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ShannonZKiller started following Zarniwoop
Zarniwoop started following ShannonZKiller
ShannonZKiller started following Kodakly
Kodakly started following ShannonZKiller
mattlightfoot started following ShannonZKiller
ShannonZKiller started following mattlightfoot
I can't even believe this is a thing. It's embarrassing that Dean even had to come and address this "issue." THEY ARE EFFIN CANS. Good jesus lord. WHO CARES?
ShannonZKiller started following Hetstaine
Hetstaine started following ShannonZKiller
ShannonZKiller started following [email protected]
[email protected] started following ShannonZKiller
ShannonZKiller - Jan 2013 - Interview/Livestream with Rocket
ShannonZKiller replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Thank you SO MUCH, Smasht for doing this ridiculously long transcription for everyone! You are a boss! And thank you to everyone who came into my chat and kept the interview flowing in a really cool way by asking very thoughtful questions! This community is the best! <3- 87 replies
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ShannonZKiller - Jan 2013 - Interview/Livestream with Rocket
ShannonZKiller replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
From Dean's Reddit post: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFJaeW5lNzJ4SUxTMUhKbDFQSGlKM0E6MQ#gid=0 -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yeah, there are a few pots in here pointing fingers at kettle and refraining from considering their own words. Luckily, it's not many. I think an interesting point that one of these trolls brought up before rambling non-sensically about glass houses, was that there were over 2000 views in this thread, but Sacriel had not come to engage with the discussion. I actually find that fact works against the point the troll was trying to make: there are now over 6500 views, but only around 50ish unique posters, and only a small handful of those are bullying Sacriel themselves. It's encouraging actually to see how few people either care about this topic or simply disagree. I think on that, we can lay the point to rest; at least, I think I will. Best post yet. -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The event is the first of many and we will have more notifications circling round before them. We didn't really know if it was going to be a success or not so we didn't make a big deal out of this one. Glad to hear you'd love another! Thanks for clarifying. You hit at the very base foundation of humanity then. Ambition and the ability to be dissatisfied with one's lot. Once our core needs are met (food, hydration, warmth), we are left with a species-unique conundrum of "what next?" It is the ability to dream, to hope, that both makes us sad and keeps us going, when we have nothing to really complain about since those basic needs are met. My mistake for misinterpreting you and the difference between "desire" and "expect." That's the post-apocalyptic dynamic. We all dream for more. But how some of us go about achieving it might not be seen as acceptable to others. <3 Or maybe a shooter just shows another aspect of humanity that is obviously prevalent? Perhaps what Rocket (as much as I love the guy...honestly, he's my HERO) didn't anticipate is just how many people would treat the world as a cherry ripe for the picking. This same phenomenon can be found in almost every other zombie (walking dead, anyone?) or survival story (The Road). Welcome to mankind. We are fucking brutal. It would be an entirely different game. I'd really love to play that. Test out the two different types of post-apoc society (if you can call it that). -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Errr....when do you consider it's start? Cos as far as I know, DayZ has been brutal since it's early days (i.e. April) of getting killed on the beach for a makarov mag and can of beans. -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Again, nope. FACT. -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
But it is. And that's the point, isn't it? That's the point of the whole genre. I respond to this without Sacriel in mind at all...merely on a philosophical standpoint: what "is" is not always what "ought" to be, and sometimes even what "ought" and what you desire are still two different things. You are desiring too much, unfortunately. Which is what surprises me, actually, because those truly into the post-apocalyptic genre tend to love it for its unforgiving and bare-bones look at human nature - going even deeper than our super-egos right down to that evil horrible ID - not as some attempt to keep things just the way they are. I don't understand idealists who completely ignore the facts of what is at hand and merely state that some higher level of rules of engagement should still apply, when the game's whole beginning was based on how people would kill you for a can of beans. No other game is like that really. No other game exploded into popularity for such brutality, for such an unforgiving world: its environmental effects, enemies both human and other, scarcity of basic provisions needed to survive, even diseases with hardly a chance to cure, etc. Never knowing when you are going to die or how it will happen...only knowing that it is an inevitability. This game cannot be won. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The game itself and the players in it are pretty much a nightmare. And that's the beauty of it. That is the draw. But you're saying it's leaving much to be desired....hmmm...maybe this is not the game for you then? Not saying you "ought" not to play it...but just an observation. -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Clearly, you don't. I wasn't being sarcastic there. I know it's just text so that makes it hard to detect, but I was being sincere. -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Absolutely not. Criticism is fine, when it's constructive. At least, that's what you learn from good parents, uni, jobs that require you to work with other people in a respectful manner. Sitting there rambling about what makes a good leader and then suspecting that Chris doesn't - and OUGHT - to share his stream revenue with others sure doesn't seem to me to be constructive, or respectful. It sounds like petulant whinging from someone who clearly doesn't have a very good concept of how a stream/yt channel is run, or how a good squad functions for that matter. Please tell me how I am wrong in this. I welcome being shown the error of my ways if, again, one can constructively break down for me why I am incorrect in what I said. Note how I did not disagree with Rastamaus on the first point. I acknowledged it's value as a criticism. I merely broke down why his other points are - to me at least - invalid. And moreover, he seems disrespectful for questioning things that are none of his business, and aside from that, ridiculously irrelevant. So how and where am I saying that Sacriel is above criticism? Is it where I state that personally, I don't get people that sit and moan about things they continue to subject themselves to? Well, I don't get it. That does not mean at all that people cannot have an opinion and also voice constructive criticisms, it just means that for those in here who DO dislike Chris' content but clearly continue to watch it in order to moan more stick out like sore thumbs. There are those who have said they don't like his vids anymore and have therefore stopped watching. They state why. I have no qualms with this. Again, he is not above criticism. I know the guy pretty well, and can offer to you guys that I have heard him be his own biggest critic on numerous occasions. He is actually rather unforgiving to himself at times. The frankie stuff? Since you are the one who brought it up, I will safely assume you heard the stream convo yourself and are not just basing this from hearing about it elsewhere? To this I'll only say two things: go back and listen to the VOD where we discuss frankie to hear how we don't simply sit there slagging him for no reason. It is a constructive criticism. Never has it been "oh Frankie, dumbass vids, derp." Chris even came to his defense and states how he sees that Frankie is charismatic, has very good editing skills, has a playstyle that appeals to many and knows how to present it well. The other thing I will say is that the squad are not the only people who have said that some of Frankie's content must be staged because of "insert list of visual evidence here". Frankie has double the subscriber base of the entire squad put together, so I find it hard to believe that the squad could have such sway over him, and MAKE him livestream to prove something. Like really? You're not giving Frankie enough credit there. It's not a new criticism. It's also not an unfair or irrational and hate fueled criticism. It's been out there among the DayZ Youtube community for months. -
is Sacriel becoming a bully?
