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Fraggle (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fraggle (DayZ)

  1. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    As far as I know, weather will play a more important part in the SA (meaning clothing will become more important), vehicles are being completely overhauled to allow for new damage models/customisation etc (that will be a bit later in development) and regarding character customisation I have no idea...
  2. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Dayz holding Arma 3 back? And vice versa?

    Nooooooooo, not the clouds! I love the new clouds! The thing is many of the new things in DayZ such as the damage models and new health system only work because of the core engine changes they've made. For Arma to use the same features it'd have to fundamentaly change/upgrade it's engine too so if it is ever going to use these things it won't be until Arma 4 is released.....
  3. Fraggle (DayZ)


    I'm not really sure we need another topic just to discuss this, we have a few already so please feel free to add your thoughts there. Check the information section for all news, you'll find lots of good explanations from the devs themselves as to why the SA isn't ready to go yet, it's mainly for technical reasons, not because of wanting to add features etc. Locked.
  4. Fraggle (DayZ)


    Cool, and what were you thinking? Edit - Soz, I need more coffee. Let me explain. DayZ isn't being held back to add more features, it's being held back until it's stable and secure enough to actually play. Whilst they are doing that other members of the team will continue to add new features as they will do after release. To put it bluntly, if they released it now it would crash and burn.
  5. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Dayz holding Arma 3 back? And vice versa?

    That's pretty much how I look at it. DayZ is still a very new thing for BIS, Arma has been around a long time. Only time will tell if DayZ assets/mechanics/ideas will filter back into Arma but I'd be surprised if in time it doesn't. Considering DayZ is barely a game yet though it's going to be a while before we know the answer. Also, we don't know the internal politics at BIS. There's probably some healthy rivalry between the 2 dev teams and DayZ still has a lot to prove. If I was the the BIS CEO, for now I'd keep the two teams competing with eachother, it'll drive them both on, a bit like you would with different teams in any work place. Anyhoo, I can only see it as a good thing for BIS.
  6. I think his tone was a bit off just as a response to a list of suggestions but I do get the point. It was a tad blunt though. He's probably reached DayZ suggestion saturation point for now. When literally anyone gets to speak to him they usually just hammer him with ideas. Even in the Q&A's at the conventions etc. if you actually watch them properly, people use their chance to ask about the SA to suggest stuff instead. It'd probably drive me fekkin mental tbh. I do read some suggestions and just think "wut?" but oh well, it's better than people not giving a damn and even now occasionally we still get some genuinely good and new ones. Tbh it's not our job as the gamers to worry about the actual design of it but having said that, if we do consider that when suggesting things it's got more chance of becoming a reality.
  7. Fraggle (DayZ)

    system for keep pc like new

    Yeh agreed, in the future if I end up sharing a PC again I'll definately use separate accounts but the problem I had at the time is that I wasn't really that tech-savvy. I'm much better now and I've learned loads in the last few years but my knowledge is still pretty basic compared to some peeps, from a technical point of view anyway. Luckily I do possess common sense (I think) so that goes long way to stopping me falling into some of the traps with PC security I've seen some people fall for. I basically use the "paranoia" technique, if I don't know what it is is not's going on my machine.
  8. Fraggle (DayZ)

    system for keep pc like new

    I can't help but feel slightly responsible for stoking the flames of war about MAC vs PC's so for that I apologise. To get back on topic I'd say Nik21 made a great point. A few years ago when I lived with my ex I made the silly mistake of letting her share my computer, so basically when she was at home she used it as if it was hers for browsing/emailing and all of that Facebook malarky. Within a month she pretty much managed to bring it to it's knees. The problem was that she would basically just click "yes" every time a window popped up meaning that pretty quickly my HD was full rubbish, malware and one particularly vicious virus. In fact that's the only time I've ever had a really bad virus. The situation was pretty easily resolved just by asking her to click "no" on anything she wasn't 100% sure about.
  9. Fraggle (DayZ)

