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About der_iwan@web.de

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. der_iwan@web.de

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    yes, yes and YES!!!
  2. der_iwan@web.de

    Vehicles - server restart

    hmmmm, but the heli wasnt in the same location. Is the reason perhaps because i logged out in the cockpit, as the pilot?
  3. der_iwan@web.de

    Vehicles - server restart

    I hope, this is the right forum for this question. Today I`ve stolen a UH-1H Huey and escape with him. After 15 min i saw the message: "serverrestart in 10 min". So I decided to land. I searched some minutes for the "Save ..." buttom. 1 minute before the restart i logged out as the pilot. Then i logged in and off he went. So my question: Is there a specific time when i have to save a vehicle before the server restarts?
  4. der_iwan@web.de

    DE113 where?

    The last 2 months I played on the DE113 Server. But now I`m missing DE113 for 3 DayZ. Is there anyone who knows when the server come back? I need my tents :-( :D
  5. der_iwan@web.de

    DE9 - admin scamming

    Ok, thanks for your responses! But there was something odd here. When you are right and it isnt possible to restart server manually then he took advantage of the situation. :( We recognized him ca. 5 min before server restart. All of us barricade ourelf in the barrack at airfield. Am I right that the admin is able to be one of the first after server-restart? So he took advantage of this and killed my mate when he joined the game and the screen of my mate still showed "Loading". When he was ingame, he saw ""Ronald-Felix was killed by place2b|vendaar (friendly fire)" and he was in a textureless room. We read in internet, that "respawn" is the only way to escape from this textureless room.
  6. der_iwan@web.de

    DE9 - admin scamming

    I have no proof :(, only 5 witness.... My mate, who was killed had the message: "Ronald-Felix was killed by place2b|vendaar (friendly fire)" My other mate shot the whole Lee Enfield clip in the body of place2b|vendaar but nothing happened. Btw the admin disconnected after this action. in German: _______________________________________________________ Wir hatten leider nichts aufgenommen :( Ist mir schon klar, dass man da ohne Beweise nichts machen kann, aber Spieler, die im Forum aktiv sind sollten wenigstens gewarnt sein. Ich meine, man ist den ganzen Tag unterwegs und wenn man dann gutes Equip hat und nen Spieler trifft wird man getötet ohne wirklich was machen zukönnen. :( Mein Kumpel schoss ein ganzes Lee Enfield Magazin ohne was ausrichten zukönnen.
  7. der_iwan@web.de

    DE9 - admin scamming

    Today - 07.08.2012, the admin of server DE9 recognized us at airfield. Then he restarted the server, killed the first one, who reconnected and when we shot at him, he was unkillable. Please be careful, if u wanna play here. Name of the admin: place2b | vendaar