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About Gumzz

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. I facepalm at the people who facepalm at this thread, such simpletons.
  2. Gumzz

    DayZ Standalone Group

    bump, not interested in a hero clan
  3. I'm interested in getting a group going, preferably a small group. I'm 22 from the UK and have a lot of experience in the mod and have played a lot of the standalone so far. If you are of similar age or older and are interested, post here or PM me your steam and we can talk...
  4. ^wizard go into inventory and drag and drop a "can opener" or "screwdriver or "knife" over the can you want to open... maybe some other things will open it too
  5. Gumzz

    Notes and pens??

    worked for me last time i tried
  6. Punishing players for killing other players would be a really bad idea. Even if the player is playing how you would think to be wrong it doesn't matter what you think, it's that players choice. People complaining about others who kill them "stupidly" or "i had nothing, and they still killed me ruthlessly"... it doesn't matter what you think about him or if what he did was stupid or not, its not up to you to say what he can and can't do. Maybe the actual player is actively playing a role of a crazy dude in game that has not had any human contact in years except for zombies, and my point being, if he likes to play that "role", if that's what he has most fun doing, then that's his choice.
  7. Gumzz


    Currently I am trying to get a squad together for DayZ, I am 22 from the UK, if you are interested private message me with - Age Location How active you are
  8. Gumzz

    Making Group

    uk, does not matter
  9. Gumzz

    Making Group

    Hey, I want to make a squad with a maximum of 4 players, I play tactically and do not rush into situations The squad will be playing breaking point. The idea for this squad is to be a dominating squad on any server that we play on, and wipe out all others. I would like to get a squad running as soon as possible, I do ask that you are at least a decent player and know your way around the map and are somewhat skilled. PM me, I am online right now and will be for many hours.
  10. I remember I came across a site that showed gun rankings, how much dmg they do, noise they make, etc Can't seem to find it with search, can anyone link it to me? tnx
  11. Gumzz

    Aiming receptacle disappeared???

    its turned off for some servers
  12. Gumzz

    Epic Fail.

  13. Gumzz

    Looking for someone to play with right now :)

    are u near the north east airstrip?
  14. Gumzz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi! I'm stuck with a broken leg near the north EAST airstrip, need help. TY