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Fraggle (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fraggle (DayZ)

  1. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    It's worth remembering that the devs do all of this for free in their spare time. They have jobs, families, kids and a life in general to worry about too.
  2. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Devblog 7 september thoughts

    Hi OP, as Chabowski said, it's best to use one of the existing threads to discuss the devblog and to see what others think about it: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/147089-september-round-up-devblog-dayzdaily-pax/ Locked.
  3. Now that is interesting, tbh I thought they'd just dropped the idea. I'm genuinely looking forward to the next blog/batch of info because the they're taking on new people and it should open up some interesting possibilities.
  4. Fraggle (DayZ)

    okay what is this ?

    On that note, locked.
  5. Have the devs ever responded as to why it continues to be an issue? If not it may be worth posting on the latest patch thread to make them aware and maybe get an explanation.
  6. I haven't played the mod for a while but are you 100% sure the bug is related to DayZ itself and not the customised server (Musty) for a different mod (Epoch) you're playing? I guess others can post here if they have the same issue and at least we can highlight it to the devs then. If it's specific to that mod though (Epoch) or the customised server you're playing on then the Official DayZ devs can't help.
  7. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZMod Q&A with R4Z0R49

    Video highlights from the lengthy stream. This is a transcription of some of the questions from a live streaming Q&A session with RAZOR49. Thank to TMW Se7en for typing it up. First question answered by TMW Se7en on Razors behalf: Q. Will we ever see base building in the mod? TMW Se7eN: Yes, im not allowed to give much info but razor has confirmed we will see a sort of base building in the future of DayZ mod. (From what I've seen, it looks like they'e throwing a lot of effort into it too). From this point on razor is back and answers the questions from the 20 min highlight video. Q. What is the biggest change planned for the mod? R4Z0R49: The two biggest changes we have planned are the "Base System" and the "Journal", the Journal will take time as ultimately we want that to be the crafting system, also built in with the gear menu, the base building will also take time as we want to make sure the system cant be abused, not only that but this base building system will work differently to anything we have seen in current ARMA 2 mods, and because of this we want the mechanics to be right. Q. Can you change the size of a weapon in storage? (E.g given was 2 pistols shouldn't equal and M107 in size) R4Z0R49: Yes we can, in the next few patches we plan on redoing the entire class system, as right now when ever ArmA updates its beta patch, it changes how the weapons in DayZ work, for instance the m107 was updated in ArmA to have Auto Lock On, and this dragged over to DayZ, the way we plan to fix that is by redoing all the weapons so were no longer relying on ArmA's beta patches to not mess around with the weapons in DayZ. (As a side note, id asked Razor about this earlier, and he was saying that's why in DayZ right now you might see 2 variants of the DMR, there exactly the same but there running off difference configs, that's why they will take up different weapon slots instead of stacking.) Q. In future updates will you be adding bigger Jerry Cans? R4Z0R49: Basically no, at the end of the day were playing a zombie survival simulator, there is no way you would be able to carry 4 20 liter Jerry cans attached to each other with other survival gear, we want to keep the game realistic. Q. Can we make zombies not make you bleed as quickly as they do in the current patch? R4Z0R49: Its all about how hard the zombie hits you and the amount of force they hit you with. (He basically goes on to explain that there is alot more behind the zombie damage system then meets the eye, there is alot of functions that calculate the amount of damage you take.) Q. Would it be possible to add a fuel hose or something? Something that can be linked from the refuel canister to the helicopter for a faster refuel. R4Z0R49: This has been brought up before with the dev team like a manual fuel pump or something, so yes its something were thinking about. Q. Would it be possible to add Melee or Hand to Hand combat in the game? R4Z0R49: Melee will always be hard, ArmA 2 has no Melee weapon system, we are looking at creating a new melee system altogether so axes are not just re-skinned shotguns and such but for us to get a hand to hand system, that's going to be tough. (He then goes on to explain that when a zed attacks you, the zed isn't actually attacking you, it simply does an animation, and if the animation is successful within a particular range of the player, you character adds damage to them self, this is why a hand to hand system would be difficult). Q. Are there any plans to change the spawn rate of Antibiotics? R4Z0R49: Well is there a problem with there spawn rate at the moment? There alot more common than some seem to think, so we wont be changing there spawn rate no, However we have now changed the medical box and where it spawns, the med box will now spawn with 3 Antibiotics in it and can now be found at both Hospitals and Infected Camps. Also hospital spawns have been buffed a little. Q. Will there be a hotbar like in minecraft? so you can switch and use items faster and such. R4Z0R49: To be honest, No. Id actually rather decrease the amount of icons on the screen, if we had more control over the character id like to remove the UI completely. Q. Can we make it so over time blood regenerates? R4Z0R49: We can but we would rather not, seen as how all server have different restart times and such it would make this very exploitable and make the game a little to easy. (The person asking the question then points out that it could work like the humanity system were you get a small boost of blood over time to fit game time, and then another person within teamspeak point out that this would take from the realism). Q. What happened to the Dogs idea? R4Z0R49: We want to implement them, but for what they do in the game (which isn't all that much) they cause a lot of problems, sure alot of mods have implemented the dogs that we had but they didn't address alot of the issues we was running into that the ArmA engine is causing. Q. Is it possible for the DayZ dev team to make a list of all the ingame models that they need so the community can help create some of the art work to take some of the weight off the dev teams shoulders? R4Z0R49: Unfortunately if we was to do this may mods would take the work created by the community and use it in there own mods without asking for permission, not only that but if we do list all the things we would like in the future it will ruin the surprise for what we have instore, and that also brings us back to other mods could steal the ideas and implement them differently. Q. How come you cant give yourself a blood bag? R4Z0R49: I knew someone would ask this, Blood bags as we know them right now are going to be changing, you will in the future be able to find the items to make a blood bag and you will have to drain blood from yourself and put it into the blood bag, (You will be able to choose how much blood you want to add to the blood bag) and then you can give blood to other players, this may mean we have to implement a blood type system and that could get kinda complex. More questions were asked that night as the Q&A lasted over 3 hours. These are the most significant ones but this list will be updated. Some quick shout outs. Thanks to R4Z0R49 for agreeing to live stream with us and giving us the information about the mod that he has. Please go check out his live stream link that can be found here: http://www.twitch.tv/R4Z0R49/ to see what he's up to on the test server. Thanks to TMW MaldorLevr for Livestreaming And thanks to a friend of TMW. "Bushwookie" or "Crunchmoo" for recording the stream with us.
  8. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Video Card crashing when I play Arma