    [SA] Multiple Characters

    I'm not sure. I just think think that being tied to one character means every decision you make as that character becomes more important to you. For example if I can switch characters, I could have one "serious" character and one for douching around with. If my "douching around" character decides to mess with someones "serious" character then it could easily ruin their day because I'd be just messing around without worrying about the consequences (because my "proper" character is safe) and they'd be playing very differently because they're basically worried about the outcome.
  10. Fraggle (DayZ)

    system for keep pc like new

    Agreed, Mac hipsters can get easily rustled when they realise how much they've spent on some sexy plastic so let's not go there.
  11. Fraggle (DayZ)

    [SA] Multiple Characters

    I think one of the core things in DayZ is that you have just one character. Private hives have changed that a bit but in the SA I'd like to see players tied to one character at a time, I'd even like us to have to stick to one name. It shouldn't be too permanant because people do like to change things etc but I'd like to see maybe a restriction on how many times you can change your name each month for example. When it comes to trading and so on (which will play a much bigger role in the SA due to the sheer amount of gear and rarity of some items) reputations are important and just being able to switch characters or names whenever you want seems to undermine that a bit imo.
  12. Fraggle (DayZ)

    system for keep pc like new

    Well I always use compressed air now because instead of sucking air in like a vac it it blows air out and it can get into all the tight spaces so you can literally clean everything inside your rig. I did use a vac before that though but I really wouldn't recommend it although as long as your REALLY careful and don't touch the parts in your PC it's better than nothing, mainly for the fan and vents though, I wouldn't put it near anything expensive. Even just dusting off the vents and fans is better than nothing because that's where most of the dust builds up and it's what stops the airflow through your rig which is seriously important for keeping it cool and running nicely. I've had the same can of air for over a year now and it hardly costs anything so in the long run I'd go for that.
  13. Fraggle (DayZ)


    I highly doubt it as that's really what a mod is. It uses the base game and it's assets then tweaks them.
  14. Fraggle (DayZ)

    system for keep pc like new

    I'd say that's pretty spot on. The only thing's I'd add are de-fragging your HD once a month or so and every few months cleaning out the interior of your rig with compressed air to stop dust etc. building up around the fans and vent.
  15. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    I actually really like the idea of starting with random clothing. I think many of the things should be off limits (tactical vests etc) but starting with just some random but basic clothing (or none at all) would be a nice touch.
  16. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Item damage in Dayz SA looks dumb...

    This was Rockets narration as he demonstrated the new concept: "Might be a little bit overpowered, for this demonstration here. But you can see where we're going with the concept" and "I need to play with the values quite a lot, to get them working right. But you can see the basics of the concept" I'm not sure how much clearer he can be tbh.
  17. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Game Giveaway - powered by Qtbear

    With that in mind I'll lock this - OP please do feel free to make another post about your stream whilst taking into account what we've suggested above. Many thanks.
  18. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Game Giveaway - powered by Qtbear

    Hi. I've removed the details from your post for now. Just to clarify: We do not allow our site to be used for sub/view begging, even if that's linked to a give-away. The only game give-aways we allow are true give-aways with no strings attatched. I hope you understand, we just don't want our forum to be spammed with YTers and Streamers all begging for views. Please feel free to promote your stream on our forums but keep the promotion and information regarding giveaways etc. to the channel itself please. Many thanks.
  19. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Well Deans always said he hates micro-transactions/paid for content etc (from what I've read), in fact I think he's said it's pretty much ruining the games industry. I guess that's the bonus of having a game developed by an actual gamer and not some dick with a suit and a spreadsheet. Up until the full release of the game everything within the game will be a one-time purchase. So if you buy in early to the alpha (at a cheap price to reflect that it's an aplha build), that's it you own the full game. After the full release of the game who knows? Maybe extra maps etc will be released as DLC, maybe they'll just be released via a content patch, I really have no idea but I would be genuinely surprised (and pretty pissed off) if they ever went down the path of releasing additional gear/custom avitars and all that bollocks via DLC's etc. I really don't think that'll ever happen judging from what I've read in the past. Deans said that they're aiming to have hundreds if not thousands of items in the game but as I understand it that'll all just be part of the game itself. Also - I Know DayZ is a different beast to Arma but BIS have a good track-record over the last decade. They have released DLC for Arma etc but it's always been full of content to the point where each one could almost be considered a new game in it's own right, so if we do ever see DLC's for DayZ in the future I'd imagine it'd be pretty substantial and not just gimmicky rubbish to empty our wallets.
  20. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Ban for nothing.

