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Everything posted by DannyDog

  1. DannyDog

    Make guns recoil control a soft skill

    I'm not sure how i feel about this. It's a good idea but @-Gews- makes good points about "unable to have proper accuracy/control" as a bambi.
  2. DannyDog

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    I stopped right here. You're essentially telling the devs not to make the game they want to make. Can you see how wrong that looks?
  3. Those talk more about tweaking world lighting values and post process coloring. What we're wondering more about is why shadows in "dense" forests are bright or why areas that barely have exposure to light aren't dark? The fact that they haven't tweaked it yet should show that its not something that the current lighting system can differentiate? Not sure.
  4. Yeah, I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to lighting and shadow systems in game engines. So it'll be nice if they shed some light on why DayZ's environmental shadows and lighting look like that compared to current gen engines. Would definitely love to see some good lighting and shadows like in a lot of naughty dog games or DICE.
  5. DannyDog

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    4 am v_v. LOVE YA
  6. DannyDog

    Humanity in DayZ - Concept Video by "uncuepagamer"

    Wouldn't the current damage system imply that the devs wanted to punish KOS or killing without reason because a couple of bullets and all the gear is ruined? And at this point, what kind of game DO you like? I'm all for any system that makes the game more fun (which is entirely subjective i know). But thats why we'll get modding :)
  7. DannyDog

    Humanity in DayZ - Concept Video by "uncuepagamer"

    It's like one of the first things i'm going to mod in. That and probably more sound mechanics or better cooking.
  8. DannyDog

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    @Lexman61 Don't see how you can make that conclusion when there's obviously nothing that's going to bring players back to .62 when all the devs are working towards .63. It would make sense that the player count would continue to drop before .63 because they'll inevitably get burnt out on .62... ???
  9. DannyDog

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    I think this will actually be more of a rendering engine solution. As it seems that it doesn't know how dark certain areas covered in shadows should be as i've noticed every single world shadow has the same light value regardless of how much "light" it is actually exposed to. I mean you would expect interiors or underground areas to be quite dark now wouldn't you? At the moment it's all sorta the same brightness.
  10. DannyDog

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    Ah hes entirely right. Just thought that because we got the recent color changes to the world that it got reverted. Im all for a brighter and more live environment. In fact I was one of the advocates for it instead of trying to make it feel more post apoc. I think the only thing bothering me is the lack of dark contrasting shadows to the bright environment. Hopefully its something they can do in the near future?
  11. DannyDog

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    Having no visible cloud cover with rain as heavy as the video is either impossible or highly unlikely. Seeing how there's barely any information on this "phenomenon" I would assume it's just people mistaking it for rain from distant clouds. Unless you meant that you made it seem like rain falling from a completely clear sky is normal with no clouds is normal. Sun showers however, are completely normal and are probably what you're talking about.
  12. DannyDog

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    Wait a sec, it's raining on a clear day?! What is this black magic? Heh besides that, i noticed some of the equalization of rain is not so great. In the part where the character walks under the big metal cover you should hear the rain on the roof more predominantly correct? Cause I can't hear it very well. Shameful self plug:
  13. DannyDog

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    Huh, I dunno then. I'm just not overly fond of the brightness of the shadows in the daytime images. The game has lacked some serious shadows in dark areas and GI and it would probably amp up the game's visual quality if they were added.
  14. DannyDog

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    I think this is the case. The before image of night has a much clearer night sky which was what they were aiming for.
  15. DannyDog

    BETA and workshop

    It's not very beginner friendly. It details a lot of functions and systems used in the api but in no way does it tell you how things "work". I found getting to know the system better by looking at how it is actually used which is probably the best way to learn it.
  16. DannyDog

    Videos that do it for you?

    Even makes you more hyped with the apparent modding capabilities the devs have stated. L4DZ anyone?
  17. DannyDog

    Let’s talk about the night-time, shall we?

    Well for one the horror aspect of the game has completely vanished for me. I use to actually avoid night servers because I was absolutely afraid of playing in them in the mod and early SA, unless I was playing with friends. Now with the brightened up night time (full moon) and the knowledge of almost everything that can happen in the game it's a cake walk. Night time is usually associated with danger in a lot of survival games as well as irl and dayz doesn't bring any gameplay factors in that to make it so. In actuality you're SAFER at night as players will be harder to spot you and gamma abuse. Games like Don't Starve bring in their own mechanics to make night time terrifying. Pitch blackness, sanity drain, loud paranormal sounds and eventual death by Charlie. That example is exaggerated for DayZ, but something similar can still fit in the game. Even if it's just temperature drops at night, low visibility, aggro zombies, predators out hunting or a simple sanity meter. I don't know, I've just not had much reassurance of the direction of the game and the plans by devs on how these things will be done.
  18. DannyDog

    Let’s talk about the night-time, shall we?

    Would you like to go into further detail as to why? I'm genuinely curious and want some good discussion about it.
  19. DannyDog

    shooting through walls

  20. DannyDog

    shooting through walls

  21. DannyDog

    shooting through walls

    I really think this is up to the game and not the engine. Sure there are a lot of examples you can use that don't actually show a full representation of player models and animations in first, third person and other player perspective. But I believe it is 100% achievable in Unreal and other engines alike. In terms of RV/Enfusion, it's of course going to be completely different to how it will work compared to the example video. Purely depends on how it will be implemented. Right now close quarters combat in dayz is very bad (or at least it looks really bad) and adding on this system to it right now will make it worse as it's currently a run and shoot mentality praying your shots hit and not miss (in close quarters).
  22. DannyDog

    shooting through walls

    I know. I was merely presenting an example of the actual mechanic, not how it is implemented.
  23. DannyDog

    shooting through walls

    Yea, i think the glitch is people can stick their weapon model through geometry and shoot since the "bullet" spawns out of the location of the muzzle ignoring geometry. So a good fix would be to add weapon collision like this:
  24. DannyDog

    Let’s talk about the night-time, shall we?

    That's true, but if its a private hive then they cant. But yea... This is a missed opportunity xD
  25. DannyDog

    Let’s talk about the night-time, shall we?

    Yea that's true especially if people will just gamma abuse to avoid using light sources at night. This is why i'm leaning so much on a simple sanity meter that would require players to stay in the light during night time to avoid going insane.