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Everything posted by Kerbo

  1. If you are talking about this: #ifdef PLAYER_DEBUGformat ["Player UID#%3 CID#%4 %1 as %5 died at %2", _newObject call fa_plr2str, (getPosATL _newObject) call fa_coor2str, getPlayerUID _newObject,_characterID, typeOf _newObject];#endifI wanted more detail, which is what the patch above provides. My server is low pop and friendly so no one has killed anyone yet to provide an example of the more detailed kill message.It would look something like this: PKILL: Player1 (001) was killed near Balota by Player2 (002) with weapon MeleeHatchet from 2.345m Or in the case of a suicide: PKILL: Player1 killed themselves near Kamenka I updated my original post to make it more clear what the patch is doing.
  2. Official is locked down but you could easily do this on a private hive with admin assistance. See website in my sig for example of stats. This could include gear if I wanted to do that.
  3. Kerbo

    Chernarus, a beginning

    This was a good story and I enjoyed reading it, thanks for sharing.
  4. Kerbo

    DayZ 1.8 .Dev Bug List

    That was a copy and paste mistake, now fixed in my post. The file to edit is server_cleanup.fsm.
  5. Kerbo

    DayZ 1.8 .Dev Bug List

    In case you are not super familiar with the code base (like me) here is how you fix the server time to read from HiveExt.ini. Note that the date will still be set to local date but time will read correctly from ini. 1) Unpack @Hive\Addons\dayz_server.pbo 2) Edit @Hive\Addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf by changing lines 37-39 and 42 to reference _date instead of _date1 setDate _date; dayzSetDate = _date; dayz_storeTimeDate = _date; diag_log ("HIVE: Local Time set to " + str(_date)); 3) Edit @Hive\Addons\dayz_server\system\server_cleanup.fsm by changing lines 328,329, and 331 to reference _date instead of _date1 " setDate _date;" \n " dayzSetDate = _date;" \n " diag_log (""TIME SYNC: Local Time set to "" + str(_date));" \n 4) Repack @Hive\Addons\dayz_server directory to @Hive\Addons\dayz_server.pbo If you don't have tools to manage PBO you can use PBO Manager from here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369 Thanks to R4Z0R49 for patiently answering all my stupid questions. :)
  6. Upgrade complete but time is borked so working on that. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/148119-dayz-18-dev-bug-list/#entry1471669
  7. The server is offline for a while for an upgrade to 1.8.
  8. Kerbo

    DayZ "Vanilla" Servers

    Thus continues the self-fulfilling prophecy of empty vanilla servers... If you don't play on them, they stay empty.
  9. Kerbo

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Adapt and overcome. I <3 1.8. Great work R4Z0R49 and mod team!
  10. That was a great video and summed up the salient points very well. 59% (468/798) of the players that have joined my server leave within 1 minute and 72% (573/798) leave within 5 minutes. My guess is they just can't handle mercenary level difficulty. But that's OK with me, it's my server and I like it this way.
  11. The cable modem has been replaced. This means the IP address is now different so update your favorites. Check my signature or the website for the new IP.
  12. A faulty cable modem will be replaced on Monday, August 12th so expect the server to be offline for a while on that day. This is supposed to clear up the internet outages I've had over the last week. I was on a beach in the Caribbean for a few days, sorry for the delay.
  13. A lot of new peeps checking out the server last night, welcome. It's nice to see more people enjoying some vanilla DayZ in first person. :)
  14. Kerbo

    What's your best kill in Day Z?

    I hit a zombie in the head the other day with a Makarov from about 80m. At that range it's more luck than skill but it still felt good.
  15. Kerbo

    Fix the hosptials?

    You're doing it wrong. Slow down, be sneaky, don't get infected in the first place. Also, forget hospitals for now. Antibiotics can spawn just about anywhere. Check doorways, wrecks, rubble piles, etc. A lot of new loot spawn places were added. Adapt and overcome.
  16. The server has been updated to 1.7.7. Please note that the database has been wiped, this is a clean slate. I did this for several reasons: 1) Bliss/Reality (former private hive software) is not that well supported anymore 2) The official server was released and available so I switched to that instead of waiting for Reality release 3) Migrating the old database to the new would be a LOT of work and very tedious 4) 1.7.7 is a radical change in play style so I wanted everyone to start from the same level The old database is still there so if at some point I want to migrate players/vehicles/tents, I can. 1.7.7 on Mercenary difficulty is just about perfect DayZ in my opinion. Good luck!
  17. Kerbo

    Constructive feedback for 1.7.7

    My favorite feature of this patch is the whiners leaving.
  18. Kerbo

    Why the patch is not that bad

    https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo I look forward to your awesome code.
  19. Kerbo

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    This is only pertinent for some private hive server admins. The SQL (database) files had case inconsistencies so would not work if the database server ran on a Linux OS. That is now fixed.
  20. The diving forward when going prone is because after being on a ladder your gun will often be lowered. Double tap ctrl key after getting off ladders to raise your weapon, no more dive forward.
  21. Kerbo

    Non-Modded Servers?

    Yes, someone should have a mercenary difficulty server... ;)
  22. Kerbo

    DayZ will win the day.

    Beans to you OP for a very insightful post. It's all too easy to lose sight of the great community among all the noise here on the forums. The best is yet to come.
  23. Kerbo

    Best DayZ YouTubers

    I guess no one has mentioned the Russian sniper yet because he is so obviously the best... http://www.youtube.com/user/shosho10199
  24. So the community DayZMod spawns differ from the public hive? Is there anyway to make a private hive exactly like public? $ grep SUV object_spawns.sql (331023, 'SUV_TK_EP1', '[-93,[9157.7549,11019.93,0]]', '[[[],[]],[["PartWheel"],[]],[[],[]]]', '[]', '70', NULL),