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Everything posted by muska

  1. Very cool, well done. Will you be adding loot spawns like DAYZDB?
  2. Could I also put my name forward please, I'm absolutely sick of the server out clan is part of (from pistonheads) being hacked multiple times daily. I'm looking for a new home and potentially the other 8 people I play with may wish to come once our server expires in about a month.
  3. I've not seen a vehicle chase in my hours of searching youtube for Dayz vids. I'm not too familiar with the zeroing of the DMR so the first few shots are all over the place, then I manage to snipe one of them out he blue van while they drive away before continuing chase on the driver...
  4. muska

    Taken by force - Armed chase

    Thanks very much
  5. muska

    Taken by force - Armed chase

    I know you use the mil dots, I just don't know what it's zero'd for... It took me a while to get my eye in.
  6. muska

    Day Z Videos

    Just a couple of quick kills at Starey, finishing with leading a guy running at 300m.
  7. muska

    Hacker on US 1396

    BAWX... Isn't that the clan tag for uk126 server?
  8. muska

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I've not had a loading problem in the last 24hours at all. 1.7.2 using 6 updater.
  9. muska

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I'm a brand new player to the game but I've followed a few people on youtube to this point so I'm familiar with the game/arma2. Trying to put weapons directly into a backpack without enough spaces means they disappear, I've had the same for car parts (not knowing how much space they'd take up. I often hear flies for a dead player but can see no body. I've had this at the coast and at hangers. Regarding zombies in the day, I do find this far beyond hard now. I've had zombies on me within 5secs of spawning, even when crouch walking from huge distances. 20mins of running around ensues, I have been able to loss then when going up a hill, eventually if it's steep enough they lose interest. I'm still left with no weapon, no food or water though and now miles away from anywhere again. Spawning, I have seen right in front and it's also happened right behind me. They seen intent on crossing my path even before they've seen me. Looting an area is now incredibly hard with the respawn rate. As someone else mentioned drawing in long grass for 50mins only to be spotted crouching to enter a building is not very rewarding. The tactic I employ when spewing in is to just run now, when finding a long barn or building with multiply doors go inside and parry there is something good to get, possibly doing a couple of laps after leading the zombies to one end of it. Perhaps not how play was intended. Interaction with zombies has been good for the most part. They have been downed when shot, although I have experienced the gun go through them at very close range too though. I had another priest zombie near a church attack me for a further 10secs while I hit him with a hatchet. Giving up and turning to run away while bleeding out he died on the spot. Broken legs have been rare and deserved when they've occurred. Playing at night for the time being seems to be the way to go. At least to build up some equipment initially anyway. Seems the zombie spotting is set about right for this. De-syncing happens often. I don't play in a group but I sometimes see players sprinting on the spot, or planted when they're not really there. Hope this goes someway to helping.