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=DiG= Zgraphz

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Everything posted by =DiG= Zgraphz

  1. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Why can I not use my character on friends pc?

    Huh? i thought STEAM:00: ID and arma 2 GUID were completely separate, wouldn't moving it be considered as duplication?
  2. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Why can I not use my character on friends pc?

    yup, steam has its own User id which is the STEAM:ID and arma 2 has a GUID, inorder for your avatar to be present you'll need your guid on his computer, which makes no sense so bringing your computer is the only option.
  3. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Help For People With Low Fps (Potentially)

    i love windows 7, i just said it was a dipshit, it's nice they throttled it down for non-gaming customers, but maybe they should atleast tell you or make it more noticeable because a lot of people have no idea about that option or even knows their pci-e even does that. and by the way, i've been working on computer since 1982, don't you ever give me that shit.
  4. =DiG= Zgraphz

    How will this play DayZ

    I really hate to say this but your gonna need to update almost everything, you need atleast 3.1ghz from processor, you do need a decent g-card, and a SSD would make all the difference with the Index searching, your HDD isn't fast enough, nor is the processor. Your gonna have to upgrade, not just for arma but for most games that are to be released in this year will require a system of 3.0ghz atleast 6GB of Ram and a healthy GPU to support it all, along with a decent power-supply to ensure all hardware are getting the correct amount of power. Newegg.com has some decent computer builds/pre-builds that are cheap and you can add on to them for future upgrading. I hope this doesn't bum you out, a lot of us had to do this, including me.
  5. =DiG= Zgraphz

    kicked from server, battleye failed to update.

    glad it all worked out for you:) more information for us would make life easier,
  6. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Help For People With Low Fps (Potentially)

    Because windows 7 is a dip shit, it's need to be turned off and then turned back on for the system to even realize there's a change. basically disabling it and enabling it, is going in with your hands and removing it, and setting it back in, just like your router, when it acts like a punk ass bitch.... you reset it. that's what your doing here
  7. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Which settings do I need to change? HELP

    couldn't say it any better, your processor is putting the hurt on you system, a good 3.3-3.8 is decent, anything under 3.1 is Fubar
  8. doesn't seem like hes coming back, usually that fixes it, never download 3rd partie programs for dayz/arma such as something that moves and places system files, that's just dangerous
  9. if you bought the game through steam, just right click all the arma 2 game, go to properties, select local file tab, select verify system cache, do this to all arma games, once you do that run them all one time, then try joining that server. Good luck
  10. makes it a shit load harder but ok, it's your registry files are corrupted and or your directories may also be screwed up, file system check list from steam, the Verify system game cache from steam, should ALWAYS fix that cd key problem, if it doesn't, then there is something wrong with steam. Steam should not freeze or stop in downloading a file. If you have windows 8 it could be a system registry not allowing the game to play, if it's windows 7/vista the chances are the entire file system for steam is corrupted. from this point and from the information you;ve given me, there is a hundred's of reason why it's doing this Please if you dont want to use team viewer, im gonna need you to check every file in your registry(steam/arma2 related) and your directorties and post them in screen shots on here so i can actually see with my own eye whats going on. if you could make a video and just open and close items and i can see their set values, and or placements that would be great to. good luck!
  11. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Help For People With Low Fps (Potentially)

    inside windows 7 default pile of shit, there is a "power Link State" the throttles your pci-e slot with 50% power, it's ridiculous, but it's meant for really really low end g-cards. Windows 7/Vista : Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings: inside that folder, there will be a option for Change Advanced Power Settings, Click that, then scroll down to PCI Express, open that to Link State Power Management. Select it to OFF. Then go to. Your Control Panel, go to Device Manager. Look for Display Adapters. once you open that up. Look for your graphic card. Right click it. and click disable. Wait 10 secs if low end graphic card 5 secs if high end and then re-enable it. create a power plan setting for max preformance if desktop. save and click apply close everything and then restart your computer.
  12. =DiG= Zgraphz

    FPS same on very high or very low settings problem

    lemme guess you have steam and or arma 2 installed on a standard 7200rpm Hard drive, Is that correct... Of coruse it's correct, because the processor/graphic card and ram you have is perfect and flawless for great dayz play, the only thing you don't have is a SSD. arma 2/dayz revolves around 2 main computer components. 1. Processor speed of 3.0ghz or higher, and a SSD with a fast read/write speed, arma 2 is all about index searching, and prcoessing, it's important to had a healthy gpu for a solid average of fps, ram should be 8+ other then that your good to go chef, thats why your settings dont change from high to low, your harddrive is bottle necking the shit out of the processor
  13. Do you have team viewer? i could sit here for half the day shooting problems at you, or i can take a look in your computer and get this over with quicky
  14. =DiG= Zgraphz

