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Fraggle (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fraggle (DayZ)

  1. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    There's honestly no sensible way for me (or any of the testers) to answer that at this point. For example, if I say that for me I've experienced really good fps rates on my very average spec system everyone will be expecting that, if I say I've had rubbish fps rates people will be fearing the worst and wondering why the devs haven't improved the optimisation of the engine since Arma2. At this stage the game is in very heavy development so things change daily. What I will say though is that optimisation is an ongoing thing to my knowledge. The server architecture itself will/should improve things and as they continue to add new features/gameplay mechanics I'm sure optimisation and performance is at the front of their minds but true optimisation takes place further on in development. Basically I've managed to answer you without answering you at all, I hope that helps =)
  2. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    The reason the M4 is always shown in the screenshots you see is because it's being used as a benchmark weapon for testing etc. so expect more to follow. Having said that for the initial release also expect a VERY limited selection of weapons at first. I'd expect that list to quickly grow though if the initial release and feedback goes well.
  3. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Shooting open doors in SA..

    I thought a flimsy wooden door could be shot open with a shotgun which is why they're used for breaching? We need someone here who's tried it in real life to clear this up. Where's Steak when you need him?
  4. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Shooting open doors in SA..

    I'd like to be able to shoot them open for shock value. If you think there's someone inside you could shoot the door and charge in (with a shotgun) and there could also be a chance of injuring the other player if they're standing on the other side of the door. Technically though I'm not sure if it's possible because it would mean as assets the game would have to treat them differently and store their states.
  5. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Yes =) I guess it will be once they have their housekeeping taken care of.
  6. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I have no idea about the technicalities of what they need to do behind the scenes administration-wise to prepare for a release but as Dean said it's amazingly long-winded and complicated. And regarding English women, yup I have given up on them.
  7. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Best to ignore the gaming journo's in my opinion. That article's is a good example, they are just quoting from another gaming site. All they can do is speculate like the rest of us and usually they do so having less knowledge about the games progress than most of us here.
  8. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    No I'm just messing with you, it's all good. The SA is steaming forward and nothing can stop it now!
  9. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Whats your ideal server population?

    I'd say somewhere around 40 ish. I like it to be nice and busy so that I know in the traditionally busy areas there's some danger around every corner. Running around gearing up on an empty server has never appealed to me, I just can't see the point. With that number I think you still get that feeling of isolation when you venture north or to the less popular towns/villages. I'm hoping that the SA will comfortably be able to support 40 - 100 players due to there being more points of interest and the new looting system and game mechanics spreading players across the map more.
  10. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Life vs Robot in DayZ

    I'll have a looksie at it a bit later. No probs, and welcome to the forums.
  11. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    It's all been cancelled, they couldn't fix the zeds so they've given up.
  12. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Life vs Robot in DayZ

    You play Dwarf Fortress? I really tried to like it and I'm far from being a graphics whore but that was a step too far for me.
  13. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Life vs Robot in DayZ

    Yup I tend to agree in some regards. It's not so much the motion captured animations themselves, to me they all look good. It's the transitions between those animations, that's what breaks the "effect" of looking at something real, it takes away any feeling of weight or momentum the characters, zeds or animals could have. Having said that, there was a post made by Dean saying that those transitions are being worked on. Progress on the SA is moving along very quickly now so it's always worth remembering that what you see in the devblogs is a game heavy in development and largely unfinished.
  14. Fraggle (DayZ)


    ^Well that's a good argument not to have glasses in the game, what the hell is that? Edit: Unless that's actually you of course. In which case you are very handsome.
  15. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Servers in SA?

    Ninja'd by a mofo^
  16. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Will there be an Arma mod for Stand Alone ?

    The SA will not be moddable, so no.
  17. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    What always makes me chuckle about comments like this is how the business/economics majors are always sitting there scratching their heads trying to work out how some of the most successful businesses in the world are started by people with no business qualifications at all. You can study it all you like but without innovation and passion you have nothing. Perhaps this'd be a good subject for your next dissertation while the people with the ideas carry on being successful. You could entitle it "How the f**k do these people keep making money while us graduates are still working in bars?"
  18. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Dayz Screen has lines ...

    OP, please post more details or a screenshot if possible.
  19. Well this has raised a lot of interesting issues that many of us have been frustrated about for months. @Vilas - If you're wondering why you're getting such a hard time it's because the whole point of your topic is to state how disgusted you are with the lack of integrity some modders are showing while at the same time jumping into bed with those modders (in fact you're taking money from some of the modders with the worst reputation in the DayZ community) because you've been offered money. It simply doesn't make sense. If this isn't true or we have misunderstood you then you could use this thread to explain why, so far you have failed to do so by completely avoiding the valid concerns raised. @Mojahe955 - It's interesting to me how you too have used your first post on these forums to blindly defend the OP while failing to understand the issue at hand. You want to make it a "DayZ VS Arma" argument. Well there's a couple of reasons why to me that is stupid. Firstly many of the people that create these DayZ sub-mods are part of the Arma community itself and have been for many years, much like Vilas himself. In my eyes there's one simple reason why in the last year these modders and content creators have started acting in this way: Money. It's not because as DayZ players they are a lower class then your average niche mil-sim modder as you would like to believe, many of us enjoy both games, me included. The people creating content and mods since OFP have been able to do so on a trust basis simply because until DayZ became popular there was no money to be made, it's a hobby, a passion or something done for fun and always should be. Unfortunatly the very theme of this thread seems to show us that as soon as money is involved that integrity very quickly get's thrown out of the window to make a quick buck. As I've said before, ALL of the content creators who's work gets used should always recieve recognition or be asked for permission to use their assets, sadly that doesn't seem to happen often enough and now we find ourselves in this mess. Personally I just hope that the SA is released ASAP and the interest in these sub-mods quickly dies. The SA won't be moddable so these modders and content creators will be left fighting over the scraps of what now looks like a very dated game. Anyhoo, I'd like to keep this topic open so with that in mind can we all keep it polite/mature while discussing it, cheers.
  20. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Will hackers really be subdued in SA? Not likely.

    It's not such a small team now and as I said it's now a fundamentally different engine in many areas.
  21. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Will hackers really be subdued in SA? Not likely.

    That's why they're re-writing the way the engine works at a fundamental level. Of course though, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, we will see.....
  22. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Will hackers really be subdued in SA? Not likely.

    Exactly. Much of the hacking you see in the mod isn't actually hacking, it's people running scripts which Arma 2 is designed to allow for modding/mission editing etc. In the SA that simply won't be possible although of course as with any online/multiplayer game hacking will always be an issue but it sounds like the devs are doing their best to limit what can be done.
  23. That strikes me as a tad naive if I'm honest. There is a cross-over in the communities and many of these "new" modders (which I agree are ruining the community) have come straight from the Arma community itself. They haven't just suddenly learned to make mods using BIS assets in the last few months. It's not about Arma vs DayZ, as mentioned before they have a mutually beneficial relationship. This whole topic is about modders in general behaving with integrity, sadly it's becoming less common as there is now money to be made (hopefully not for much longer).
  24. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

  25. Fraggle (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily
