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Everything posted by savedbygrace

  1. savedbygrace

    Stable Update 1.04

    I'm excited that you DEVS are hard at work, improving this title. All these subtle additions bring the immersion to a place that no other titles have done. Thank you for your dedication and the long hours of bringing this game to a as close to life experience as possible. You guys/gals rock!
  2. savedbygrace

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Thanks for your repeated contributions/ports to our community Adam. I've seen many requests for underground terrain but I also know that it just wasn't possible with the old engine. Dean had mentioned the implementation of structures to provide an underground feel that the player would be setpositioned to while not accessible by any other means. #1 Is that idea of Deans' still being entertained? #2 If underground terrain is not possible, have you and the team considered adding above ground models such as hills, mountains and even haystacks that are interactive like other building models? #3 Previous Arma titles have used the in game date system to add things like Christmas trees on December 25th; Will the date system remain and if so, will it control future easter eggs? #4 Have you and the team considered adding varying tree/foliage models to depict seasonal changes? There are models used in the game that break immersion; for example the stump with an unusable axe already in it, a stack of wood that is not accessible to players, a kitchen table where the table cloth is not usable, haystacks that can't be farmed for fire fuel or even interacted with for warmth, countless refuse bins and cans that can be used for placement of loot and discovered with a flip of the lid. #5 Do you as the terrain lead, know if there are plans to change these areas to add objects that players can actually interact with? I've read about the plans to transform the map into a more wasted appearance with things like vegetation and perhaps lighting. #6 Have you and the team considered replacing some of that clear glass with dusty, gritty looking glass, perhaps even have random broken windows that create glass crunching foot steps below them(or cut feet for the barefoot)? #7 Has there been any talk by the team to introduce waterfalls in the form of particles and sound (client side) to add immersion? #8 Are there plans to add an underwater experience such as Arma3 has? I recall reading a report, when you first joined the team, about you building Namalsk with the Dayz tool set with the goal of creating a tutorial that will help terrain editors learn the process. #9 Will the Dayz tool set allow more inexperienced players to get into terrain building? #10 With the new engine using navmesh, will that allow AI to interact with elevated objects without problems?
  3. You DO NOT need a plot pole to build on Petunia servers, but you DO need a plot pole to maintain the objects that you HAVE placed. The server is wiped of all construction that has not been maintained within 29 days or so.
  4. savedbygrace


    You were discouraged from purchasing it unless you can deal with the bugs and help the devs locate and stamp them out. Take some time to browse through the bug tracking list and vote up the bugs that you feel need the most attention. Then the next time you log into to playTEST, don't get to attached to any one character.
  5. Tents should be deleted when the character who placed them dies. They should also have a coordinates check when trying to place one and anything outside of the check should return a hint "Can not place tent in hoarders land, try again bumpkin".
  6. YES This is a great way to increase the challenge.
  7. It's not teleporting. Players spawn in on a server where they were on their previously played server. You just happened to be in a place where someone spawned.
  8. savedbygrace

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    What other type of feedback do you need. I mean, what seems most pressing to the dev team at this point?
  9. savedbygrace

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    The ability to increase body temp in the sunshine is perfect but using the command, "rain", to detect when it is actually raining and then implementing a countdown timer to reduce that body temp 1 degree/percent for every 15 minutes outside, would aid in immersion. If you have any plans to really give this feature a lasting impression I would force the player into an ammo crate animation and have the unit play a vomit sound which attracts infected within 20 meters, if the character is allowed to drop to a specific body temp while a cold is contracted. This could also increase hunger by 20% for every hurl. After 4 hurls, the player passes out with an hourglass screen. This is not suppose to be like other games. If you're sick, you can't go outside to play with your friends, you can't go to work, you can't do chores. Your friends will either rally around you and do everything they can to help you or they will leave you for the wolves. The treachery will be ever so delightful.
  10. savedbygrace