    *resists temptation to post Rage's global ban vid......
  21. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Again, I agree, kind of. I think there's as many different situations and playstyles as there are players so just writing off one new gameplay mechanic too quickly would be a mistake. Every new addition to the game has to be viewed in context within the whole new scope of the SA, with all of the different and new gameplay elements that'll bring. It's hard to do because there's so many subtle changes, each one of which will slightly change the way people approach the game. I don't think Rockets intention has ever been to punish certain playstyles. In fact the whole point of the game is to play exactly how you want. Playing the KOS way is a perfectly legit playstyle and it works, however much that pisses off certain people it's just a fact. What I do see with the SA though is more rewards for people that play tactfully, carefully and plan ahead, currently that's what the mod (and always has really) lacks. Really atm in the mod there's no real rewards for having a long-tem character (apart from personal satisfaction). In the SA that'll change, or at the very least there'll be more incentives for people to try to stay alive for longer periods. It looks to me like in the SA the extra layers of depth/complexity will reward players that take time to plan and have patience etc. and for me that's how DayZ should be as a game. Now that doesn't mean KOS levels will drop because you can be a KOS player that plays tactfully and plans ahead etc. but hopefully at the very least players (whatever their playstlye) that do take the time to think ahead and invest a bit of time in the game will have a distinct advantage over those that don't. The KOS playstlye is here to stay, it may rise it may fall, it may not change at all. Nobody really knows to be honest because DayZ is unique, there's simply nothing else out there to compare it to which is why I enjoy discussing it. Like it or loathe it there's not one game out there doing anything similar. One thing I can absolutely say is a fact though: If you play the SA the same way you currently play the mod, you're gonna have a bad time. That doesn't mean that if you're currently a KOS player that has to change at all. But you will have to switch up your tactics to adjust to the SA new layers of depth. tldr; Interesting times ahead.
  22. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Subtle/Small Additions to make DayZ SA/mod more Hardcore

    That sir is a pretty awesome suggestion. I had a similar idea for studying your surroundings too. Eg: Context menu - study surroundings = The air feels cold and there is a light breeze, you sense that maybe rain is coming. That's a crap example but you get the idea. It means you only get the info when you want it and players that don't bother to check will get caught out at times.
  23. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Yeh again, I kind of agree. Getting shot when you're reloading is a tactical thing and means you need to time your re-loads better as in the real world. Being able to improve the timing by doubling up on mags for tactical reloads etc means that players that plan ahead will have a small advantage, as it should be I guess. That's what seperates Arma/DayZ from twitch shooters but yeh, being more fluid is a good thing. I also agree that it's gonna be mayhem when the servers fill up, I can't wait though. I do think player behaviours will change over time, they'll have to because gameplay wise, just to survive the SA will be very different to the mod. I'm not saying there will be less KOS, personally I don't care if there is or there isn't because I love the danger it adds to the game. Adding things like tying up players is just an experiment, as is most of the game and all the new things being added. All the devs can do is add things for us to play with and see what we do with it. For me that's the beauty of DayZ tbh. It truly is a sandbox environment. The devs provide the tools and we just get on with it.
  24. Fraggle (DayZ)

    SA Map port to DayZ Mod?

    Not possible due to the mod being a mod of Arma 2 and the SA being it's own thing.
  25. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Yeh agreed. Will be interesting to see what they come up with once the animators have refined everything properly. Reloading a gun does take a few seconds though and i think the game should reflect that. To speed it up taping 2 mags together will be an option... Regarding the mask, don't forget in the SA we're gonna have global loot tables meaning the devs can control how much of everything there is in the whole "DayZ Universe" across all servers, maening that if they wanted they could dictate that there will be only 2 of those for the WHOLE playerbase (just an example). There's going to be a LOT of different items to wear (100's) so don't panic and think everyones going to be running around wearing those things.