    This isn't right

    Overclocking Dayz/arma is never a good idea unless you've ran bench marks, and you know where your hardware can safely be OC'd. he is right though, i had a dual core extreme core processor at 3.1ghz and that did kinda crappy, Though, i would like to add that arma 2/dayz are not completely dependent on Processor. A Strong and Fast Hard Drive is necessary as well, the standard 7200rpm is not fast enough for arma 2 directories or index searching, that's why usually a standard AMD/Intel SSD beats the holy hell out of the standard Hard drive. i know that arma requires 2 main parts of your pc, 1st Processor, 2nd Hard Drive *Read/Write speed*, a good graphic card gives it the extra kick in the nuts, but it doesn't have to be anything expensive
  15. =DiG= Zgraphz

    How will this play DayZ

    quad core(or higher) SSD, Beefy Graphic card(said beefy, not fing extreme) nvidia 200+series and radeon 8000+ series , and 8+ ram... then you fing set for 50+ fps, i got quadcore-3.8-sandy, gtx-660ti OC, 120GB Intel SSD, atx-extreme 67sie intel motherboard, 32Gigs of ram with a 850 thermal lake power supply, and i get 80-98 fps in cherno/elktro with 50 players on, outside cities i get 110-125. that didn't even cost me over 1,150.00 on new egg, cheap but fing powerful! NEWEGG!!! WOO! and that's with my game settings on the highest settings, i've even started tweaking my cards control panel settings for more image quality
  16. There's several hundred reason's why this is happening, the best way to avoid this situation is to completely purge your computer of anything arma 2 related, there is a corrupted file somewhere in your folder's that is not allowing you to play/launch/connect...etc once you have uninstalled all arma 2 make sure your registry files are deleted as well, by going into Regedit, look for bohemia interactive, and battle eye and anything else related to arma, such as dayz commander(dojshStudio's) withsix... everything. once that is completed, restart your pc, Install Arma 2, Wait for it to install, Select Play, (accept/ok/next) anything that pops up, main menu, log out. Install Arma 2 OA,Wait for it to install, Select Play, (accept/ok/next) anything that pops up, main menu, log out. Install Arma 2 BAF(British Armed Forces), Wait for it to install, Select Play, (accept/ok/next) anything that pops up, main menu, log out. Install Arma 2 PMC(Private Military Company), Wait for it to install, Select Play, (accept/ok/next) anything that pops up, main menu, log out. you seemed to have done just about every step to fixing this, if what i said above does not help, im afraid a freash clean reinstall of your windows might need to happen, my OS registry files got screwed up and i couldn't play arma for weeks until i got a windows installer disk
  17. Oh lord, you kids are gonna kill me. Open steam. Right click arma 2, Select properties, Select Local Files, Select Verify System Integrity Cache. DO THIS TO EVERY SINGLE ARMA GAME IN YOUR LIBRARY!!! THEN!!!!! run every game at least one time through steam before you even think about touching dayz commander HAR HAR HAR
  18. =DiG= Zgraphz

    kicked from server, battleye failed to update.

    downgrade your beta patch, then run it again, try to get the battle eye Setup complete before you update the new beta
  19. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Day Z Operation arrowhead issues...

    everyone learns sooner or later,
  20. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Day Z Operation arrowhead issues...

    bean king is rank, his name is statik
  21. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Looking for 2-3 players

    I've been playing dayz for quite some time now, I've been playing wasteland a lot with my group, but I've been wanting to play dayz, I just don't have anyone to play with and I'm completely over soloing. So I'm 26, i live in USA California, i play usually in the evenings through out the night. Im usually a sniper,pilot, usually the reckless one that doesn't mind dieing or loosing his gear. i have a good internet connection, so playing in different timezone doesn't affect me. unless it's like 300ping then it might be an issue. i dont care if your experienced or not, im looking for people in the older range. A group of mature adults, you can be young but i don't want to hear the chipmunks talking, so please. I'am looking for people around the ages of 18+. I'll do just about any map, as long as is interesting, and it's not namlask, or however it's spelled.
  22. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Day Z Operation arrowhead issues...

    make sure your registry keys are set to the right path, espcially ur %MAIN% file
  23. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Day Z Operation arrowhead issues...

    just delete every thing, because you bought the game off amazon *fail* sorry but ugh amazon? lol sorry man but you gotta re-download the actual game, then manually install the beta patch into your Arma OA folder, do not put them in your user files, it has to be program files. and you might want to talk too.. shit i'll message you his name, hes good at this shit. edit: TMW Se7eN Hes good at retail versions
  24. =DiG= Zgraphz

    dayz/arma 2 problem, possible hacker.

    have you launched both of the games (Arma2/Arma2OA/DLC's) atleast once through steam? please if you play dayz, use dayz commander
  25. =DiG= Zgraphz

    dayz/arma 2 problem, possible hacker.

    Did you get the game through steam?