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Deadboy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Deadboy (DayZ)

  1. Hoping that my thoughts are not entirely offline in this section of the Forum. I'm talking servers, and I do need to vent. And more importantly ask for advice. Hoping some of you understand why I feel troubled about this. Over the past few years, my friends and I have always chosen busy servers to play on. We're in Europe, so we typically pick German and UK servers. Both the Community and the Official HIVE servers, to be more precise. In the past few months we've run into a problem. We've started playing Experimental only, because the .62 servers are seeing a bit of a player drought, understandably. I'll be quick: Every single Tuesday, at 20 CET, we play. A lot on the UK ones these months. I do play a lot more than just that, and most of us not only just once in a week, but that day, that time? That's the one we picked because every single one of us can usually make it. Now in the past, we've enjoyed days, nights, weather and sunny times. Until a few months ago that is. When it started to rain. All day. All night. So it seems. CERTAINLY every Tuesday at 20 CET. And on ALL the servers of the hive! They're all in perfect sync with the night time, and it's like we've bouncing from server to server to not have it rain for a few minutes. And we're tired of it. So damn tired of it. Give us a break, please? Some of us are still trying to get the hang of this new version with it's changed controls; and some players have dark screens that even enhance the blackness in contrast, sitting in a well lit room, because they are not "hard core". And every Tuesday it's the same: it's dark. Foggy. And raining. God dammit, I wish I could say I've seen it happen even just once that this pattern is broken. Just for ONE damn time! For petes sake, what is up with this? Who operates these? Who decides it's a good idea to not have the time be random across hive servers anymore? Or let it rain buckets every day? I'm not expecting anything outrageous, but I'd like to see the SUN *sometimes* on Tuesday! Or walk without the constant torture of hearing the rain for hours. I hate this! Everyone in the group is getting increasingly annoyed. And I have NOTHING I could say to reassure them.
  2. Deadboy (DayZ)

    Exp Update 0.63.148815

    I've just read the latest status report, mainly looking for something specific on player footsteps, but did not find anything. Can somebody confirm or deny that player footsteps will become detectable audibly in a stereo/surround environment? The current implementation is monoaural, and the footsteps become louder, the closer they are, but you will not be able to discern the direction they're coming from. Which is something that I've been hoping to see working, for a long time.
  3. Friends and I would like to strongly suggest an alternative to having to hold mouse buttons in coming versions, to accomplish actions in the game. Let's call it click-again-to-cancel. We're already considering rebinding Q and E to mouse 1 and 2 respectively in addition to the mouse keys itself, to not have to always use the right hand. To many this will seem silly, but please believe me, this is an issue that you too might encounter when you get older, or when you simply play a whole lot. I was even considering getting foot pedals. It is that important to me. Clicking never is a problem. Holding buttons for a very short time (as in dragging and dropping), also is fine. But the prolonged presses I've experienced in the stress test and offline, are too much. Please consider it! It would vastly improve the controls for a number of people, no doubt.
  4. Deadboy (DayZ)

    Better HUDless mode

    For what they're worth, I miss the old text messages in the lower left a lot. They made a mostly HUDless DayZ experience possible in the first place. That, combined with only seeing all your stats when you open the inventory. Now this could be instead bound to show up with the hotkey bar instead, because that can be enabled or disabled while running, so you can check your health while on the go. It's not that I don't like these status icons, but they're either always there, or always hidden. And just having text in the bottom corner of the screen makes it so much more natural. When I feel sick, "a rumble in my bowels" just sounds a lot more convincing than, say, a blinking tummy.
  5. Only unconscious players? I think you should be able to drag anyone who is either dead, uncon, or tied up.
  6. Deadboy (DayZ)

    PLEASE -don't- change the new reloading mechanics!

    You know what, I'm good with the system too, but it would be a nice idea to now have 2 hands, not just one rectangle for hand/s. This way it'll feel more natural to have a mag in one and bullets in the other. I'll all for having these mechanics, but improving them would be nice. For example, please don't force players to keep holding down keys, but give them a start click and abort click. Or come up with another way. Started a thread about that, too. It's a lot of extra strain for some players, and with age, you'll find this kind of thing increasingly more and more uncomfortable.
  7. Deadboy (DayZ)

    Holding mouse buttons and carpal tunnels ...

