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Shard (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Shard (DayZ)

  1. Shard (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Someone help me! Please.
  2. Shard (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Daemonik help me, I sent you a PM
  3. I don't know whats going on, ever since the server I was playing on crashed today. And my character got messed up. (World was empty, no gear). The game hasn't seemed to function properly since. I restarted and so far I have not found a single piece of loot in electro, I've tried multiple servers. And there is NOTHING. Not even trash. When I log in. It says creating Characters, after loading and receiving. Is that normal? I don't know what to do, I just tried another server now.
  4. EDIT: Well, I already contacted a member of the Medical Corp team here on the forums, and so I won't me taking random people because they will probably shoot me dead if I told them where I was. But the story is. (Sorry if this is not epic in any way to you if you're good, I've been playing a while but never got into a fight like this before and survived) Right, so what happened is that I was running from zombies in Chernogorsk, and then I ran into a church, I instantly saw two guys at the far end, moving about. They saw me as soon as I entered. I am not a douc*bag by nature so I didn't shoot them, although I was fully armed with a Winchester and a Makarov. So as soon as I got to where they were, I turned around and began shooting the zombies, trusting they would notice I was lowering my guard to them and was friendly. I shot maybe one two zombies, when one of them came up to the isle I was in, and he shot me point blank in the side. The other guy was somewhere else. Probably scavenging. I fell down with big blood loss and broken bones, and managed to somehow swivel myself and I shot him as fast as my Winchester could fire in the chest, I think it was 5 times, then the other guy came in the isle, so I emptied another 2 into him and he dropped, then shot whatever was left in the very very near zombies, (almost hiting me) and managed to load my last mag into the shotgun and finish them off. I then bandaged myself, and fixed my bones. And noticed by blood level hung at about 500 or so. It seems to me that the reason I did not die was because the weapon the player had was actually a double barreled shotgun. And he must have somehow had to reload. Adding to my glee and relief was the fact that he was a bandit, and I had not murdered anybody (Both were) Its so good for me because I've never won a pvp battle like that. I usually try and reason with the players through chat. The most I got so far was a 'srry' from somebody I was trying to save before he shot me multiple times while I tried to give him a hand.
  5. I'm absolutely furious, I've spend countless hours aquiring weapons and such and I have been thrawted every time. 1: Cheaters crashed the server killing everyone And right now, just today. I'm playing on a server and it crashes. I sign back on and next thing I know I'm in the middle of an empty map with NO tree's, no nothing. All my gear has disappeared as well. What on Earth happened? Can I fix my save file? Can I delete all the progress that I did today and somehow end up where I was this morning before the crash and everything messed up? Please help me. This is so damn frustrating I've also had to make another account for this website because my first could NEVER validate. Secondly I tried googleing the topic, and of course all the results were from this website and whenever I clicked on them it said 'could not find file' UGHHHH