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Everything posted by Bass50

  1. If it's a really old version how come the police station is in there? EDIT: nvm I see this has already been commented on.
  2. Just logged in after not playing for just under a month and my character has been reset to default female and my name has changed from my steam name to my pc account name. Lost all my gear and configuration (keybindings and video settings). The .cfg of my old profile is still in my documents, but a new one has been made with my system name. Is there any way to get my old character back or has there been a database reset? Also how do I change my name back to my steam name and make the game use my old config file?
  3. Where has it been confirmed? As far as I can see there has only been one transmission on one server for a bit, therefore most likely done by a player. If you're interested in the DayZ mod transmission near Green Mountain (with the deer stand coordinates), dig through the forum history, there's been plenty of discussion on that.
  4. What does the DayZ MOD video about the radio transmission have to do with this? Edit: lol you thought that video was from the standalone? should've checked the date perhaps.
  5. Bass50

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Oh, never experienced that in almost 70 hours playtime. Hope they fix the constant desync (players sliding and running into walls) soon though.
  6. Bass50

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I'm guessing this means other players sliding around? Like if they stop moving they continue moving for another second or so on other people's screen before sliding to their actual position, or how if a person runs into a wall he basically goes through the wall on other people's screen.
  7. Bass50

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Nope, downloaded the patch and am playing on an updated server.
  8. Bass50

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Bodies are still disappearing.
  9. Bass50

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Brian Hicks ‏@Hicks_20621 december First person only looks pretty stable, we're going to push out the fix with our next update approximately early Tuesday morning. For those wondering where it was mentioned there'd be an update before Christmas.
  10. Bass50

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Portable gas lamps do work, they're amazing.
  11. Bass50

    Really Bad Frame Rate

    If you're getting low frames and low GPU usage, try adding -winxp as a startup parameter. I had the same problem and this fixed it. I went from 20-30 fps and 40-50% GPU usage to 40-50 fps and 99% GPU usage.
  12. Bass50

    A simple idea for facial reactions.

    What would be the point in humanity affecting your facial expression when as soon as someone gets close enough to actually see, 'rapport', as you say, will take over anyway?
  13. Shame about there being NPCs. Server sounds cool but human NPCs go against the concept of DayZ in every single way possible imo :(
  14. I hate how he says: 'I guess the big question people have is when we're actually gonna get this out, aaaaand...' :huh: 'the period that we're...' :o 'We've set a date now, like a window of about a week' :D 'and, we're not not gonna say when that is' >:(
  15. He didn't say in a week. Bikeman suggested a filter on the radio sound in his interview with Rocket, don't remember Rocket's exact response so check that out. You do realize the radio broadcasting stations are roleplaying stations by the players themselves? I for one am really looking forward to the radios. The only things I'm still slightly worried about is the effect of the engine changes on responsiveness (with everything being done serverside) and zombie pathing which still looks awful.
  16. I reaaaaaally hope we'll find single bullets or half-empty magazines rather than full magazines, would be a million times better than the way it is now. Ammo can also be a lot more rare that way without it being too tedious (small amount of bullets spread across the map instead of all or nothing.).
  17. Bass50

    DayZ (SweetFX v1.3)

    Makes my fps drop from ~60-70 (outside city) to 20-30, then even when I use the ingame hotkey to turn it off my fps still remains really low. Gotta remove all the files and restart the game and my fps is back to normal. I have a pretty decent rig as well.
  18. Interviewer asked 'when will people be able to play?', Rocket answered 'in a few months'. Hope it's just his state of mind from all the whining and being tired and all, otherwise that's incredibly disappointing.
  19. Aaaaand it went to 'a few months'.
  20. Some cool stuff from the interview linked earlier: Was really worried about this for a while so really happy he mentioned it. No more endless waves of zombies. I wonder how many items we'll be able to pick up and move around. Somewhat disappointed with this though: On one hand I agree with him, on the other hand things like crashed helicopters really encouraged exploration. Does anyone know if anything has been said about ragdolls? Ragdolls are the best thing in ArmA 3 DayZ, makes killing zombies SO much more satisfying. ArmA 3 nighttime also looks great, hope DayZ nighttime will look somewhat alike.
  21. I must agree that there isn't a lot of visible progress. I'm also getting a bit tired of hearing the same things repeated over and over. That said I'm still really looking forward to the game and actually like the new animations, some of them are still a bit sketchy but movement seems improved. +A million, I've been wondering this as well. I actually feel quite the opposite, granted I haven't tried either so can't be sure but I think I'd like it more if you had to hold the key. I'm not really sure why they picked Vybor as the spawn point though, most of the new areas are awesome and really show the effort they put in improving the map.
  22. Bass50

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Now I don't mind too much myself but this is definitely NOT the case. Most games I've been following have waay better communication and give out way more info. In fact I've been following the development of Heroes&Generals lately, a game by relatively small Danish company. Early in development they've had introductory interviews with all the staff members, they have a dev blog EVERY Friday, including a short list where everyone on the team says what he worked on that week. Moreover they usually have a few more extended articles by members of the team explaining certain features in more detail. Many of the developers are also seen on the forums commenting on feedback and discussions relevant to their work. In my opinion that's what it should be like and is also what I've been seeing a lot lately.
  23. Bass50

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Wow that's super disappointing
  24. I'm actually really pleased with the direction they're heading. I am ALL for increasing the survival aspect of the game, in fact most of these changes you've listed are things I wanted to be in the game for ages (boiling water, blood bags giving infection, zombies spawning while in a vehicle and players not being invulnerable to zombies in vehicles among others). Moreover, meat never stacked to begin with. I do think that with zombies being the buggiest feature in any game ever they should be fixing them before making them harder. When they're fixed I'm all for having BRUTAL zombies, but I want them to be proper difficult to handle and not artificially difficult because they're super glitchy. That said, last week I've been playing on a server where zombie damage and numbers have been increased tenfold, they're able to hit you while you're running and they spawn randomly in the woods, and vanilla zombies are laughable after this experience :P