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About tenshu

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  1. I just played the SA, experienced teleporting and my gun being disarmed. Could the source code hack DayZ experienced have been put to use on hacks already?
  2. Yeah, let's be honest, if it's on steam, there is going to be many hefty discounts in it's life cycle.
  3. Ahh makes sense, they have the whole bis bundle on sale as well.
  4. tenshu

    Trouble with racist names

    This is DayZ's anti racism policy?
  5. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    I'm fine with this, was just objecting to the fact that there was no censorship going on.
  6. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Hiding things is just the same basically, it's censorship, unless you are planning to un hide everything
  7. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Things like hacking happen, the nature of the hack was rather distressing. An SQL injection is a pretty basic security flaw.
  8. tenshu

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    Erm, I would beg to differ, things were deleted.
  9. DayZ is now on sale all week, -15% off so only £16.
  10. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    This person seems incapable of grasping these concepts. I only called it that once to try and explain what this poll was about to this person, he/she is finding it hard to separate reality with a persona in game.
  11. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    I have no idea what you're talking about any more, the link I provided was free, as are many Sam Harris lectures and articles. I thought we were finished?
  12. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Updated First post, comparing results from study, thanks everyone!
  13. tenshu

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Please let us! You seem to be struggling with this concept when everyone else can understand it.
  14. tenshu

    Two million units sold

    Well done, inspiration for any people interested in making games.
  15. The biggest concern is that we have no timeline to work with, most game projects that are on early access models have clear and definitive dates as to when things will be implemented and their targets for entering certain stages of development. This may alleviate fears of this project never going anywhere and give a bit more professionalism to the project.