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    I team up with my son online and the first time I heard his character cough, my immediate concern was his welfare. First, because he IS my son and even though this is a virtual reality, morality and compassion still carry over into your actions. My first thought was to get his character next to a fire to get it warmed up. To do that, we had to cease our current route and move to an isolated area where no one would see the firelight since it was dark. Once he was warmed, the infection still lingered and so the need for antibiotics, and where to get them became my next concern. On this point, perhaps allowing antibiotics to spawn in random homes would be appropriate, since many families do stockpile certain medicine to counter the common cold? So immersion was definitely there. The good and bad thing is that the next log on, spawned us in different locations and his cold was gone but our situation had changed, obviously, and immersion was broken.
  11. savedbygrace

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Once the hatchet is implemented; how about making wood abundant, since, well, it IS abundant, and adding a count of 20 to the matches while making them more accessible rather than only at the store since many homeowners use matches to light their own fire places? Surely that is easily done since you have the GUI and models for the matches and just have to write a similar script as the flares or chemical lights, etc. It would also prevent survivors from having to occupy 2 slots for wood. And allow players to cut wood wherever there are objects of certain class names. The chopping wood would actually make noise but gathering from woodpiles would not. Since the flashlight takes the place of a pistol, why not add batteries as magazines? Would it not be easier/cheaper/more efficient to create this mod for servers that run the persistence scripts on their servers which manage all users that use their server rather than having a global persistence system? You usually only play with whoever is on the server at that time and it would prevent the whole server response thing because of impatient gamers as well as create a better bug handing situation for you devs who must be, going out of your minds. Server owners could even set it up and manage the system on their own across multiple servers. Is that the actual plan?
  12. savedbygrace

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    I have also witnessed these same instances across several servers. In addition, I gutted an animal and was rearranging my gear to make room for the raw meat and before I could pick the meat up, the animal disappeared. Could use a distance check from the animal to the player to ensure it stays there til not needed. I pivoted in a ground level doorway and broke a bone (there was no fall). Bones seem to break far too easily. The sunshine tweak on the temp works too good. Now there is no loss at all if it is raining and the sun is still out. Flares should provide some sort of heat compensation as well.
  13. savedbygrace

    Build Hotfix

    I have successfully filled my canteen in ponds and water pumps. You have to refill by using the gear section. Right click canteen, left click option to fill.
  14. savedbygrace

    Build Hotfix

    You know, It would save tons of frustration for the devs if players would make the time to read the changelog or forums(where the changelog appeared this time) while downloading the files. * Water IS refillable at water edges now, since actually submerging into the water would lower body temperatures. Just make sure the canteen is on your person and not in your pack, open gear, right click the canteen, left click the option to refill. * Starving and thirsting offline was removed several patches ago. Out of a way to compromise, if you are offline for the amount of time you would have needed food/water, you will need to eat/drink once you log on, but it does not go beyond that. You lose no blood, and nothing is removed from your gear.
  15. savedbygrace

    Build Hotfix

    Had a pretty good run through the map tonight. ( * I had no problem interacting with the gear. * I was able to weave in and out of infected areas and even within 10 meters sometimes without aggravating them. It just takes timing and patience. * I did place a fire and let it consume one set of logs but when I attempted to pick my fireplace up, there was no option to do so. Do we lose the fireplace or do we now just need firewood and matches to build fires from this point forward? Once I built the fire, I received an option to rearm at the fireplace for a brief moment but then it disappeared. My survival buddy spotted the same rearm option. * The temperature/cough feature is certainly an immersion builder. * The collecting wood for the fire pit is a great immersion builder as well. My only suggestion would be to allow wood collecting from certain object classes such as stumps, fallen trees or ricks of wood you find near homes. * I would still like to see more animals added to the spawn count though. Fantastic efforts Dayz team. Great improvements so far.
  16. savedbygrace

