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Everything posted by jack.tuten@networkts.com

  1. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    I've been teleported on and axed to death on a server with about 6 - 8 people on it. I was in the middle of f***ing nowhere... All you got to do is go to youtube to see if there are hacks...
  2. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    I'm sick

    So i found myself in Polana and my character was dying of starvation and dehydration. I was desperate and ate a rotten kiwi I held onto. Then I found a water well and drank from that until I was no longer showing any signs of thirst. While I was looting the town my char was all like "I notice a funny taste" then it progressed into me becoming sick. Now everything is blurry and I can hardly see. During my scavenge I found a can of beans and sardines, which I ate both. Also, I found a loaded med kit. What caused me to get sick, the pristine rotten kiwi or the well water? Is there any thing in the med pack that can help me? Am I going to die from being sick?
  3. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    I'm sick

    Yeah, i was pretty desperate. Both hunger and thirst were red and it said I was dying of starvation and dehydration... :( I'll keep an eye out for some charcoal tabs, hopefully I can find some soon.
  4. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    updates - loot and zombies through walls

    I was trying to pick up something in a warehouse and phaseshifter came bustin up in there to say what's up... I had to punch his lights out. Loot in SA is definitely more dispersed than the mod. But at least there aren't an ungodly amount of empty cans...
  5. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Unstable humanity?

    I had 2750 and when i changed into a gullie suit it went down to 0
  6. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Good News 9/21

    No not a link to hack sites. I thought maybe battleye may have posted something.
  7. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Good News 9/21

  8. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    There should be no high grade weapons in standalone

    I would have to agree on this. At first it feels like a zombie survival horror game, but then ends up being a turkey shoot. Hopefully the standalone will have a better dynamic on the zombie survival aspect of the game and less of a turkey shoot aspect as it is now.
  9. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    The "bin\config.bin/cfgingameui/mptable.shadow" error

    Do you use DayZ Commander? That's what I used and I tried using the 6 launcher and installing the mod files manually, both times with errors. No errors with DayZ Commander, in fact it was really easy to use and set up.
  10. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Favorite survival method and why?

    When I'm by myself I'll start out on a night server. Sweep through Cherno/Elecktro for supplies. Go sight seeing and fill my portfolio of photos of the country side.
  11. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    There should be no high grade weapons in standalone

    I would like to see more readily available weapons like: Baseball bat Sword Machete Pipe Chainsaw anyone? High grade weapons shouldn't be as easy to come by as they are now. IMHO
  12. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Have faith in Humanity

    The thing I don't get is players that snipe other players in Cherno and Elektro :/
  13. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Learn to love death, not fear it.

    After dying from a long run I like to go into Cherno at night and light it up with as many flares as I can before someone takes me out :P
  14. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Please fix the Hatchet range

    My best distance is 6 meters with a hatchet :D I also find it best to go prone when using the hatchet, zombies can't hit you as easily.
  15. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Just found my first AS50

    put it on a dead zed and hide the body
  16. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Night Servers?

    I can see EVERYTHING in the pitch black night. I love night servers cause I can creep by without being noticed. It's the daytime I'm scarred of, just found nvg too! I've noticed that DayZ Commander lists a lot of night servers, but when I join them f**kers are in the day :/ Is it DayZ Commander or do the servers just skip the night cycle?
  17. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    ATARI, that was my first. Then Nintendo and Super Mario!!! Blew my mind when I found out you can skip worlds.
  18. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

    I played for several hours today when battleye prompted this message http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=95164547
  19. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Remove all military sniper rifles....

    Banditry doesn't need sniper rifles for there to be banditry. As for my opinion, I think military style weapons should be extremely rare and that should more variety of crude weaopns like the axe.
  20. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Axe versus Bandit

    Lawl, u mother f'ers!
  21. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Day Z Urban Legends

    When the static started I almost expected slender man to turn you around. Gj on vid
  22. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Backpack glitches

    Well that sucks. I had stuff vanish my stash to when doing some inventory stuff as well. I guess you'll have to learn to deal with stuff like that :/
  23. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    What is your favorite gun to use and why?

    Hatchet. Something about the sound of a ricochet when you swing it is soo satisfying. And it's quiet.
  24. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    For crying out loud, YES!
  25. jack.tuten@networkts.com

    The Crossbow Crusader Challenge.

    So I decided to try this challange... It lasted all of 5 shots. I couldn't retrive any bolts and sometimes the zombies wouldn't even die! Crossbow is not for me, I'll just stick with the hatchet :P