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Everything posted by DannyDog

  1. DannyDog


    I'm feeling dumb. I have no idea what you're trying to say with this post. Unless i'm over thinking it and you're just stating that they can't add content or features because the animation system/player controller hugely impacts the way devs can code their functions. And also dancing russian is sorta right. They're not swapping out the entire engine. So i'm not sure what is it you disagree with him. Maybe you misunderstood him? Idk i might be having one of those dumb days.
  2. DannyDog

    Stable Update 0.62.141072

    Yea afaik, you won't be able to load mags via your inventory. You'll have to do it by putting it in your hands and performing the action. They pretty much might be discarding inventory crafting (click and drag) stuff.
  3. This is pretty good. I like the idea of gradually decreasing sprint speed AND blending it to the jogging animation the longer you sprint. This is especially a good point. Now for actual sprint value and duration i can't say as that would be something the devs will have to tweak based on feedback from players.
  4. Hm i remember seeing it on trello ages ago but maybe i'm wrong. I looked back and found it on the status report (crawling out of an overturned vehicle). https://dayz.com/blog/status-report-12-apr-2016 Would be nice if all of these unlisted videos were put on the trello or some sort.
  5. That's a very naive view of modding and modders in general. Go ask an actual modder if they feel like this and you will realize not everyone feels like that otherwise they wouldn't be doing it in the first place? I mean modding is a choice. They do it because they love it and are passionate about the game not because they want to earn money. (Even though it is still nice to support them with it) Also whats up with your weird comments like "but I'm sure you pray to him every night (or light incense, whatever) just like you should". It makes you come off as some kind of jerk given no context. ps. mojang is the game company behind Minecraft.
  6. @pilgrim* That's an interesting question. I mean i don't see it being a "bad" thing if you want to design your game to be fully moddable etc. Just look at other games that are popular because of mods. (minecraft for example) You don't really say that mojang's business model is to make minecraft moddable so that the community can create content for it whilst they reap the rewards of the base game being popular? I mean the fact that it IS moddable and so open should make it good shouldn't it? That's just what i think.
  7. DannyDog

    Get Rid of the BLOOD TYPES

    This is very true. I find Arma 3 to be MUCH more fun than pug-b just because of its modding capabilities and range of gameplay.
  8. I reckon it's just the fact that they decided to change the scope of the game after realizing DayZ can become their new flagship and didn't want to just make it a polished version of the mod using the old RV3 engine. Not to mention they have been plagued with so many limitations of their RV3 engine that even on arma 3 they couldn't implement something as simple as dynamic shadows. I mean just look at this: They were so limited by the resources they had, you can only imagine their faces with the success of dayz sa. Arma 4 is going to be one heck of a game when its developed on using Enfusion. (IF it ever gets developed xd) So whilst it was a bad choice for them to release the game into early access, it did however give them a huge opportunity to grow as a game company and now we'll be able to get bigger and better products from them.
  9. DannyDog


    Yea, replace the thanks one to beans!
  10. DannyDog

    Status Report 24 October 2017

    No, one of the main systems they have been rewriting since last year IS the animation system. If you search back to previous status reports and a couple of dev blogs they've stated that their old anim system lacked the ability to properly play anims and have them blended together with others. Like the janky jogging while lighting a flare. Not to mention having it all integrated and run by their new enscript system and not engine functions. I suggest doing a bit more research on what the dayz devs are working on to better grasp the scale and difficulty of what they are currently trying to achieve rather than to assume their process is similar to other animation systems and engines.
  11. DannyDog

    Status Report 24 October 2017

    @exacomvm I see where you're coming from, but i bet you've never worked on animations for a still developing engine. Let alone have any experience working on a video game the size of dayz. Not trying to sound rude but you try to compare yourself to video game animators when all you make are 20 second "sfm" videos on youtube.
  12. DannyDog

    Grass,that was on exp.branch .62 patch.

    @libertine Oh yea dayz mod's color palette was really good. It gave you a really good sense of dark, apocalyptic atmosphere not to mention the blur post process effect that made you feel super claustrophobic (which was good). But i'm not sure what direction the devs wanted to take Chernarus to whether it be something like the mod or something new. I'd be happy with either but also I would think we'd be able to experience more atmospheres when modding and new maps are added.
  13. It's not that they lost hope, its because pvp is the only thing that stays fun after you've done everything 100 times.
  14. This is me as well. Sometimes i write out entire paragraphs of my opinion on a topic and end up feeling like either it won't be worth, or it will be interpreted wrong or i'd get shit for it. So i just ctrl+a delete. A lot others wont feel this way but i know a few that do. Sucks :/
  15. DannyDog

    Status Report 24 October 2017

    Reading that they will have to merge the audio system and files to the new branch, that would give them a good opportunity to improve some of the things with the current environment audio. Things like the lack of terrain based rain sound, lack of indoor sound modifier, non-directional tree leaf rustling sound (the global wind sound that plays) and finally the drastic ambient audio change when moving from the meadow region to the "houses" region. I know it seems a lot but they would really improve what the game currently offers.
  16. DannyDog

    Status Report 24 October 2017

    I think single player mode is inevitable for mod testing. And it would function as offline play together so it should definitively arrive (officially).
  17. DannyDog

    Reduced sun glare by wearing sunglasses

    @Sqeezorz Or how about something more colorful?
  18. DannyDog

    Reduced sun glare by wearing sunglasses

    @Sqeezorz ^_^?
  19. DannyDog

    The Gun Smoke is too much

    Its great, though if they turned down the opacity more and have it dissipate (spread out) faster it would look much more like rl. (not just for the mp5 but for others too) this one in particular is my fav
  20. DannyDog

    Too loud wind.

    The only thing that bothers me about the wind is the howling and not the leaf rustling. The leaf rustling is great, sounds just like what you'd expect on a windy day though the downside is it's not positional. If the howling could be removed and made positional to play on nearby buildings (wind blowing through windows) or rocks then that would also be great. Otherwise in your video example it doesn't sound like a jet plane UNLESS you're talking about the howling.
  21. DannyDog

    Grass,that was on exp.branch .62 patch.

    It was only 1 update wasn't it?
  22. DannyDog

    Grass,that was on exp.branch .62 patch.

    I don't feel the same way. I always feel there is an interesting juxtaposition of the calm and dominating beauty of nature in the game and the horrific actions of players and "mankind" in dayz. This is what i feel the vanilla dayz experience should be like, but i'm sure a lot of people would like to experience different atmospheres and i'm sure that will happen when more maps are added along with modding.
  23. DannyDog

    Get Rid of the BLOOD TYPES

    Use blood to paint/draw things would be epic. edit: just realized this relates to absolutely nothing about blood types kek
  24. 100% a thing I want. Pls do dis.