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Everything posted by lost-jericho@hotmail.co.uk

  1. lost-jericho@hotmail.co.uk

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I've equipped my ghillie and had no problems as of yet =)
  2. lost-jericho@hotmail.co.uk

    Experimental test patch

    Is the outfit hotfix included in or Can someone thats played already confirm?
  3. lost-jericho@hotmail.co.uk

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    In some circumstances this may be the case but alot of the times people disconnect right as they engage in combat or zombie aggro, this would deffinitely prevent instant DC atleast when being chased after by zombies, or if the player is right on your arse as opposed to the situation where your sniping the player and then they have time to hide behind the wall and DC if the sniper missed or whatever. I really think it would tackle most of the exploitation.
  4. lost-jericho@hotmail.co.uk

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This has probably been posted before however I think if its not too hard to implement the best method to tackle disconnection is to approach it in the same way as an MMORPG, since there are similarities between the two, in other words a timer of about ten seconds when the abort button is clicked. That way the player cant simply DC right in the heat of combat, I'm just not too sure how this would prevent alt+f4'ing, maybe change it so that if you alt+f4 your character doesnt actually disconnect for 10 seconds if possible? Like I say I don't know how hard it is to implement something like this so forgive me if its an unreasonable suggestion.
  5. lost-jericho@hotmail.co.uk

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Ok I think its brilliant that it IS possible to make zombies run in buildings, however out of curiosity wouldn't it make sense to implement this after their sporadic movement patterns have been sorted? As of now its pretty much impossible to line an accurate shot when zombies run towards you so the only way to accurately dispatch of them is either by getting them as they walk, or when they finally reach you and start hitting you. Now that they can run inside buildings means there is literally no way to kill them whilst avoiding hits, or am I mistaken?