ShannonZKiller replied to daze23's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I wouldn't call Chris an ideal leader either. That would mean he's learned everything there is about being a good leader, and would mean he has no room for growth. Personally, as a lover of self-improvement, I think that would be unfortunate. I agree with you that he has some but not all qualities. Yes. Yet, I don't see the selfishness you're on about. I see many instances where each member of the squad will have cherry picked the coolest weapon for themselves, for example, and each member supports them for it. They get that not everyone can have an AS50 or railgun at once. That's the true makings of a good squad. Not getting one's panties in a twist when your squadmates luck out more than you in loot, or in kills, or in channel success even. These guys are a good and very close-knit group and I find it baffling how much you toss about assumptions like you think you know them and if you truly and accurately know so much, then that implies you have watched the majority - if not all - of their content. Which also makes me wonder: if you have in fact watched the majority of their content, then was there a point you became a hater and just continued to watch and fester in loathing anyways? It's a typical theme I see on the net...and something I really don't understand. Are you one of those? Regarding him not saying anything here, it's puzzling that surprises you, when you go on about good leadership like you know what that is. A significant part of good leadership is not to give credence to haters or outsiders who are only out to breed malcontent. Let's face it: no matter what Chris would say here, the haters would probably just find the slightest thing to fuel their entitled judgments on how he and the squad "ought" to play/interact/manage their channels. That's the part that shocks me the most about your begrudging: you asking if Chris gives his channel revenue to the other guys. Like really? First of all, how is how ANYONE deals with their income your business and why would you think it's ever appropriate to question it? That's really tacky. But to at least try to put it into perspective, would it be right to say that in a hockey team, players that have this sponsor or that contract or this different salary amount should share with the rest of the guys because they are on a team and games were won by a team effort? No. So what if maybe the centre forward scored lots, those goals wouldn't have won the game if the goalie and defensive line let in too many opposing goals, or if his left and right wing linemates couldn't connect those passes. That doesn't make any good player on the team any less appreciated or any more entitled to what the other players bring in. However, I will also add that the guys share spare game keys from time to time, and do other generous things that are really none of your concern. In the end, by avoiding coming here, Chris is making a statement that focusing on the negative - like for example, how you seem to be spending a considerable amount of time doing - is not worthwhile. You're right. The LAST thing people who get tons of requests to play with viewers should do is give them what they want. How downright horrible of them. The jerkfaces. Last thought: I'll never understand those who whinge on and on and on about stuff they don't like that is completely optional to watch/read/listen to/eat/etc. There are streamers/youtubers out there I really don't appreciate for this reason or that. Guess what? I don't subscribe to them. Why bitch about a sandwich you don't like and go make posts on a forum etc, ramble on post after post about the disagreeable taste of the mustard or whatever...just don't effin eat it! Problem solved. You are all very welcome. Glad I could solve this conundrum for you.- 193 replies
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My wife's take on DayZ
ShannonZKiller replied to DevilDog (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
My ex used to insult me and the game...calling it "lame" and saying I was addicted. He's my ex for a reason. -
Is it sad that I get WAY too much satisfaction out of beating men for this reason? Kitchen jokes are SO tired. Tell me a ktichen joke, and meet my fist.
Wait ...I don't think you were clear enough. You're female, yes? Just making sure. Perhaps you should try being more obvious and girly next time. Like...say you love boooys or something like that. Really get out there and grab that attention by the balls.
So sad nothing seems to have come of this. It's not even the Alt-f4/server kick, it's the fact that they spawned in cars and whatever else...admins can be worse than regular hackers, yet nothing happens to them. If you ask me, hackers will see their end (for the most part anyhow) when the game goes standalone by the end of the year. It's the admins that will continue to be an issue. This sort of thing needs to be addressed! Where is the justice?