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Everything posted by falcon911

  1. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Why make it easier for hackers to avoid. Bad juju this idea.
  2. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Mostly seem like these hackers are teleporting/creating vehicles now. Most of the hacking in weapons I am catching.
  3. Anyone have a clue where I can find the link to this wonderful tool?
  4. Cute.. thanks.... Try many different ways apparently I forgot to try "autoupdater"
  5. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Uh?? You mean #125.... not #132..
  6. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    We have a location on a list or something for these "Not sure but..." instances?? Would really help. Also why did this not show up in the Createvehicles.log?
  7. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Eliminate it from going to the Script.txt..Not sure if I should just ""//"" #132 and leave myself open or not.
  8. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    OK these two ares driving me nutz. There a way I can just eliminate this.. It's the only thing coming into my Scripts.log now sleep 0.3"03.09.2012 01:45:19: fizzydrank (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) xxxxxxxxxxxxx - #125 "ateVehicleLocal _position;_object setPos _position;_object setDir _dir;_object allowDamage false;And if (!isDedicated) then {0 fadeSound 0;0 cutText [(localize "STR_AUTHENTIC"Hang on one more I just found if (!_doLoiter) then { _agent setPosATL _position; _agent setDir round(random 180); if (_nearByPlayer) then { deleteVehicle _" 03.09.2012 01:46:20: TheUnknown (xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx) xxxxxxxxx - #125 " other than that.. things are working just fine.
  9. Make sure you play on ones with Battleeye on. Pretty sure those will be a little better for your playing experience. Also some server will roll back your player due to hackers. Try that with Public hive?
  10. It's really up to your personal preference. If your geared out and pretty have on the official hive server then by all means stay were you are. If you join up on a Private hive you will be starting over. BUT you will NOT lose your stuff from the official hive. I think that is the confusion.with some of the new players. Again, your gear WILL NOT transfer over to a Private Hive server and anything you gain on a Private Server will NOT transfer to an Official Server. So come on over and take some of these private server for a spin. Some are pretty fun and pretty well hacker less (Not free...no one can ever state that.. that if they do, then it's B.S.) But pretty well maintained and can ban just about anyone for anything and not under the "Rules" of Dayz Dev's.
  11. Great tool since the latest update.. Suggestion. 1. Cache bans list to local. Create a button to refresh. 2. Player Database Tab>Choose player>Copy>All ?? Need Playername\Gui and IP so I can use on website. Current ARMA RCON GUI has that function 3. Bug found??: Leave Auto Refresh checked.goto Player Database Tab>Choose player>Copy>Leave that up and wait. Refresh happens and choices goes away. No problems if player disconnects/reconnects. Other than that Perfect. Just need a map of in-game players now and were all set.
  12. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Wow look at that..Old people can be taught. Thanks for shortening that up. Class of 90 huh?
  13. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Just had someone create boats and cars inland. Nothing in the logs.even with latest scripts loaded. Cheat finder does not find anything either. Ideas?
  14. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    That would be nice...
  15. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Well you need to go back to school, do a little more research next time or take a programming class. Line 213 -1 So look at line 212. The -1 is due to the first line not being counted. Try the below link over at BI there since they are the ones that created the new feature to assist you on the hackers. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138736-Introducing-Server-side-Event-Logging-Blocking Easy up cowboy and do better research before coming on here and ranting like you did.
  16. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Funny that this only happens to certain people. Think this could be the "ESP/Radar" hack? IF so I think we can figure out how to just "search/log" for only this...Just can't quite figure out if the issue is with Displayname or not.
  17. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    These posts are all great but is anyone really adding them into an official script.txt ,remoteexec.txt or createvehicles.txt? I suggest from now on we add what to line needs to be added into what file.
  18. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    OK maybe I missed something in this sea of forums on this subject...Do we have a one stop shop location that does does not have a multitude of comments and such that we can go and copy and then paste? I appreciate the auto downloads and other such things that the community here is doing and I think all want the same thing (hacker free server) and I want to do that myself and I have ability to do it. I can;t speak for the others and on't want to offend anyone for trying to do their best. My point is place a new topic....Lock it..then sticky it and only 1 person update it!!! That way we have someone to blame :) Thanks
  19. falcon911

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    FYI the #0 before the ammobox meaning someone opened one. Not created the AmmoBox. Remember downed choppers have AmmoBoxBig!! You might ant to unban those guys. I stand corrected. Ammobox's are at crashed choppers. However does #0 mean opened or spawned? I am guessing that means opened... See my reference below http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138736-Introducing-Server-side-Event-Logging-Blocking
  20. falcon911


    GUID: 19896006187eface02eedbceb8cfd13f IP: Ban for Illegal Weapon: TWS_AS50 Bitchface GUID: 19896006187eface02eedbceb8cfd13f(OK) IP
  21. falcon911


    He/She did. Got this from a Private server. Just wanted to pass along to the rest of the community.
  22. Not sure if you seen this post or not? http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/77871-itemvehicle-ids-arma-2-combined-operations/