    Then this option wouldn't be your pick, I suppose. However, this is something that's probably different for most people. To varying degrees. It puts strain on my wrist, tendons, and I've been "playing healthy" for a good while now, as I'm 42 years old, now. Also, I've had a number of conversations about this with streamers and audiences, and am not the only one to see this is a long term problem, if no other options are present. Trust me please, I know the basics of how to treat my body, how to sit, what chair, keyboard and mouse are the most ergonomic and align with my personal preference. Having this option would really help. I hope a lot of people, even when they're not personally affected in the least, would be supportive. Thanks so much, but I understand your reservations, too! Also, hope your carpal is kept in check, and that you can play as you please! <3
  8. Deadboy (DayZ)

    Holding mouse buttons and carpal tunnels ...

    The "click again to cancel" sort of thing that I am suggesting, is because I believe a lot of playyers need an alternative to put less burden on muscle and tendons in the wrist. Anything to alleviate carpal tunnel syndrome, or even the chances of getting there. Continually rolling the wheel sounds like an alternative to holding - nice on paper - but I'm not sure it really is better. You might even be able to speed things up, but it would seem to still require constant motion with a finger and the "wiring" in your wrist.
  9. Deadboy (DayZ)

    Mysterious server crash

    A few hours ago, the server I was on just crashed. According to DayZspy, I'm still on it, still playing, but the "time connected" is not ticking any longer. Several months before another server crashed beneath my feet already - just exactly like the one just now. That server -never recovered- from the crash, as far as I could see. It disappeared completely, along with my old stashes. Which I then rebuilt. On the current one. Only to have it crashing, too, in seemingly the exact same way. And now I really want to know what's actually happening here. The server I'm talking about is called "DayZ Server Daennys Vikings", and I have no idea who it belongs to. Me and friends have several stashes on it, and at the time of the crash, I was sorting through the inventory of a barrel and a tent. Just as several months before, when this happened on a different server. Nothing out of the ordinary or unusual. Move a cooking pot here, change of clothes, get a different gun for the next day, and what have you. As I was the only person connected at both times, the only clue I have is that I might have triggered it, but no idea what made it happen. I'd prefer that server to actually come back, when the Wednesmay maintenance time is up, but I fear it's not going to return, if things do go exactly like last time. Anyone have any idea what this is? PS: This time the server actually recovered and went back up. But I'm leaving this here because I'm still concerned.
  10. Deadboy (DayZ)

    Stable Update 0.61.136770

    Oh, it would have really been fine to just let people enjoy 0.60 over christmas. I feel this puts an ever greater burden on you, because of these many problems the current 0.61 has. Anyway, have a wonderful christmas time, everyone, and I hope you experience few bugs, if any at all, on stable!
  11. Okay, I've been playing this game for some weeks now. With "game" however, I don't just mean DayZ. No, I've been playing this constant guessing game of "Let's see, is this server going to let me play or not?" After the recent debacle about wrong versions, I stopped using the Six Launcher, and installed all these update patches by hand. Now after coming back from a week of work, I thought, "Oh, look, DayZ had a new version coming out, now everything will be right back on track and it'll let me play, meaning, I can get PAST the Male/Female selection screen if it ever shows up". Which it doesn't. I'm back at this @#$%#$ wrong server crap message! For christ sakes, what's so goddamn wrong with using ARMA, the most recent patch for it, and running the beta of this mod? something-something, 1.60-somethingsomething4444 is what I currently have. I launched it with the beta icon, it tells me it supposedly loaded in that beta and DayZ whatever-4444 ... I try a bunch of servers that have the words beta and 4444 in their version string, and then just any server, purely random, and AGAIN this won't even LAUNCH properly anymore! I'm SO fed up with the way versions are handled here. I mean how fucking hard can it be to just bring out sequential updates that at least spew out an error message that says more than "BAwwww you wrong version you made bunny cry!". So if my version is somehow wrong, WHERE and WHAT is WRONG with it?! Jesus! I'm doing everything by the book and I still get this! Again! Aaaah crap! Sorry, had to vent a bit..