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Everything posted by Dr.Lyme

  1. The road between stary and novy sobor.... a death trap, many have fallen to the ghost of roadblock past.
  2. You're rage is as endearing as your tears are delicious. Cry some more, Op. "With blacks ops2: zombi-" Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait..... wait. ... how about no????? See, look what you did. Now I just think your trolling, and this isn't legit QQ... now I can't get off.
  3. Dr.Lyme

    A little comical video I found.

    If anyone asks me: "What is Day Z like?" i'm sending them this video.
  4. Dr.Lyme

    twitch vs dayz

    Your signature picture should be put in a museum, such fine art.
  5. Dr.Lyme

    Little question

    They re spawn.
  6. Dr.Lyme

    If a trader...

    Probably; most people with camps have at-least one hacked weapon in them, given they aren't dupeing. In which case, they have more.
  7. I envy you, I don't have the patience to play medic anymore.
  8. I don't really do it for loot, as I have plenty of that back at camp. I do it for reactions: Day Z is about player interactions, not so much who has the biggest gun or survives the longest, exc exc exc, blah blah blah. I could rave about this for days, but i'll save you the novel to read. Good question, though.
  9. So you think it's hilarious to be a little bitch?
  10. Dr.Lyme


  11. Dr.Lyme

    Damn hackers, every time

    I never said that they will seize, but pushing out script enforcers / anti-hack codes will be much easier and will come much quicker than the Mod. (In which they never came at all.) Arma 2's engine is very trusting and easy to hack by nature.
  12. Dr.Lyme

    Found a AS50 TWS scope off a hacker

    Everyone has those, I see more of them then I see legit as50's.
  13. I like sticking my fingers in clan wars, msg'd you.
  14. Dr.Lyme


    Radiation poison would be pretty inevitable... And you thought the atmosphere would make you shit your pants. Just wait until you literally can't stop shitting your pants.
  15. Dr.Lyme

    Damn hackers, every time

    I'm not saying that the stand alone focus is a bad thing, quite the contrary. It's good that the devs are making the effort, but people really need to stop the "Hacker hacker hacker" threads.... cause' they are kinda pointless.
  16. I'v got a couple, and my replies to them: "This game sucks. War Z is better." -No one cares. "No one cares about your hard-on's for War Z" -Probably will end up being posted by me. "I payed thirty bucks for arma2: AO. And now I have to pay another 15?" -You'd still be paying less than the 60 you would have payed for a AAA title. "[this or that] Is too hard, Rocket needs to nerf" -Cry some more, Day Z is supposed to be hard.
  17. Kick him in the dick.
  18. Dr.Lyme

    Damn hackers, every time

    We get it; really. Everyone knows that hackers are a problem on main hive. For now, you're going to need to play on either low pop servers or private hives to avoid the buggers. Or you could rage-quit till standalone. Rocket and the devs are too busy trying to push the damn thing out by new-years to be bothered with fixing the mod.
  19. Sorry to say but: Gun-Wielding-AI would ruin the point of Day Z. (Not that I don't support Private Hive silliness, like Terrex said) But having something like this in the main game would kinda ruin the point. Day Z is about human-on-human interaction, shooting NPC's (or having a heavy npc focus) ruins the "anti-game" appeal of Day Z.
  20. I have to say my most (two) glorious melee weapon moment would have to be: I had just been killed in a fire fight and was therefore a new spawn in electro. After exploring for a couple of minutes I nabbed myself a fire ax and decided to loot the firehouse. It just so happens, there was an unarmed fellow sporting a bandit skin. After crying friendly for a moment (this occurred long before I went bandit and still thought crying friendly could help me.) I realized that he was unarmed, and sporting a terrorist rag. “This is what you get for killing those people!” “How’s about a taste of your own medicine!” “This is how it feels to those people you killed, you scuuuum!” The chase and psychotic taunting lasted about three minutes before he alt-f4’d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My seconded (best) ax-time-fun-time story also happened in electro, where in a De-sync. I slashed the tires and killed the driver of a costal party bus. The confused (fresh-spawn) passengers wondered where their driver had gone, and why he had logged. I quieted their questions with one line: “I am your driver now, welcome to the rape bus” I had planned on driving it off sniper hill, but I was shot out by a sniper before I left town.
  21. http://i46.tinypic.com/cmj Fuck, I just use my face.
  22. Dr.Lyme

    So how do you open the can of beans?

    What, you mean you aren't supposed to eat the can?