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johnny squats

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About johnny squats

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  1. If this server is so awful can you explain why you and Shane came crawling back after leaving? Shane even purchased anothe copy of Arma II and created a fake email adress and name and then re-applied for the sever? If its that bad why do you keep coming back asking for another chance? 99% of our members are happy with the server. Your just too quick to call admin abuse when you know nothing about how the server is run. You were extremely rude to all the admins and other players on the server yet we still let you back and gave you another chance, if anything we are too kind as we clearly should of not let you back. You sir are a ticking time bomb and will explode at the slightest hint you will not get your own way. I really do pity you Duff and I pity the admin that have to deal with your childish attitude in which ever server you chose to play on. Our server is always growing and we are still taking multiple applicants every day. With over 6000 views on this forum I just can't see that your childish post will make any difference to our server. Everyone knows that trolls roam the Internet and you are proving to EVERYONE that you are just another one out their to complain and ruin other people's experience. I really think you should just start your own server as that is the only way you will be happy playing dayz because you can treat people how you like without being banned. I would wish you all the best but I'm not going to anymore, I don't think you deserve to be treated like an adult as you have no respect for anyone but yourself. Like I have said before when your not online no one argues, no one cries this community is the best I have seen on any dayz server I have played on. I dont know why you think the admin are some sort of super group that just ban everyone in sight, if we did that then we wouldn't have any members left would we? We have only had to ban 4 people including yourself since the start of this server. You may think you are saving people from the evil of the world but I really believe no one cares what you have to say, so put your time and energy into something more productive like starting your own server where people are free to hurl abuse and run scripts here there and everywhere. As I said I don't wish you the best of luck or anything else for that matter as I'm tired of being pleasent to you as it just gets thrown back in my face. Now go scream and cry into your pillow if it makes you feel better but please stay away from here as I'm sick to death of your incessant whining.
  2. I really don't need to explain anything. You know exactly what you did. You really think that our entire whitelist are "friends" with the admin, this is entirely fictional. Out of all the members that play on this server why is it the complaints always seem to come from 2 ex members? For any non members reading this I can only ask that you apply and see for yourself what a brilliant community there is on this server.
  3. I really don't need to explain anything. You know exactly what you did. You really think that our entire whitelist are "friends" with the admin, this is entirely fictional. Out of all the members that play on this server why is it the complaints always seem to come from 2 ex members? For any non members reading this I can only ask that you apply and see for yourself what a brilliant community there is on this server.
  4. Thanks for the positive comments chaps, you guys have made this server a truly great place to play DayZ!
  5. Come on Duff there's no need to for language like that, no one else here has used profanities towards others on here and as we all know children do have access to this forum. Please show some consideration for others.
  6. You really do have no one else to blame but yourself. I urge you to run your own server as I'm sure it would be the greatest server in all of DayZ
  7. Well put Melvin. This just show's how idiotic Duff is. He constantly criticises other peoples work and when it is directed back at him he just ignores it. Good riddance, since he decided to get upset and leave, the server has been running fine, no problems, no complaints that I have been made aware of, I see a pattern emerging. As I have said, there will always be one or two bad eggs in the basket but as soon as they are smashed all you are left with are the good ones.
  8. You post this asif the restarts and hive resets were a personal attack against you, both of those affected EVERYONE on the server and yet only you seem to constantly complain about it. DayZ is currently a mod in beta stage this means it has bugs and issues that can cause unforeseen problems that are for the most part out of our control. You do not run your own server so how can you comment on something you don't have any experience with? Do you really think we thought "Duff's in a chopper, quick let's restart the server?" maybe you do think that but I can assure we didn't. The hive reset was due to a BLISS update and the following resets which occurred a short while after the first was the result of us spending time trying to restore everyone to before the update, but we were unsuccessful.
  9. On a serious note if any of our members feel they have been treated unfairly or feel that the admins are too aggressive on the server please speak up now and we will try to resolve this. Thanks guys.
  10. To be honest Duff I'm glad you have left te server after seeing your behavior here I can see you are clearly not mature enough to be part of this server and maybe we should rethink our application stratergy. I'm not quite sure where you are getting your information from but it is all fabricated. Why are you saying the admins KOS when did this happen? As far as I'm aware I have only shot one person on sight and it was a full squad with chopper raiding my camp, I'm sure you would of just let them take what they want.....yeah right! You can read what you want I never said you couldn't but I did say you are not part of this community so why bother posting ridiculous comments that everyone know are untrue. Why me in particular? If you can seive through all lies in your brain I think you will find that I didn't say anything offensive to anyone at the time of the incident, I think maybe you mean Ricky. The hive resets have even explained to our members and they could not have been helped. You seem to think the admins just sit back and watch what everyone else Is doing....we DONT, we want to play the game as much as everyone else, so we don't have time to answer stupid questions which involve breaking the server rules! You have that many lies that you are fabricating you seem to forget what actually happened. We even gave you another chance after you killed a player in the green zone, which we all know was not an accident. You were seen taking aim at the car tyre and shooting (not at a zombie as you stated) obviously you didn't realise this would make the car explode but you still engaged in PVP in the green zone but as you had been perfectly fine before we were willing give you another chance but apparently that was not the right choice to make. Your opinions are based on fabricated information, I'm not sure why you would do this but please grow up and play some DayZ.
  11. Duff, you chose to leave the server so why do you insist on reading and posting in this thread as nothing here concerns you, you are not and do not want to be part of this community, so I kindly ask you spread your malicious rumors else where. Also with all due respect you do seem to be offended very easily and this thread could contain information that you may find offensive and I would hate for you to get upset again. Maybe you should concentrate more on being an active member of your current community and less time tryin to soil the reputation of others.
  12. Well there are currently no players online at the moment so I don't know if it's a server issue or a problem at your end. I'm going to perform a manual server restart now. I'd try joining again when you get home from work before re-installing your DayZ files.
  13. I don't use the commander myself but I would imagine that it only checks the dayz files are upto date but not the beta patch. Look here - http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php - for the beta patch, I'm at work right now so I cant check which patch the server is currently running but if you search for the server in dayz it should say which patch it is running and then just download and install the correct version. Hope this helps. **UPDATE** The sever is currently running the 97448 beta patch.
  14. Hey Doc, there was recently an arma beta patch update, might be worth checking you have the correct patch. Did the server just show up with a little red X next to it?