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Posts posted by DannyDog

  1. Well it didn't break the server it just caused huge fps drops and lighting bugs. I've made it limit how many lights can be shown around what light you turn on so that player's can't go around and lag a town with a bunch of lights. But i do wish they fixed the issues before 1.0 :/

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  2. 50 minutes ago, napalmdog said:

    Here's my constructive feedback. Since I cannot change the key bindings and they have no intention of fixing this from what I've read until 1.0, I will not play this game and contribute to any stress testing, bug finding, etc. because I *cannot* play the game. I'm left-handed and WASD doesn't work for me. So, along with the constructive criticism mentioned, I feel it's perfectly fine for me to mention that this sucks very, very much and irritates me equally as much.


    During this period of stabilization and iteration, you'll see the game change around the details that matter. A balance pass is ahead of us, and while it's certainly not the last, it will definitely be a first one that will fix a whole lot of the inconsistencies you guys experienced over the years.

    Just as an example, I'm going to use the fix of misaligned guns that is already in Experimental (caused by either using a vehicle, being in prone, or using free-look).

    We're also going to go over some of the issues that bother you a lot: like hit registration problems, or changing your key binds. Let's go.

    Taken from latest status report under "Plans for the upcoming weeks" by eugen. Besides can't you try messing with the user_settings.DayZProfile file in your dayz documents folder to change your keybinds? :/

    • Thanks 1
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  3. 13 hours ago, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

    I noticed that some alterations to light. I don't know if this helps or not, but I kept several versions of builds from the 0.40's through 0.50's when DayZ had one night light on per town. Let me know.

    Can you enable pm's i cant seem to msg you.

  4. Mind you tho i very slightly boosted night time brightness. Without doing so it makes all light sources in general very dim. But yea thanks :)

    I'll release this as a mod soon.

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  5. I always thought they said .63 hitting Stable was BETA? Isn't that what was intended? I guess it then means we would naturally get more updates on stress test/experimental now. Pushing .63 to stable with base building as well actually gives more incentive to start properly playing the game without fear of constantly getting wiped a few days later. Just my thoughts.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Skruffy said:


    I can login right now and use this wonderful concept called... counting?

    Good luck trying to figure out how many UNIQUE users log into dayz and play per day. You're not understanding the difference between unique players that play per day vs how many players are on simultaneously at a given time.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 10 hours ago, Skruffy said:

    15000-20000 players daily.. yea those numbers arent inflated.


    More like 1500-2000 on a weekend.

    She probably means daily unique users. Not how many people play at the same time. Steamcharts and the likes for the PC version do not track this. Only the developers would know.

    • Thanks 1

  8. They definitely need to adjust it. Full moon is just pitch black for me. Even torch light brightness feels weak as hell.

    note: pls ignore panel on the right.

    Before: Default torch light (full moon)


    Boosted game gamma


    Before: Cherno default full moon 




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  9. 5 hours ago, Mizev said:

    Да твой пример будет работать нормально. Дело не в этом. Я не хочу полностью переопределять OnRPC, а оставить классическую + добавить что-то свое. И вот тут начинается проблема. Если мы создадим класс modded class PlayerBase и добавим в нем стандартную функцию OnRPC(..., то два класса class PlayerBase и modded class PlayerBase не будут корректно как бы работать. modded class PlayerBase не видит остальные функции class PlayerBase, которые я не модифицирую.

    Я бы хотел добиться нечто похожего как с классами CustomMission и MissionServer.

    The super.function(); call will allow you to still call the original function you are overriding. Removing it will result in your function completely replacing the parent one.

  10. Currently the only implementation they have for reading player messages is only from if they are logged in with rcon #login and then type messages. You can then read those messages in mission's OnEvent function from ChatMessageEventTypeID event.