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    These are Artificial Intelligence. They do what they are programmed to do and smell and sound are two senses that digital AI are not capable of. I suspect the script that each infected uses is a combination of distance, speed and stance check to detect against playable characters. So walls and other obstacles need not matter. Furthermore, firing event handlers are probably attached to each playable unit and when a character fires his/her weapon, a script is probably executed that passes the characters weapon class to an array and checks the distance of any units nearby that belong to the infected classes. Your carried weapon and stance will more than likely determine the distance in which that script checks for infected unit classes to declare which ones respond. You want to stay alive while surrounded buy hordes? Stay low and move slow. But keep in mind that also, there is still a "knowsabout" command that all AI units autorun to detect for enemy units, in this case, player characters. I suspect it relies on side class identification to change the behavior of infected units and reveal player characters to them for reaction.
  17. savedbygrace

    Make All Water Sources Able to Fill Canteens.

    Taking an hour to gather object ID's for all inland water sources is worth the trouble. I posted about this in another thread. If you folks would do a search and keep these discussions together, half of these suggestions would probably be read by the Devs.
  18. savedbygrace

    Flare and Chemlight attachment points

    Why not add vest flash lights too?
  19. savedbygrace

    River crossings

    It's not a bug but a calculated consideration. It's rather difficult to stay afloat with gear that weighs as much as a child and no aid from flotation gear. I think the suggestion should be something like....can you prevent me from being spawned off the mainland?
  20. savedbygrace

    Remove NVGs.

    I rather like the idea of having to possess a battery for the NVG in order to use it. It would increase the potential for trade, cause those who have a set, to use it only when needed. And when the battery life runs down, which could be at random, it could place the user in a life or death situation.
  21. savedbygrace


    Haha. Many of the Vietnam veterans would flash back at this suggestion. Children truly have no place in warfare but survival? That's a game changer. Can you imagine a child bandit? Awww, she's cute........Ahhhhhh, run she's got a rocket launcher!!!! To add more challenge, players could have a random chance of spawning with a child in tow. You control the child, equip the child, and keep them alive; in return, that child becomes a second set of eyes, more storage and a partner in case you need a transfusion and don't care to trust anyone else. There are female models in the Arma 2 source files already. One, a reporter, is small enough to pass as a teenage child.
  22. savedbygrace

    Night Time light suggestion

    I like the random weather and lighting effects incorporated by the RVE. I enjoy "surviving" in a different manner than I did the previous night/day. I feel like adding a few more options for night lighting such as the ability catch hay bales on fire or if you have a Jerry can with fuel and some matches, you can light vehicle wrecks on fire would increase immersion but honestly, the flares are more than enough to light an area when scattered in numbers. It makes you work quick and keeps you from loitering too long in certain areas.
  23. savedbygrace

    MERGED: Power station/grid

    There are plenty of game modes out there that offer what you are wanting. Go play them. This is about survival. You know? Scavenging, scampering, patience and timing?
  24. savedbygrace

    Spawn regions

    Your death means a new beginning. If you can't stay alive long enough to explore as you would like, you should change your tactics and become as if it were real. Survival means self preservation above all else. Trust no one and take no careless chances for the sake of that coveted map. Food and water are all that you really need and if you focused on providing for your next meal rather than your next infected assault, your approach and engagement would reflect your caution. I personally think new characters should be spawned within the cities and tasked with escape as the initial objective.
  25. savedbygrace

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Yeah sorry about the off topic post guys. With this new version, I have been spawned into the woods with no interface on three different occasions. Once, it grouped about 8 -10 guys under me but I was not able to interact with any key except the escape. This has happened on different servers. -------- The panic mode could use a unit count ratio check. If there are more than 3 infected closer than 10 meters and all in aware/combat state, the panic mode should kick in. It should stop several seconds after the area is cleared and the heart pump sound file should play for another minute or two. --------- The number increase on infected would be great if the ammo spawn joined that increase --------- The temperature gauge will be a great variable for decision making. Just be sure to allow fire building inside of practical structures like farm or industrial store houses to aid the warming process.