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About tubbs0r

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    On the Coast
  1. tubbs0r

    Pending Update: Build

    Some input on the respawn-debate: What i love about Day Z: It does not give me what I want (i.e. what I think I want). If i want to play with my friends and meet up with them and I do not spawn at an ideal place, Its a struggle. That means, I will do whatever i can to stay alive so i dont have to run for 30 minutes to meet my friends again. And possibly die on the way. The frustration, and finally getting there is what makes the game interesting for me. I've been playing Day Z for a few weeks now, and I almost wish it was even harder - I would love to see permadeath be even more permadeath, lets say you can't start playing again for 1, 2, 3 or even 24 hours. What would happen to the gameplay? How would people play the game? Would people be even more careful? These days I can gear up easily in less than 30 minutes, and that feels a bit like cheating on the permadeath idea. The best game experience was the first time i played, without map, no idea where I was, where to go, what to do. Wish I could experience that again.