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Lexi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Lexi (DayZ)

  1. When being stealthy whilst amongst zombies, both at night and day (especially night) one of the greatest things a player will be sensitive to is sound. Listening for both friend and foe amongst the ambiance. Players know that when zombies make that all-too-familiar shriek, the horde, or at least one or two zombies are en route. My suggestion, is that, as well as the currently existing 'idle' sounds for zombies, some more are added, perhaps louder ones, that may cause the player to question: "Did the zombie just spot me?". Though I agree that the sound of a zombie chasing a player should be unquestionably that, louder idle sounds might help to make the player uneasy, especially around larger groups. Right now it seems that the zombies scream only when confronted with a player, but I feel that some randomness to toy with the players fear could work well. Another idea I had was to improve the zombies interaction with the environment, instead of only standing limp all the time, perhaps a zombie might bang rhythmically on the side of a hangar; suddenly causing the players to be fuelled with fear and the quieter sounds now muffled by the drumming of the zombie, that might suddenly stop. Leaving players to wonder why. Oh, and some slight variance in the voices of the zombies wouldn't go amiss, it's rather off-putting when a bunch of zombies start to scream in unison, pitch-perfect as though they were ex members of the local barbershop quartet.
  2. Lexi (DayZ)


    Unfortunately' date=' some players will do [b']anything to achieve the primary goal of the game: to survive. Abusing a game mechanic is a problem that cannot be solved by banning people, some savvy coding needs to be put in place to stop ALT+F4ing from being a viable option, beyond the exiting system.
  3. Lexi (DayZ)


    They're most common at military encampments. Though as previously mentioned, they are rare. Prepare to be shot on sight near high-tier loot areas though.
  4. Lexi (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    My eyes do not leak. Also: Good. The bandit skin was advantageous versus the survivor skin in terms of camouflage and thus lead to the incentivisation of becoming one. Now players will focus on the actions of the player in their sights, rather than their appearance alone (as they should have been doing before). Or they could just shoot them regardless.
  5. Lexi (DayZ)

    Long term survival is pointless

    Try to survive alone in a zombie apocalypse and you will surely die. You will increase your odds of survival if you team up. Therein lies the problems of those who deceive and lie to achieve there own personal agendas though. So be sure to choose your friends wisely.
  6. Another day in DayZ... the guy who got you both sure hit the jackpot(s).
  7. Lexi (DayZ)

    The Bandit Code

  8. Lexi (DayZ)

    Zombie horde besieges hospital

    I'm surprised none of you got sniped earlier actually, seems you made quite the little disturbance!
  9. Lexi (DayZ)

    The Bandit Code

    The REAL Bandit code: If it can still move, it requires more bullets.
  10. Lexi (DayZ)

    Choose what you want to drink

    It IS a good idea, but, for the reasons TOCMasterK stated, becomes redundant due to the fact most players keep the consumables in their backpacks, to take only what they need to eat/drink. Thus I imagine implementing such a feature would be on the bottom of the priorities. Though it would be a nice bit 'o polish.
  11. Any silenced weapon for maximum Jimmie rustleage, they never know what hit them till it's too late. Especially fun if there's more than one and they try to figure out where you/the shots came from. They never do, at least not until it's too late...
  12. Lexi (DayZ)

    Dayz Helper: useful, easy to access links!

    Pretty nice, could do with a higher resolution loot map though.
  13. Lexi (DayZ)

    Beach respawns..

    You respawn close to the coast. Did you log in to find yourself on the beach? Or are you fed up with all the spawns being on the coast? As CopperBarron said, the coastal spawn areas is part of the game design. Heading North is supposed to be a challenge, an unforgiving and unfair one.
  14. Lexi (DayZ)

    [MISC] Party Bus Tragedy (video)

  15. Lexi (DayZ)

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Could you outline the 4-step rehabilitation program? I am curious..
  16. Lexi (DayZ)

    Every game has this topic: Females?

    Did our resident otolaryngologist find her scalp to be of high quality? Also: Adding female character models should be low on the priority list, as it is a purely cosmetic addition (though admittedly a sought-after bit of polish) and not central to core gameplay, serving to improve immersion.
  17. Lexi (DayZ)

    Night Time light suggestion

    I'm only in favour of brightening the night time experience provided there is, as Oktyabr suggested, more fog. I enjoy the atmosphere of the dark night, the reliance on other senses besides sight, the paranoia, the fear. Most of the time it is light enough to see fairly well during the night. There is a point during the night where it does get a little too dark to see but I feel that's what chemlights and flares were MADE for.
  18. Lexi (DayZ)

    Character customization

    To OP: There are currently two skins: Bandit and Survivor, the former granted to the user after lowering your humanity to below a certain level. Contribution to topic: I too would enjoy a larger amount of customisation for the purpose of identification, though I worry on how it would be implemented within the ARMA2 engine. I'm not sure how uniforms would work though, especially with consideration to the existing mechanic of Survivor/Bandit.
  19. Lexi (DayZ)

    MERGED: Cannibalism

    Please use the search function, a new topic was unnecessary. Topic (and henceforth discussion) about cannibalism already exists @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2974&highlight=cannibalism
  20. Lexi (DayZ)

    For the sociopaths.

  21. Lexi (DayZ)

    The #1 mayor is back in town !

    Of which town are you, Napoleon Solo, the mayor of? You did not mention.
  22. Lexi (DayZ)

    Airfield Adventure Includes Huey Action!!

    Battling zombies with a sniper at close range? You sure do enjoy playing with fire Rhodes.
  23. Lexi (DayZ)

    Voodoo's Tips, tricks and Helpful stuff v1.5

    My favourite DayZ quote so far. Awaiting your update before I make a more critical analysis of the guide. Looks promising so far.
  24. Lexi (DayZ)

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    Night time is my favourite time. Avoiding zombies is so much easier, as is sneaking up on players. And I don't even have NVGs yet.