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Everything posted by Dr.Lyme

  1. Dr.Lyme

    Recruiting for sniping bandits Clan

    Everything I hate.
  2. Dr.Lyme

    Do many people still play this?

    No, no one plays Day Z... no one... not a single person... at all.
  3. Dr.Lyme

    Bullshit random knockout.

    I think they should include two.
  4. Dr.Lyme

    Im a monster!

    If this makes you a monster, I must be Satan.
  5. That was funny, but I could really go without the asshole music.
  6. Dr.Lyme

    What's your humanity?

    Well, sense you asked: H=24(x-3)+49|2+1|
  7. Dr.Lyme

    Dayz Problems

  8. Dr.Lyme

    Military NPC

  9. Dr.Lyme

    Just downloaded DayZ for the first time!

    Prepare your anus.
  10. Get that greifer-wire out of here.
  11. Dr.Lyme

    DayZ mystery solved

    I always figured that all the zombies were regular people, and all they wanted to a little cuddling. But it's like that one situation where that one person with huge amounts of BO goes in for a hug and your like: "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiii-" and push them away. Same thing really, just with bullets.
  12. Dr.Lyme

    Someone with Fraps please try this ninja kick

    This topic gave me an erection.
  13. Dr.Lyme

    PVE Server

    The majority said: "no" Faith in Day Z players restored.
  14. Please note: this is not a QQ thread, people accusing me of QQ will simply be ignored. After playing medic for so long, I decided it was time for a change of pace: I turned bandit; But not the “cherno sniper” or “costal shooter” kind of bandit, who runs around popping the heads of the unarmed dudes hugging the coastline. Not the bandit that kills people because it’s fun, or kills everyone on sight because of paranoia; A legitimate bandit, not a psychopath (or little kid) using the term ‘bandit’ as a shield from being called a greifer. (because let’s be honest here, your Cherno sniping is to have some fun at the expense of the poor costals down there.) I’ve been legitimately robbing people and I have to wonder, is anyone else doing this? Are there any other bandits out there that prefer a nice, clean, stick-up as opposed to the shoot-n’-loot approach? If so, I’d like to hear your stories, and maybe get some tips on how to pull off these muggings more efficiently. Here’s how 90% of my encounters so far have played out: Me- "Drop your gun, and secondary; do not turn towards my voice!" Random- “FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY FRIENDLY (screaming into mic whilst turning and firing at me)” *Bang bang* Me- “Did you seriously think that would work? (while looting his unconscious body)” But hey, for every 3 people who don't listen: I get at least one person who can drop his gun and walk away unharmed. Which is nice, I like it when no death is involved. So again, any tips? Or am I stupid for trying to be a legitimate bandit? [[Edits: Ironically enough, I was (kinda) beat at my own game yesterday. A man wielding a lmg stuck me up for my bizon, he made a mistake by not requiring me to face away from him and I emptied half a mag of MK (which I had in my backpack) into him before he could react and fire back... he had god-mode on, fuck hive servers. I'm going back to forgotten.]]
  15. As valiant as your efforts may seen, chances are those snipers have a (dupeing) camp filled with 30 more of those stupid as50s.
  16. Dr.Lyme

    Lingor Island: My DayZ Savior

    BDasiohfbAFISHB439-2gted-9bgep dfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
  17. Good thing you put that in there, I was about to flip some tables and go full on keyboard warrior. And believe it or not, I played eve for awhile
  18. Dr.Lyme

    OMG everyone watch this!!

    You're right, hackers are pretty scary.
  19. Don't bother with snipers, most are too scared of losing their bullshit weapons. Just shoot them, saves you both time.
  20. Dr.Lyme

    The "power" of Alt F4.

    I know a guy who wrote an auto-alt-f4 script. I wish only death on him.
  21. Pretty sure 50 cals are in the game to take out vehicles..
  22. Geared up players are hard to kill because they are geared up. HAR HAR, I MAED A FUNNEH