    For me it's not a temp thing, it's driver related but no idea why my drivers roll back every time I switch my PC off. It only takes me 2 mins to reinstall the latest ones but it's becoming a pain in the ass :/
  9. Fraggle (DayZ)

    How Vilayer reacts to customers these days.

    Well considering he's supposed to be the Support Manager, it doesn't say a great deal about the rest of the team. Managers are supposed to lead by example. Maybe he doesn't actually have anyone to manage though, it's probably two kids working out of their Mums basement. That's not the sort of response I'd expect from a professional with any experience of dealing with customers.
  10. Fraggle (DayZ)

    How Vilayer reacts to customers these days.

    Hmmmm, interesting. This isn't the first time I've heard about their less than professional response to a legitimate concern/ticket/complaint. I couldn't comment about the service they actually provide because I'm not a customer but reading that response to you (a customer) I would be concerned if I was. If he worked for me and responded to a customer like that I'd sack him. I'd be genuinely interested if one of their employees could respond to some of the comments in that email, it seems we've upset them somehow, maybe it's because we refuse to censor all of the negative comments people post about them here on the forums.
  11. Fraggle (DayZ)

    SSD's and game improvements?

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *itches chin.
  12. Fraggle (DayZ)

    SSD's and game improvements?

    Really? Hmmmm, I've been thinking about getting one but still not sure tbh :/ When you say they degrade, is that over months or years. If I was to use one daily and get 2 years out of it I'd be a happy chappy but if it starts slowing down after a year I can't see the point tbh.
  13. Fraggle (DayZ)

    marked for global ban ,

    It's not a legit message. There's no point contacting BE because as you said yourself you were on a server with BE disabled. I'm not sure why you'd want to risk playing on a BE disabled server unless of course you're not using a legit version of Arma, if that's the case then you're gonna have a lot more of these issues in the future because BE disabled servers are basically where hackers go to mess around. If you have a legit copy of the game then get yourself onto a BE enabled server to protect yourself.
  14. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Gets Award for Best Tin Can Simulator

    I won't ruin the fun, not sure how much info Razor will want to give for the new patch but yes it is curable/treatable. Imo it's a much better system. You don't get instantly infected and start losing blood, it gives you time to treat/prevent the symptoms and then cure it.
  15. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Video Card crashing when I play Arma

    I've had this exact same problem the last few days. For ALL games. The only solution I've found so far is to update my drivers, the problem is that after every re-start I have to update them again. It's as if they roll-back every time I turn off my PC. Weird that you're having the same issues too :/
  16. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Things that will need work in the SA (a thought)

    I think the whole loot/guns thing will take a lot of balancing to start with to get things right. Until we're playing the alpha they'll have to take a bit of a stab in the dark when it comes to spawn rates etc. Once they get player feedback they can start to adjust things. And I do believe that they intend to make the new vehicles work, yes =) . They want a completely new system that allows for taking parts from one car for another and that being visible on the vehicle as well as new damage models and they want us to be able to craft/customise too.
  17. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Hey Guys, NagsterTheGangster here..

    But you told me you loved me QQ No probs =)
  18. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Hey Guys, NagsterTheGangster here..

    Welcome to the forums mate. Have a look around, there's loads of useful topics with good advice but if you have any specific questions just ask. If you're interested in the development of DayZ Standalone (you'll see peeps call it SA a lot) then have a look at some of the vids and comments in the devblog here: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/
  19. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DAYZ STANDALONE - Doodle Rant #4

    I was just watching one of these yesterday, good to see you on the forums. lovin your work.
  20. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Haha, I knew that'd come back to haunt me. I didn't do it, I swearz
  21. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    It's a good job I'm not designing it then.
  22. Fraggle (DayZ)

    [SA] Multiple Characters

    There will be systems in place to stop server hopping (apparently). As I understand it if a pattern is recognised (by magic) of a player frequently hopping from server to server they will be penalised for that probably in the form of a timed delay and that could increase if the behaviour continued. That's what's been discussed anyway. The main reason would be to stop loot farming although the new loot spawn system in itself will go some way to stopping that too.
  23. Fraggle (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    I believe so although it's a very new system and is going to have lot's of work/balancing done on it. For example, if I place a medikit in my rucksack and the bag gets shot, there's a chance of the medikit in that bag getting damaged too. If I place it in a container and then place it in my bag it has the added protection from the container but still a percentage chance of damage based on the combined values from both the bag and the container. Although it'll be complex from their point of view in terms of getting all of the values correct for us it'll just be common sense, something stored in a metal container is safer than something just loose in my pockets etc. That's how I understand it anyway.
  24. Fraggle (DayZ)

    can i play this game?

    Good call. Locked.