandits would get wind of it and think "wow, free kills" :P
  10. JesterEric

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Okay everyone, I've got a new one that happened just a few hours ago. I recently died and started up a new guy, I loaded around Elektrozavodsk. and I walked into the city to hit the hospital up for some morphine (I'm not having any of that "broken leg" shit) and other medical supplies, After I left I made my way north figuring I'd try my luck with better weapons at the big inland air field since I was only armed with the CZ 550 and revolver. I took the road leading to Topolka Dam since I was very familiar with that area, after that I took a left at the big road fork and made my way to Mogilevka. About 2 or 3 kilometers out from Mogilevka I started hearing this really weird static which felt like it was coming from all around me, I tried walking in different directions for a little bit until I knew where it was coming from. It was such a strange sound, I say "static" but it was more like static played on a fast speed and muffled a little bit. After some experiments i THINK it was coming from the direction of Mogilevka. I continued on made it past the town and I followed the main road that turns east after you leave the town and then curves back north but as I continued this path the static started to faid away a little bit. Again I heard it all around me in no particular direction, but as I turned back it got louder again. After a few more experiments I figured the noise was coming from the north west so I followed it, every time I hit a road I started following it so I wouldn't get lost again but as I did the noise kept fading away, so I continued to off road to the north west. after I passed a town called Vyshnoye on my left I started hearing breaks in the static. as I moved even further I heard other noises in the static, after a while it really felt like they were voices talking. I couldn't make out anything they said between the static and drops in noise. Eventually these sounds lead me to Pop Ivan (A little hill north of Vyshnoye) as I approached a tower made from wire and pipes the noises got louder, but the words were still garbled too bad for me to hear anything. (I'm still not sure if they were really voices or just strange sounds) but right when I was about 5 feet from the tower all the noise stopped. It was nothing but silence except the normal noises (leaves rustling, birds chirping, ect.) I'm not sure what ANY of this was or if any of it was a bug or not. But I've dubbed this event "The Static of Pop Ivan Tower"
  11. JesterEric

    DayZ story request

    Hello bandits, I'm JesterEric and I'm a YouTuber. I started playing DayZ about a month ago, and was QUICKLY blown away by everything in this game. It really is everything I've wanted in a zombie game. I try telling my family and friends "It's more like a Zombie survival simulation." But I digress. I'm here because I've asked the creators of DayZ for permission to do a series I'm calling "DayZ Days" It's in a diary format from the perspective of a servivor. But it's under the assumption that everyone in the DayZ universe has a diary they write in and carry with them. And I want the main character to read some of the diaries that the bandits he finds dead or has killed have on them. So what I'm asking is that if you have the time, post a story on here or e-mail it to me if you want it read in my series, if you do please include your name or the game name of the charictor. (But If the name you put in is xXStAlKeRXx I'm just going to call you Stalker, lol). :) Thank you all. (I don't want to pick storys that have already been posted because I wouldn't want the creator to say "That dick stole my story" lol) The Rules are: 1) No excessive profanity. (A "Fuck" or "Damn" is alright, but not every other word please.) 2) Nothing sexually explicit. (I'm not going to read to the world how you "Caressed her fine ass") 3) The story must be in the past tense. (I'm reading a diary, if you die then you obviously couldn't have writen about it.) 4) I retain the right to modify your story. (I'm not going to rape what you send me. But if it's too long I'll cut a few things out.) Also if you have a story but it's as a Survivor rather then a Bandit I've made another post that's linked down below where you can go to post it. :) I made two different topics because I think the requests are JUST different enough to need it. :) Thank you allfor your time. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29641-dayz-story-request-survivor/
  12. JesterEric

    DayZ story request

    self bump
  13. JesterEric


    I'd rather the team work on fixing bugs insted of fix cheating until the game itself stops cheating. :(
  14. JesterEric

    DayZ story request (Survivor)

    lol I just read the full thing, that was really good. :D I'll deffenatly be using that son.
  15. JesterEric

    DayZ story request (Survivor)

    either is fine, I gave the option to PM me incase for some reasion a person didin't want to post it here. :P Thank you for your story though. :)
  16. JesterEric


    I know what you mean, I've had the same problem when I first started playing. Try tapping the [alt] ey 2 times to fix this.
  17. JesterEric


    Ah I know this. It's gotten even bigger since Jesse Cox did it on his live stream. My personal opinion is I hate cheating I can not stand it when other players abuse the game for there own gains and it eats at me, and this IS cheating. However having sid that, I am guilty of doing the same thing. Since this is still in the alpha stages with a lot of bugs and problems, if a zombie tags me through a wall I'll do it, if a zombie breaks my legs through the floor I'll do it, if a zombie starts running at me while inside a building I'll do it. My logic is, if the game cheats so will I. But if I'm in a dangerous situation that I put myself in or if I'm batteling a bandit I WILL NOT do it.
  18. JesterEric

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    Sing it on the mountain brother!!!
  19. JesterEric

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    I don't think people understand why zombies NEED a headshot to die. Here's the scoop. The virus lives in the brain, the brain then becomes the only working part of a zombie, heart, luings, liver all become dead weight. the virus is self sustaining it doesn't require anything to live after it takes root in the victems mind. Why is it such a stretch to beleave this but easy to say "infected person"?
  20. Hello everyone, I have a DayZ challenge for all of you. At the end I'm going to tell you what it is, when you've done it come back here and post all the following info for us to google over and stare in awe of your awesomeness. Name: Time Lived: Items aquired: Zombies killed: Bandits killed: Survivors killed: My challenge to you, my fellow players is the following: I want you to start a NEW survivor, you must pick up an ax, the ax is the ONLY ITEM you are allowed to take off the ground. And with the ax you must kill zombies and/or players and take the items they have. If you want to eat you kill something and take the food they have to eat, if you want to drink you must kill something and take what it has to drink, if you want a gun? you have to kill someone and take the gun from them. Good luck everyone! And remember "What is dead may never die!!!"
  21. JesterEric

    DayZ Challenge!!! Paying the iron price.

    Come one guys, it's a challenge, even if it's dumb or hard it's the spirit that matters. :) Go out have a little fun and TRY something you've never done before. and if you die in the first 10 minutes then go back to playing normal. :D
  22. JesterEric

    DayZ story request
