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GenTroy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by GenTroy (DayZ)

  1. Come check out our new server: B Team | 1PP | No Traders | Groups | Map | PvE/PvP | Day | No Rain No traders, loot or kill for your gear needs. 1st Person only. Server uses group system so you can easily team up with friends. VanillaPlusPlusMap for easier navigation. 4 hour restarts, with 3.5 day to 30 minute night cycle per reboot(full moon nights, not pitch black). Global chat enabled. No rain mod, only rains 1% of the time. Public Discord so you can team up if desired. PvP or PvE, you can be a lone farmer or hunter living off the land, or your can spend your dayz living off the loot of your victims. Server Located on East coast. B team has players and admins from US and EU. Discord: https://discord.gg/VEW8eG Server is brand new, we are open to suggestions.
  2. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Why is pvp and gunfights so bad in stand alone?

    While this isn't technically "Gun Play". IMO one of the biggest determents to firefights in SA is the gun sound effects. I know they are scheduled to be fixed later on in development, so I'm not complaining. In the mod, the guns sounded dangerous, and masculine, and those sound effects really added to the gun fight. We all know how scary it sounded when you heard a whistle and then a rifle crack, you knew the shit was about to hit the fan. Sound effects have a huge effect on the way it feels to get into a shootout, as of now the sounds in the SA are just filler and don't have the same effect as they did in the mod. When the real final sounds are added in, I believe it will greatly enhance the way it "feels" to be in a gun fight.
  3. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Solving problem of kill on sight - Vehicles.

    Only way to stop KOS in Dayz, would be to remove all weapons. This same topic has been an ongoing discussion since the birth of dayz.
  4. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Rain makeing you bleed

    I'm putting my money on soundless sniper shot.
  5. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Reason why Bandits rise and heroes die.

    LOL @ troll topic. Its also funny that you're calling people out because their posts "add nothing useful to the discussion", when your original posts adds nothing useful to the dayz forums. Stop feeding this troll everyone, he's just mad and wants everyone to believe he's some kind of a dayz badass.
  6. GenTroy (DayZ)

    What you guys think about the new update?

    I like the changes. Zombies are much more of a threat, mostly because of the rate of infection. I actually heard ppl over direct chat and saw players teaming up in elektro so they could survive...lol don't remember the last time I saw that happen. As an added bonus last night, my usual server hadn't been updated yet, and I stumbled across one that only spawned you with a bandage.....damn it brought back some great memories, and earned that server a spot on my favorites list. As far as all the other additons I haven't really seen them yet, I haven't stumbled across any of the viral infected, or the new camps that are around the map.
  7. GenTroy (DayZ)

    How to Update to 1.7.7 Using DayZ Commander?

    I just checked Dayz commander about 45 minutes ago. 1.7.7 was available. Downloaded and tested, didn't have any issues.
  8. Hosting Dayz 2017 Server, second posting because I want to provide more Details. For those of you who are not familiar with Dayz 2017, here are a few bits of info. Downloadable thru Dayz Commander Can gut and Eat human players and zombies. Very little(if Any) Canned food and canned soda, Must rely mostly on Refillable Water bottles, animal or human meat. No Military Weapon loot, Basic Rifles/shotguns/pistols and CZ 550. Our Server Settings. Dayz 2017 Permanent Daylight Server Backups every 30 minutes, allowing for rollbacks if necessary. Mature admins. Side Chat enabled(No Voice in Side chat enforced) Starting Gear: Tweakers Pack(Same as Coyote Patrol back in Regular Dayz) 1 Water Bottle 1 Bandage
  9. I don't know if all these bans are false positives or not, I would assume that most of them are legit bans which is fine by me. But to everyone that comes out and says "BattleEye does not issue false bans, if your are banned, you cheated, its impossible to have a false positive", what are are basing this on? Do you have this belief becuase BattleEyes website says that there are no false positives? Or do have more information?
  10. GenTroy (DayZ)

    New gear in 1.7.6

    TP, since we don't use the bathroom...must be for TPing houses and/or vehicles. The Razors, since we don't have to shave, must be for cutting coke lines..... both of those are kinda shots in the dark.
  11. GenTroy (DayZ)

    KoS, an examination

    What I would give to see an original topic on this forum...just one.......
  12. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Isn't it about time we added horses?

    Besides being a sociall taboo. There is nothing unhealthy about eating horsemeat.
  13. GenTroy (DayZ)

    New Dayz 2017 Server.

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you all know about our new Dayz 2017 Server, that is up and running. If any of you are interested here are the details: Dayz 2017 50 slot Day Light only Side Chat Enabled Starting gear is Basic Backpack, Water bottle, and bandage. Server address Hope to see some of you there.
  14. GenTroy (DayZ)

    1st/3rd Person Perspective, Immersion and Awareness.

    I have always preferred 1st person except in ARMA II. It is the only game I have ever used 3rd person in. My vision in 1st person is way too restricted, feels like tunnel vision. I am hoping that they increase the FOV in the SA as that would bring me back to 1st person, which I would prefer.
  15. GenTroy (DayZ)

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    I can sum up the problem in one sentence. The problem with dayz is that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and they all stink.
  16. GenTroy (DayZ)

    How are things?

    White listed is the only way to go. I've been playing on one for the past month, had 1 scripter get get on and nuke the server. He was banned and the server was rolled back. Other than that, it was been hack free, as far as I can tell.
  17. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Harvesting Plants

    I like this idea. I know if i was killed on Day Zero of the infection, the first person to loot my house would have 100% chance of military grade weapons spawn, lol.
  18. GenTroy (DayZ)

    How dangerous are the zombies REALLY

    They are not near as dangerous as most of the forum ragers would have you believe.
  19. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Well shite...

    I've had that happen to me. Its a scripter.
  20. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Best Random Find in DayZ

    My very first spawn, I spawned by that bridge West of Komenka. I wandered around for awhile(terrified of zeds). I'd say after 45min to an hour I come across a deer stand. I crawled 70 meters or so to the ladder, climbed up........Took an AK47 round in face from a survivor that was already in there.
  21. GenTroy (DayZ)

    How to remove a downloaded MAP ?

    I wouldn't even worry about deleting it. Just join a server running cherno or w/e map you prefer. I don't play Namalsk anymore, but I still have it installed. Doesn't cause any problems.
  22. GenTroy (DayZ)

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    The zombies are a little more challenging now, which is good. I don't see how they are overpowered and need to be nerfed. Just last night i crouch walked into vybor, made it almost all the way to the grocery store before I got spotted. So i ran into the school across the street, lost the followers, then crouch walked across the street into the grocery store. I also went prone to avoid Z's last night, for the first time in a long time, and it was kinda nice. Avoiding Z's is still very possible, just may require a slight change in tactics.
  23. GenTroy (DayZ)

    Opinions with the Update?

    I like it. More zombies, less ammo. Makes for some exciting looting.
  24. GenTroy (DayZ) What's up with the low ammo drops

    I must say, it was nice to be able to tell my group last night "sorry guys, I can't waste a bullet on that zombie, I only have 5 rounds for my rifle"
  25. GenTroy (DayZ)

    DayZ SA.... Horses! Listen out.

    Suggestion: If you take horse into glue factory, it automatically dies and elmeers bottles spawn as loot.