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Everything posted by 1234Darkmaster

  1. 1234Darkmaster

    Bring back the respawn button

    I now actually have to find zombies to nom on me so I can spawn where i want if its extremely on the other side of the map -.-
  2. I love helicopter personally and I'm really excited :D. The only issue i have is that hackers could kick you out of the heli and that would make you die. I spent 10 hours on ARMA practicing piloting so I could pilot one for my group :P
  3. 1234Darkmaster

    You were kicked off the game

    badbadrobot's method worked!!! Thank you :)
  4. 1234Darkmaster

    Rollin around in a UAZ(F HACKERS)

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38509-ca11-hacker-able-to-move-players-into-debug-forest/#entry366024 Same story i guess. Yep a hacker in CA11 teleporting and killing people with a hatchet while being invincible. I demand a revival :( i spent 8 hours walking across map for those stuff i had on me...
  5. 1234Darkmaster

    Rollin around in a UAZ(F HACKERS)

    What server was this on?
  6. 1234Darkmaster

    CA11 Hacker able to move players into debug forest.

    A hacker in CA 11 just teleported next to me and my bud, hatchet'ed both of us to death, we were highly armed and i bursted 3-5 shots of M4A1 ammo in him, didn't even effect him. Also the server keeps restarting every 20-30 mins o.O WTF IS GOING ON?
  7. 1234Darkmaster

    DayZ or HellZ?

    Can anyone tell me how did this happen last night on Canada 11 ( Canada 2 ) Near Elektro that made night bright as day? :D
  8. 1234Darkmaster

    DayZ or HellZ?

    Well i just hope BattlEye gets more updates XD
  9. 1234Darkmaster

    throw hatchet

    I searched enough and didn't see anything like this posted so i guess, why not! It would be cool if you could throw it by having it in the F menu and retrieve the hatchet from the body. So what do you guys think? Crappy idea? Good idea? Bad idea?
  10. 1234Darkmaster

    throw hatchet

    Bad idea, and now that i think of it, you guys are right :rolleyes:
  11. 1234Darkmaster

    Help im about to go insane!

    https://dl.dropbox.c...re/su-setup.exe ^This might help.
  12. 1234Darkmaster

    throw hatchet

    What if your indoor? :)
  13. 1234Darkmaster

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    I like the idea. Though it would be gr8 if it could direct communicate with the player that setup the radio tower, if he has a radio which is in the game, and tell him that someone entered the radius of the camp. This way the person would be alerted and could rush back to the camp and catch them red handed! :) Just saying, but it is taller than a forest tree?
  14. 1234Darkmaster

    Shit/Piss System

    First of all i would like to say this thread made my day. Second, OP is a troll. Third, I don't like the idea.
  15. 1234Darkmaster

    Bullet proof vest

    Title explains it. It should reduce damage from bullets and only cover your chest, and it would be found in high value military locations. You would not bleed if shot in the chest. So what do ya'll think? :)
  16. 1234Darkmaster

    Bullet proof vest

    Ops already posted i guess. Sorry.
  17. Hi, My friend wants to play DayZ along with the rest of my friends, but he doesn't want to get the "ARMA 2: Combined Operations" pack from Steam, what does he have to buy to run DayZ? PS: Sorry if its in the wrong section. Regards
  18. 1234Darkmaster

    play dayz without combined operation from steam?

    Ok guys thanks for the response :)
  19. use the forest, go north, avoid High value military areas, avoid Cherno or Elektro, avoid going to North West Airfield, avoid going to places where you see dead zombies/players because there was someone probably there and looted the player if he had any good stuff but if you see zombies alive next to the player, kill them and go loot him. Always have at least 1 bandage, 2 morphine, 1 painkiller, 2 drinks and 2 food with you. Don't throw flares close to you or carry them at night near cities or towns, if you hear gunshots from a city, get out of it, if your not in it then run towards the forest and go prone as soon as you can and start to crawl a bit out and see if you can identify the shooters, if you got a sniper rifle then try to take them out if they seem to be bandits and are attacking other players if not, ask in direct chat whether they are friendly or not. If they do not response, gun him/them down if you have a sniper rifle and only 1 of them has a sniper because you can get deadly return fire since they will tell each other of your position. If your position is discovered start to crouch run away and get far. If you did manage to see few bandits and you took one down, camp it for 20 minutes and make sure no one is hiding to kill you when you want to loot it. I personally camped my friend for 1:30 hours to kill a group of bandits alone when they looted him. it was night too. poor bastards didn't know what hit them :D Avoid going to Starysabor's military tents too, snipers camp that area.
  20. 1234Darkmaster

    Dangerous Wilderness!

    just add bears.
  21. 1234Darkmaster

    -=Starter Classes=-

    The idea doesn't seem that bad but, This isn't Tribes:Ascend or TF2.