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About hoko

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Well this guy "NIGHTCRAWLER" ( https://www.gametracker.com/player/NightCrawler/ ) Told me change my name or get banned, twice already, first because his friend has the name "first" and then the second one was because he didnt like my name "Le SexPanda" and proceeded to threatened to kill my friend (i dont even know how he knew i had someone with me when me and my friend barely respawned/loaded in) after i logged out from his server https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ http://youtu.be/aU4IUShWbu4 recorded the bit where he was talking to me, after i quit my friend started looting the area n was being threatened constantly..
  2. Well after this new update, i can barely play dayz on low settings... i always played on the highest settings and got 50+ frames, now it just become unplayable and i cant play on the lowest settings either.... i played several other games on max settings, BF4 and Arma3 and had steady 60frames just need help to fix the fps lag, i tried alot of "fixes" but none helped.... specs: windows 8.1 gtx760 12gb ram i7 3.10 quad ^^^^^^ video of me playing with great frame rate (you might want to turn off audio, it has some annoying music playing because a stupid hacker kept on following me around after everytime he killed me)
  3. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ <--------- server name. well long story short, admin was killing players, from insane distances with a fnfal (some fnfal that is not in his server, and he had it..) and his proga was indestructible, one player shot at it with dmr, saw, rpk, n with mounted gun, nothing happened... he landed some where real far in the mountains, kills everyone from 500 to 700m away, and some how the last guy got killed (was under a suv) was shot from 3m away... then when i got back there, the crosses and cars were gone, and 5 people who said admin was cheating (he build several fortress for his friends that are incredible terrible and gave them choppers, n cars and weapons. he was known as "hunter" a admin that was banned less than a week ago by battle eye. he came back yesterday, and he has a fortes already.) he erased my house, removed items from my teammates houses and ours cars magically disappeared, along with our neighbors cars. His name is Mox but he changes it alot.. 6 people got banned from the server for "calling out" on the admin i have a video of him kicking, other than that i have nothing, most people in the server know who is hunter or mox and know he kicks everyone that kills his buddies, raids their cars or says anything about the admin about anything unfair
  4. hmmm krucial was on yesterday :/ helicopter with godmode.... on