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Everything posted by ev0ls0ul

  1. So I've been seeing a lot of servers with out proper names and just saying "WE WILL KICK YOU" even tho its a public server. If you join you'll notice they have between 2 and 6 people on most of them. The server seems to restart a lot and they kick anyone who joins who seems to not be with them. The first two servers here, are hosted by game servers. Cannot remember their names they had some stupid kick people message. Both of them are from gameservers.com These others I could not find the host too but they are dumb enough to keep their state name in so its easy to spot them. I've joined all of these servers and was promptly kicked. Not sure how to find their hosts. named Public Quebec 1 named DayZ NY 3-577 named Public Dayz ATL 3-487 named public 1 unstable named 1 saltspring named 1 [iLL] named Dayz GB 1-169 I-48 Central hosted by Mrsp (or Msrp) https://www.youtube....QYUS0ZQ&index=1 The server name: (Public/Veteran) - 1 DayZ (Public/Veteran) 113860 - Undead Umbr The admin's name: Rallyreaper The server IP and port: Evidence/Proof: https://www.youtube....h?v=64r_d_yc3PQ Please post server's that have kicked you, proof would be good as well. So we can start a list of abusive servers. there may not be a blacklist implemented but we sure can start a community watch.
  2. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I'm not sure what he was trying to tell me, or even If i want to know. But if people act like that they really do not need to use their parents credit cards to buy servers and ruin the game for everyone else.
  3. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    the last few servers I've reported that didnt have a tag for any of the hosting sites I just submitted to all of the server hosting companies emails.
  4. ev0ls0ul

    [5th Element] |DAY/3PP: ON] Public Server

    Admins cannot teleport you out of a glitch. Run back at the wall the way you ran into it. Try all the edges and if you still cant get out you'll die form starvation or thirst and it will be fixed ;D
  5. ev0ls0ul

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    I think thats a steam issue. I got that message once and steam was being really slow, 5 minutes later it worked just fine, haven't seen it since.
  6. ev0ls0ul

    How i can host my own dedicated server ?

    You cant host on your own machine until the dev's release private hive files, and they havent said when that is yet.
  7. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Now thats the devs have officially made a post about this subject I think it will clear all the misunderstandings up for the people who clearly think that renting a server is the same as buying something and owning it. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-server-reporting/ as the devs say, start emailing the ip's of all the servers to the hosts with proof and the reason and they will be taken down. Below are a few emails to the hosting companies that I have found that you can submit complaints to. Some have emails others I couldn't find. support@gameservers.com Abuse@vilayer.com http://www.gamingdeluxe.co.uk/contact-us https://clients.fragnet.net/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2
  8. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Paying to rent a game server does not mean you own it, Since The Dev team has not released private files you can host on your own machine. This means you are actually only renting the right to use their software and this means you must follow their rules. Naming your server TESTING does no mean you can kick people. Infact paying for the privilege to rent the server does not give anyone the right to kick players form their server its strictly prohibited and you can can be blacklisted form having a server.
  9. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Also has anyone else noticed more of those 1 slot servers. Why would a hosting company even sell you a 1 slot server, seems stupid to me. http://i.imgur.com/YCnMmeV.jpg
  10. ev0ls0ul

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Fragnet is alo hosting dayz servers.
  11. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Bottom line is these alpha servers are public hives and will be until the dayz dev team releases the private hive files for people. This means that when you rent a server from a company and it doesn't matter which it is, Its a public hive server and this means you are not allowed to kick people from your server just because you pay the bill. A majority of server renters and people who play dayz obviously do not understand that renting and buying are two different things.
  12. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Well if you happen to stumble across anymore servers that kick you and or other people try and get some screenshots and post them here. I'll link all of them to the first post. Maybe we can get a community wide blacklist, or at best just let people know which servers have abusive admins and which servers people should steer clear of.
  13. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Yeah they pay for it but they also have to understand there are rules to owning the server, and those rules clearly state you cannot kick players,ban players when they annoy you, kill you or your clan mates and you cannot loot cycle your server for hours safely then go to a populated server and pretend its all fine.
  14. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    If you let them abuse now, and no one does anything about it then they will see that no one cares and it will become a major problem down the line. Rather to stop it now than wait to see.
  15. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    Yeah of course they are typing the kick commands, but that doesnt mean that maybe 2 or 3 other guys are not just looting the server while one or 2 guys are kicking people.
  16. ev0ls0ul

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I've noticed more and more of these types or servers popping up, same with the 1 slot servers and 2 slot servers. I dont think hosting companies should even allow you to buy servers under 10 man. I mean what would you really do on a 5 man server lol.
  17. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

  18. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    yeah I just signed in, I'm in elektro as soon as I get in my guy looks to the ground and starts spinning in a circle.... im like wtf, the only other guy who is on was losing connection and then he d/c and I just left I could do anything.
  19. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    Lol yeah our m240's ran out of ammo not long before we got to that point in the video. Too bad or it would have been a good gunfight xD
  20. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    Now im curious what could it be? :o
  21. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    we also preform skydive expeditions but that cost 2 cans of beans and a blood bag instead of the regular can of beans. Also because skydiving can be dangerous you must first take our training seminar for the skydive class and then sign a waver saying that LULS Air is not responsible for any deaths and or injuries from the skydive. Upon completing both we can take you to a destination of your choice, Or some very popular spots and you can have your wildest dreams come true!. SIGN UP TODAY!....
  22. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    ace where you guys been I haven't seen any S6 online for a couple days?
  23. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    hahaha that looked aggressive you didn't even speak, so I had to hatchet you to death to save my self xD
  24. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    Lol! FREE THREAD BUMBPS... but no really some weird shit in cherno last night for real. after ren shot you ace, I killed hooligan behind the truck outside my building. Sniper fire coming in from the hill and everything, but that was fine till some dude climbed the med tent chimney tower and popped a shot at me. then when I return fire he d/c not even a second later. So I'm watching his tower and I have a view of the sniper spot that really tall building. When hes up there now looting rens body. So I take a few shots at him, he ducks behind the building and then I'm getting shoot in the back from across the map from the other chimneys. So I recorded some footage but in the end that was a waste because they never showed back up till I climbed the ladder to the sniper spot and was shot with a silenced weapon but didn't see anyone. A few hours later in elektro same kinda thing, a couple guys in elektro running around keep shooting me. So I finally snuck back into elektro go on the hospital where one of them died, found like 8 dead bodies all loaded with weapons, food and med supplies, Took one of their ak's and started shooting at them. Killed Noring in the school, who was shooting at me, then I hear a guy talking to me, so I get on the highest point in the hospital's roof and 2 guys come up the ladder while im pinned down, from silenced M4 or Mp5 fire while the guys at the lower roof are trying to shoot me through the walls. one of them was using a voice changer and the other keep trying to play stupid, but finally they killed me even tho none of my shots registered while shooting him pointblank....
  25. ev0ls0ul

    US195 - Super Six Gaming Server

    yeah well such a close kill to my death, I kill the guy going up the ladder he has 5 blank spacese in his name. So it looks like compared it to another name above his only 5 characters fit before the cutoff of his ping. Killed him as he climbed the ladder to the building off the right back corner. In my opinion this building is a watch position for a sniper's buddy to protect him from being shot as someone comes up his ladder. But not even a minute later a dude shots me in the back with a m107. It was as If the person shooting me was standing right behind me the puff of smoke from the gun then the puff as the bullet hit the ground after it exited my body, dude is obviously Invisible. D: