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Everything posted by Revilo

  1. I was wondering if you could talk more about the movement, to me, movement is one of the biggest aspects of a game, I absolutely cannot stand games that feel floaty, and Arma 2 definitely does not feel floaty, but it doesn't exactly feel responsive all the time. From a military sim standpoint, I can understand things in Arma 2, such as the stance changes and weapon collision, but for something like Day Z; which from what I can tell is both trying to be a hardcore experience, and be a little more accessible, it doesn't exactly work. My question is, will things like the painful stance changes (I know you addressed this but I'd love more info, specifically on being forced to stand up sometimes when prone), weapon collision and awkward vault mechanic be replaced? Maybe we'll have the function to be able to jump, or vault while running?
  2. Revilo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    How can it be delayed, when it's still going to be released EXACTLY WHEN IT WAS GOING TO BE IN THE FIRST PLACE
  3. http://www.gameschasm.com/gameschasm/half-life-2-14.jpg http://www.gamingenthusiast.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Arma-2-Screenshot-1.jpg Riiiiight, I think you need to get your eyes checked, buddy.
  4. VAC =/= Valve games only There's quite a few on games on Steam that use VAC that Valve didn't make. It's a great anti-cheat engine and there's really no reason to not use it
  5. Read the newest Blog post you ranting maniac
  6. can you PLEASE talk in just one font and use one colour; it's really annoying to read if you do it like that
  7. More shotguns please, you can't have a zombie game without some sweet as fuck shotguns, they may not be the most practical, but they earn lots of badass points from me Armsel Striker http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Armel_Striker.jpg/800px-Armsel_Striker.jpg AA12 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AyKrkYGpYcY/Tbeo_D-PiGI/AAAAAAAAF3c/qDJOKADmRXM/s1600/AA-12+%25282%2529.jpg M3 http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090710184561/mirrorsedge/images/4/46/Benelli_01l.jpg Whatever the fuck these are http://www.weaponsvault.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/12_gauge.png http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_abaJ0xbRju4/SqkWgNPtL4I/AAAAAAAABsM/wmt1zKwO4CQ/s400/Stevens+Model+620+Riot+Trench+12+Gauge+Shotgun-1b.jpg Saiga 12 http://world.guns.ru/userfiles/images/shotgun/sh07/saiga_12k_tromix.jpg
  8. Revilo

    Trading "Revolver Gold" for your offers.

    You're a moron. I can't stress how dumb you are. Of course, more players = more hackers. Stop being retarded
  9. Revilo

    Dear Like A Bus Clan on US 638

    Nice shooting. PS: blairs a girls name
  10. Revilo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Agreed, if you're not PC-retarded you can tweak and change any game to work.
  11. Revilo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    That's was mid range specs, not minimum.
  12. Revilo

    Lee Enfield, Yay or Nay?

    Lol? you can still 1 shot people if you're not awful. It has an even less audible range too
  13. Revilo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Not sure if you realize that Rocket and matt lightfoot work for bohemia interactive
  14. Revilo

    Why I dislike this forum...

    On internet forum, can't deal with how people almost always act on the internet. Cool.
  15. Yeah, it's kind of sad, it's also terrible that people call it "trolling", it's just having a laugh.
  16. I know it's your job and all to settle the masses, but don't you think it's more fun to let them go off on their little ignorant tangents? :P
  17. Okay i will, I'll make a copy of day Z and call it War Z, how's that sound for ya? huh? punk?
  18. Revilo

    Nobody reads these forums

  19. okay just go to au 2 and drop the weapons in the middle of the airfield and then I'll ship the rest to you, it should arrive in 3-5 business days
  20. Revilo

    [0:48 Second Video] Cow's Gonna Pay
