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Everything posted by tenshu

  1. This problem has been asked about before here: http://dayzmod.com/f...ssage +received And here http://dayzmod.com/f...ssage +received and here http://dayzmod.com/f...ssage +received and here http://dayzmod.com/f...ssage +received And as far back as May http://dayzmod.com/f...ssage +received And on youtube: Noone has answered them or tried to help so doing this form thingy in the hope someone will acknowledge it. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Yes 4444 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: batch file *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: I all of a sudden get a red icon and then "no message received for xx seconds' , I have left it for 30 mins and it never reconnects. This is happening since the latest patch. When I abort and join the server again (or a different server) I loose everything for that session, this is happening to a friend playing in a different part of the world also. *Your PC specs: i5, 16g ram, gtx card *Your Operating System: vista *Have you looked at these threads?: it just says file not found!
  2. DayZ is now on sale all week, -15% off so only £16.
  3. I just played the SA, experienced teleporting and my gun being disarmed. Could the source code hack DayZ experienced have been put to use on hacks already?
  4. Yeah, let's be honest, if it's on steam, there is going to be many hefty discounts in it's life cycle.
  5. Ahh makes sense, they have the whole bis bundle on sale as well.
  6. tenshu

    Trouble with racist names

    This is DayZ's anti racism policy?
  7. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    I'm fine with this, was just objecting to the fact that there was no censorship going on.
  8. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Hiding things is just the same basically, it's censorship, unless you are planning to un hide everything
  9. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Things like hacking happen, the nature of the hack was rather distressing. An SQL injection is a pretty basic security flaw.
  10. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Erm, I would beg to differ, things were deleted.
  11. I wondered how people usually play games (not just DayZ) when facing moral choices. I realise people will often play 'good' then look at other play styles afterwards, but I'm interested in what you would choose initially. EDIT (with comparison of results) Ok guys, this thread is dying, so I thought I would update it with the results from a study on moral gaming choices. ( Dayz Community. Results from other study [OS] ). Note that percentages have been rounded. When playing a game with moral choices, I most often tend to: Play good ( 45% Dayz; 59% OS) Play Evil ( 8% DayZ; 5% OS) Play with no particular intention (47% Dayz; 39% OS)Do you feel that you try to do in the game what you would do in reality? Always ( 10% DayZ; 10% OS) Usually ( 42% DayZ; 55% OS) Sometimes ( 26% DayZ; 23% OS) Rarely ( 16% DayZ; 9% OS) Never ( 5% DayZ; 3% OS)Conclusion: It's hard to draw any real conclusions, as the study and this poll has flaws, both with the questions, method and sample sizes. However, it's fun to draw some quick comparisons. When people are making moral choices, the DayZ community seems to play with no particular intention far more than playing good when compared to the study group, there is also an increase in people who 'play evil'. The DayZ community is less likely to match moral choices in real life with choices they make in game, with 16% saying 'rarely' compared to 9% in the other study. This suggests players in the DayZ community are less likely to be moral in games compared to their everyday lives. I think this shows that the DayZ community is actually more ethically healthy and has more scope for moral imagination than the general gaming community. Acting evil in game is in no way an indication of how people act in real life and the DayZ community seems to be more accepting of this fact, saying that, the average DayZ player you will encounter is more likely to do 'bad things' in a game than your average Joe. Thanks everyone for taking part in the poll, and the study I got the comparison results from is here: http://gamescriticism.org/articles/lange-1-1 And another interesting article about ethics in gaming: http://www.projecthorseshoe.com/ph09/ph09r3.htm
  12. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    This person seems incapable of grasping these concepts. I only called it that once to try and explain what this poll was about to this person, he/she is finding it hard to separate reality with a persona in game.
  13. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    I have no idea what you're talking about any more, the link I provided was free, as are many Sam Harris lectures and articles. I thought we were finished?
  14. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Updated First post, comparing results from study, thanks everyone!
  15. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Please let us! You seem to be struggling with this concept when everyone else can understand it.
  16. tenshu

    Two million units sold

    Well done, inspiration for any people interested in making games.
  17. tenshu

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

    The biggest concern is that we have no timeline to work with, most game projects that are on early access models have clear and definitive dates as to when things will be implemented and their targets for entering certain stages of development. This may alleviate fears of this project never going anywhere and give a bit more professionalism to the project.
  18. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    It's not immoral, I never said it was. I'm not sure why you find it so difficult to grasp the concept of making a moral choice IN the game, no it's not a real moral choice, which is the whole point of the poll, to see if your simulated morality matches up to your real life morality.
  19. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Yes, and for your first point you would be making a subjective moral decision for the good, I'm interested if you would make moral choices in games that you feel subjectively are morally wrong. For your 2nd point, I think some value systems are so wrong that we have to point that out, and in some cases do something about it. Should we just say, oh them Nazi's are different to us, we should respect their value system though and not say anything? The same goes for all immoral value systems that are currently in place, there are some things that we cannot tolerate. For example certain countries assert that homosexuality is wrong and punish it by stoning to death, I refuse to just keep quiet and put it down to a difference in values.
  20. tenshu

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

    You must be even more naive if you think you won't see it for $15 in a steam sale.
  21. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    It's a moral choice IN game, hacking/cheating are not part of the in game choices (usually). When you are in game you would say 'I killed him', you don't need to point out that it's a simulation and you haven't actually killed him :P
  22. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    In chess there are no moral choices and this poll is clearly about moral choices. I'm not asking Why, I never said I was, just interested in what choices people make. Again, I'm talking about how people react to moral choices in games, as stated in the original post.
  23. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Probably true, but those people may not be thinking they are doing anything wrong. As you say, most people KOS, I'd have to agree with this statement from my experience. Wouldn't a very reasoned stance to be. "I get KOS 95% of the time, I don't want to die, so from now on I will shoot first" They may not have ever thought about this stance again despite the game world changing, so in their eyes they are still doing the right thing.
  24. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    I'd say that objectively, a culture of not beating your wife due to a perceived wrong is morally better than a culture that encourages it. Again, don't really want to get into a debate about it on the DayZ forum, but I share Sam Harris' stance on this: http://www.ted.com/talks/sam_harris_science_can_show_what_s_right
  25. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Very true, I think we share moral views. I think morality is subjective but I think in a cultural & human well-being context we can make objective assessments. For example in certain cultures it's acceptable to beat your wife if she disobeys her husband, I think it's fine to say that the culture that doesn't do that will be more moral.