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Everything posted by RadikulRAM

  1. [[EDIT]] I'm only keeping the below text as a reference, I've found a fix to obtain default settings. Delete your whole arma file in your documents, not your steam folder. Then reboot the games. ___You can ignore the below if you wish, problem is solved.___ I'll keep this simple. I tried to change my FOV, failed. Now my game is messed up. I backed up the wrong file too. How can I obtain the default settings? My resolution was 800x600, and my FOVLeft value was 1. Not sure what my FOV top was/should be. I tried deleting OA, and redownloading. Solved nothing, just wasted 4hours of my time. I'm unable to take a screenshot but it doesn't really matter, I just want the default settings back.
  2. [[Text here deleted, found a fix]] EDIT: Simple fix for obtaining default settings. Delete the whole arma file in my documents. P.S: Since I've found a simple fix, if anyone could do the maths for me I'd be very thankful. If not, I understand. I'm not sure what my monitors resolution is, but I've set it too 1280x1024 through the settings of Windows 7. I would like a FOV of 270/250. If not possible, the highest FOV achievable not passing 270 would be nice. I know there are instructions here, but I find them confusing. Btw does this work for Dayz multiplayer? I read somewhere that it might not.
  3. I wanted 270/250 haha I couldn't pull it off, the calculations got confusing for me, how can I revert this change? I made a back up of the wrong file >.< I know my left was a value of 1 but not sure what my top was. What is the default FOV for arma, or is there a way I can restore this?
  4. I updated the beta drivers via 6updater and manually. That didn't work. The thing has changed now, it says I have version 1.61 and I require 1.61. Earlier it was saying I had 1.60 even though I updated, and that I needed version 1.6.9. The problem auto fixed, all servers appear to be working. If it says you have the correct version but they're all still red, give it a minute to load.
  5. It appears if your resolution is 800x600, then a fov of 180 seems to be the max. Anything higher than that seems to lead to a negative number which doesn't work.
  6. I'm having the same problem, except pretty much all servers run 1.60.9 now. How do I update that? I tried 6updated, I tried manually updating the beta patch. The server requires something along the lines of version 1.60.9 and I'm running 1.60. I have no idea how to update that number.