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About SpongyChief101

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  1. I was told by a guy that you invited him to your group only to use him as a pack mule and then decided to kill him once you didnt need him anymore.
  2. SpongyChief101


    I also thought that the L85 wasnt working correctly until the other day when i saw a Helo crash and ran up to it to find a Bizon M14 and a glorious L85. I had actually found other L85s before this and i got a error when i tried to loot the, so i didnt actually bother with picking it up at first, but curiosity got me and when i picked it up to my pleasant surprise it equipped as usual and i am still usuing it today. Maybe there is just some weird script where they dont spawn correctly. the time i found them before there was 3 in a pile, and it wouldnt let us pick them up.
  3. I was running along from Komenka towards Cherno when i hear a familiar sound from Arma 2. A fucking jet. I look to the Balota airstrip to see a A-10 jet taking off. Luckily being a admin we got to save all of our players from destruction from the hackers jet. Unfortunately i did take a screenshot but cant get it to cooperate. i guess the hacker picked the wrong time to take off in a jet.
  4. SpongyChief101

    Admin abuse.

    Well i am a server admin for us 386. ive found a couple peoples camps and marked tent where it was just to make them panic and get a laugh out of it when its gone the next day. Also along with that, i constantly prey on my servers residents. are these signs of admin abuse? Just because i want to play the game the way i did before i was a admin? I dont believe so. So now your saying a admin who happened upon your probably shitty located camp marked it too scare you is abusing you?
  5. SpongyChief101

    -Vg- clan hackers?

    Okay so even if they are enabled in the game what are the chances of them having at least 2? And if three clan players have that much gear wouldnt you expect them to be able to handle 2 guys with fresh spawns? all me and my friend had were m14s and then we picked up shotguns in the firestation after the killed us and we got them again.
  6. SpongyChief101

    -Vg- clan hackers?

    Last night me and a friend went into elektro to hunt. Me using a m14 quickly spotted a -Vg- clan member with a extra large backpack and NVGs, of course i ruined him with my m14. once upon looting the body there was 2 satchel charges, Rangefinder, GPS, NVG and everything you could possibly hope for. after yelling at my friend that this guy was loaded i was sniped from the sniper hill. Little did they know brandon was in wait. When another -Vg- member showed up and brandon of course shot him dead. soon after we had another clan member kill the sniper. but suddenly after noone had looted the -Vg- bodies a member of their clan set off more satchel charges! Without even looting the ones off of their bodies! So how could a fresh recruit just so happen upon a AKM coyote backpack and 2 more satchel charges? I call Hacks. And very soon after the satchel charges went off all three -Vg- members disconnected. BTW are satchel charges even in the game?
  7. SpongyChief101

    Bandits needed

    I play with sketch now. you can give him shit for being 15, and say hes a little kid. But by no means is he immature lik most of the 12 to 15 year old players. He has melded into our group perfectly.
  8. SpongyChief101

    RGO frag grenade in game?

    You could have just answered the question. Anyways thanks that what helpful Albatros
  9. Me and some clan members aqcuired a UAZ earlier it had 15 FAL mags and a RGO frag grenade. in all my time ive found 50 calibers NVGs, and the works but never a RGO frag grenade, which ive only seen in regular arma. Is this item hacked in?
  10. SpongyChief101

    To think what we would do for a bus

    After playin all day today. me and my clan manged two buses, a UAZ, and a offroad truck. BTW we can accept one more member at the moment so message me if interested. we have 6 50 calibers along with arsenal of other high end weapons.
  11. SpongyChief101

    About the AS50

    Just hotkey the zoom to much easier bind, for example zoom in/out for me are my mouse 4 and 5 buttons
  12. SpongyChief101

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    Its no big deal dont worry about the ban he deserved it. but the people i catch deserve it too.
  13. SpongyChief101

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    Okay i just wanted to know why you couldnt tell me. And i will gladly send you all the pics when it happens. dont ban me for calling peope what they are now though. and he DCed while being shot at. that is a bitch ass move.
  14. SpongyChief101

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    Why couldnt you tell me that in game? And any reason for name calling? And just because your the server admin you will ban anyone you want. what about the various people ive shot at ON YOUR SERVER, who DCed and were not banned? is that fair? I will completely understand next time if next time i shoot at someone who DCs you will ban them also. but what if its you whos being the AS50 reticle?
  15. SpongyChief101

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    Admin Hype banned a member for no apparent reason, also while calling him a bitch ass. when i replied asking him why he was banned he wouldnt reply.