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Everything posted by DannyDog

  1. I agree completely and i'd prefer that they keep dispersion. But what i'm thinking is alternative methods that can serve one of dispersion's purposes which is determining what weapon is better (sawn off vs normal). Such as stronger recoil, slower bullet speed, more sway, larger visible muzzle flash etc. Just throwing ideas out there that can help alleviate the outcry that is removing dispersion. Because the current systems they have now can be tuned to the point that it makes dispersion not such a requiring factor for weapon balancing. I don't believe its much work too. Heck i can probably mod dispersion in a day given all the proper values for weapons. It's as simple as altering the initial bullet's trajectory when firing. I'm just throwing out possible objective reasons as to why they would remove something rather than subjective reasons such as "over the top". Because without an objective reason we still have a chance to change their minds about it. If they end up deciding they will add it back but cant right now because of time restraints then this thread has served its purpose.
  2. It "being over the top" could be that there are already many factors affecting accuracy that it will be such a miniscule impact for a lot of work. You would need to work on it like you would for recoil (specific weapon values) but it would have much less of an impact on gameplay. In the end it will probably come down to time and if they said they needed to drop it for more time to work on say vehicles or damage system then ill be completely fine. (Remember they plan to have 1.0 out by this year) It just means they can always implement it again in the future so long as they dont mess up the modularity of how weapon firing works.
  3. DannyDog

    Melee System needs balance/tweaking

    Melee isnt difficult. It just feels weak. Remember old dayz where the melee was actually left handed? It was crap but it felt really powerful with its fast attacks, hit reaction and collision. Not to mention you can actually aim for the head. You cant even in this one which is like taking a step backwards.
  4. DannyDog

    Melee System needs balance/tweaking

    Well then just slow the character down and give them a bit of uncontrollable momentum for heavy attacks but still leave controls unlocked? Im just spurting out ideas because atm its just not good. It serves its purpose but it just doesnt feel great at all!
  5. DannyDog

    Melee System needs balance/tweaking

    If anything i hope they get rid of the command move when you swing your tool or fist. I don't know why they wouldn't give us complete freedom of movement with this but i hope they atleast try it and let us test how it feels. Also bring back collision and hit reaction too pls xd
  6. DannyDog

    3D Weapon scopes

    I completely agree that fps games will soon have to atleast improve in this aspect (render to texture) but when it comes to DayZ it's not going to happen. Maybe sometime after 1.0 during their 5 year support when things are more fleshed out and arma 4 appears on the horizon. Or maybe not and it'll happen in DayZ 2.0? I can see it being something BI will atleast try to achieve in the next Arma atleast.
  7. Ah fk yeah i thought saying "this topic" might have been the wrong phrase. I haven't actually read all of the posts in this thread so my general idea was that people were having a hard time meeting up because they couldn't survive the trip which lead to my point that players just have a hard time learning how to survive. Like sure you need food, water, clothes, tools but when it comes to actually finding the loot it becomes difficult. Take for example the mindset of a bambi trying to survive "ok one of the important tools i need for survival is a knife or some sort of sharp object. theres a tool shed looking building over there that must have something that suits that job!....raincoat....ok next shed...duct tape....hmm maybe these sheds dont spawn those items?...one more try....wool coat....huh ok." Idk the game felt a lot more straight forward back then but now idk. But yea no balancing and adjustments have been made yet so hopefully when they do it'll be a lot better.
  8. Why are you ranting to me about what @Bramblevines said? I suggested no such thing. Also I understand your frustration but i don't really like how you can be affected so heavily by the people you accuse of ruining the game. You want this. He wants that. Christ it's quite annoying seeing people become so heavily invested into one idea that they no longer become open to others.
  9. 100% completely agree with this. Even though it's not such an impacting factor to your aim it's still a basic mechanic that many realistic shooters should have. Maybe they think they can manually adjust each weapon's recoil, bullet velocity and sway pattern to "simulate" each weapon's inherently better accuracy over others?
  10. I think the main issue with this is more to do with learning how to survive. When it comes to introducing newcomers (especially your dayz hate friends) nothing is more worse than feeling completely helpless as they struggle very hard to survive hunger and thirst + crazy ass infected whilst hearing them moan and complain in voip. All the while you as a veteran just try very hard to loot as much life saving items AND rush to their location just for them to end up dying minutes before you get there. Then they spawn in the complete opposite side of the map and you just can't help but f11 and start over. So idk there needs to be atleast something for newcomers. I would rather teach them the game myself than to go tell them to youtube tutorials or read wikis on how to survive. But it's impossible to do so when i can barely meet up with them. I got my friend to play during the stress test weekend and after like 2-3 hours of trying to meet up and have enough to journey inland he's gotten a good taste of the game and really likes it. (he use to be a hater) His main current issue with the game is this topic.
  11. DannyDog

    3D Weapon scopes

    Ah ok so you're not talking about render to texture. More like just seeing through the model of the scope instead of a black image overlay. Basically how many other video games do it like Squad or Pubg in which case I'd definitely like to see that and it's definitely doable.
  12. DannyDog

    3D Weapon scopes

    I definitely wish they could implement it but the main issue and why they didn't do it in Arma 3 was performance. I think they can still make it pretty realistic if they just used simple fov zoom with good PP effects and blur to achieve the same illusion. But yeah :/
  13. DannyDog

    Start Walking

    They respawn and despawn based on if people come in the vicinity etc.
  14. DannyDog

    Reloading/Changing clothes in 0.63 suggestions

    Completely agree with your first suggestion. I also thought about being able to just detach your mag from your weapon using the hotbar or "hold R" because it's not currently possible to do hotbar reloading without another mag. Also i would also like putting clothes on to have some sort of short animation with the F key. Though the reason they said there's no "holding down F key interaction" is because they haven't finished the input controller to support that yet.
  15. DannyDog

    Infected types/instances

    LOL good one brah.
  16. DannyDog

    Infected types/instances

    @exacomvm This would be great for modding but as for the vanilla experience i think the only "infected types" should just be variation with their damage and health. Some randomly taking 3 556 hits to the chest or 6 or some going down instantly. Some move faster or slower, some do more damage or have different attack types (arm flails, charge tackles, biting etc)
  17. DannyDog

    Iron sights in 0.63-stress ?

    I set my raise weapon to "hold space bar" and ADS to right click. Feels normal for me though my space bar is a bit broken it doesn't hinder my aim. Though i do like the idea of holding right click to aim, you cannot have both :/
  18. DannyDog

    The Inventory is a mess.

    If anything. Move away from giant screen obscuring inventories and do something more streamlined PLEASE. Moving crafting away from using the inventory is already a huge step forward. Now please continue making pressing TAB every 2 seconds redundant.
  19. DannyDog

    The Inventory is a mess.

    Middle click
  20. DannyDog

    Just checking in..

    Nobody wants to play .62 after testing out .63 xd
  21. DannyDog

    Open Inventory while jogging or walking

    I also think looking into your pockets shouldn't obscure your vision as well. Maybe have the inventory slots show on the sides of your screen or something so you can still see where you're going. As well as maybe an animation for opening your backpack like in The Last Of Us? Quickslot slots should only be tied to jackets, pants, vests etc.
  22. DannyDog

    0.63 Stress tests

    Man I can't even right now. So ready for some dayz action. Though i really hope we see atleast 1-2 AUS servers.
  23. DannyDog

    0.63 Stress tests

    Wow yep, pretty much so looking forward to this week.
  24. That's why i watch them actually. I liked that it was scripted because it made it so unique. Still trying to find a youtuber that can do the same :/ And yeah man dayz has changed so much since then.