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Everything posted by frogman3

  1. Hey guys- so I logged in today near the coast with ALL my items (except for the starting cyote pack) are gone. Is there a way to remedy this? I've tried restarting game and it doesnt seem to help, as well as joining various servers. Getting pretty frustrated since 2 days ago i got a broken leg for no reason and had to respawn, yesterday i got stuck in debug plains and had to respawn, and now this. It seems I can never get anywhere in this game. *sigh* Also tried saving stuff in tents but the tents don't save my items either (even after clicking save tent)
  2. Hey guys, it's been a while since I've played. Before, I could eat any food and increase my blood. However, even after eating several cans of food, and a few pieces of bacon, my blood level appears unchanged. Apart from using a blood bag (which requires a friend - which I do not currently have) how does one increase blood?
  3. So should bacon work? My blood levels look the same after a few pieces. Or is it just beef now?
  4. Hello, I tried googling this problem, but the solutions I found did not fit for my situation, or the person simply killed the thread with a "I fixed it" and no description. Anywho, I have DayZ fully working on one PC. I installed everything for my dad's PC yesterday and I'm now getting this error when I try to join any servers. I've downloaded the latest beta patch, latest DayZ files. The files it says I shouldnt have are all legitimate files that have been confirmed to be on my PC where the game works. They are all the .pbo files. Simply deleting them causes additional errors (obviously hehe). Anyone have any tips? Thanks! Also, I tend to get a "dayz_anim requires CAMisc_fix" error when starting the game. The only difference is this new installation was not installed with steam.
  5. frogman3

    FIles not accepted by this server

    Has no one ran into these issues before? =(
  6. frogman3

    Battle eye kick from every server

    Awesome - thanks!
  7. frogman3

    Battle eye kick from every server

    Is anyone else having trouble downloading the arma 2 betas? I go to their site and right click> Save target as and it tells me that my "login request was denied"
  8. Thanks askar - I reinstalled battleeye and then killed myself. I switched servers and got my stuff back. :)
  9. Alrighty - I'll keep retrying. ALso I keep getting kicked for "battleeye not responding" - maybe this is the problem?
  10. Hey guys - I've been trying real hard to get some of my friends to play DayZ, but they have never played a fps-type game before and refuse to play online at the moment. Is there a way to host a LAN game of DayZ or maybe a temporary non-hive server or something? Thanks!
  11. alrighty thank you for the heads up. Does anyone have any leads on links? I have been googling this for the last few hours and havent found much, so I came here to see if anyone had ideas.
  12. So I've been playing this game for the last month or so and have placed about 8 or so tents. Not a single one has remained 100% intact overnight. The first one disappeared overnight. The second one had all the items go poof. The third disappeared, the fourth disappeared and the 5th lost all its items. These are all on different servers. On Wednesday or so, I placed one more tent just to have the tent duplicate and lose all of its items. We placed a second tent not too far away and came back to see that the first two tents were again still there and the third tent was empty. This is getting relaly frustrating, since me and my friend have been dumping all of our good gear in them as we go look for car parts. Not only have I now lost a bizon, 3 M4a1 CCO's, 2 CZ 550's, camo, several guns, heaps of ammo, about 30-50 meat and pretty much everything else we've looted in the last month, we now are all out of car parts. I know this is a pretty unstable mod, but I noticed that tons of other people seem to be using tents alright in videos posted on the internet. Am I doing soemthing wrong? I make sure to "save tent" after everytime I put in items. Also, all of my tents have been at least partially covered by trees - is this a known issue? Thanks!
  13. Thank you, I will try the "save 5x" trick to see if it works! And yes, multiple tents are cool, but it doesn't feel like exploiting when you trade all your gear for 1 tent.. -_-
  14. Hey guys - this is my first post. I had a question about the 'shock' status. I just respawned last night and logged out (completely unhurt). However, when I logged in, I was in shock with that timer thing. Obviously this is a bug (or maybe not?) but I was wondering how long I might have to deal with this. IN other words - will this continue to happen as until I die and respawn? If so, I think shock is a bit harsh lol, especially because of the buginess of the mod at the moment. Thanks!
  15. frogman3

    Question about "shock"

    Thanks for the tip - restarting the game appeared to have eliminated the issue. And I never log out in dangerous places- but it's just really annoying to log in everytime and have to wait 5 min. I also still have 12k blood if you were suggesting I may have been ambushed while logging in. Gracias!
  16. frogman3

    Question about "shock"

    Anyone? :(