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=DiG= Zgraphz

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Everything posted by =DiG= Zgraphz

  1. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Random FPS Drops

    Ummm, yah. Arma 2 isn't poorly optimized, just how the game works. Just because most people don't understand that the game revolves around 3 main components, 3.0ghz processor 4 gigs of ram fast hdd/ssd for arma file indexing, and a beefy gpu to back it all up. That's all you need. Anyone tells you other wise they don't know what they are talking about.
  2. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Database Issue With Players

    Post in the private server hive thread mate!!!!
  3. well heres a tipper, are the first set of images text saying RFwheel is it Blue? and another set is either Red,yellow,green,orange? because if thats the case your one a server that allows salvaging. or that uaz is glitched to holy hell. (mind explodes)
  4. =DiG= Zgraphz


    jesus christ, 1st of all unclick the steam file crap, unclick the other launching steam crap, click direct3d, clickdisabled dayzcommander when joining a server, that text box thats says launch parameters put "-winxp" "-world=empty" "-maxmem=2047" "-nosplash" ":skipintro" "-cpucount=(number of cores you have). and there, if anything else screws up, then u fudge the install. 2nd if you were banned doesn't matter what computer you put it on, it'll always be banned, you might as well just go buy another copy of Arma 2 and don't download stupid S for that game, someone either stole you cd-key and used it for hacking or you are a hacker, and your bummed that it's not working either way you wont get much help here. aside from what i just said
  5. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Help! Invalid CD key! :c

    Where did u get the game?
  6. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz standalone

    love of god who gives a damn where it comes from just be happy it's comming, shit i'd buy it off origins and i fing hate them.
  7. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Battle-Eye making FPS drop?

    To be honest i don't think it's BE at all. It seems when the server sends you something your frame rates drops because of it, If it was battle eye the chances of you getting into a server without being kicked is very rare. BE is lightweight and shouldn't cause any Lag issues, that's all on your end. It also couldn't be the arma beta/patches because u wouldn't be able to get into the game. let alone give you any lag issues, To play DayZ, you need these things. A clean computer(no virus/no bullshit) A computer that is consistently updated with Hardware and Software updates. 3.0GHZ or more Processor speed, 4 Gigs of ram or more, a gtx-3 series and radeon HD 6 series or higher, A fast HDD/SSD for faster arma file indexing(standard 7200rpm HDD isn't fast enough). last but not least, a decent internet connection. if you are lacking in those areas, your gonna have problems with DayzMod, not sure about Stand Alone, seeing how that's all going to be mostly server sided instead of client side. Also it could be the list of servers you are trying to join, if you we're completely updated with your computer, arma/be/steam and Net FRAMEWORKS.dll's then you shouldn't be having these issues.
  8. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Battle-Eye making FPS drop?

    assumeing you bought the game threw steam. When was the last time you verified the system cache of all arma games in the library, and then when was the last time you launched arma,arma2oa,arma2BAF,Arma2PMC from steam? do all that first before i tell you to do something else
  9. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Help me! What is dedicated video RAM?

    Keep in mind this is for the best possible performance that the game was intended. First of all you need atleast 3.0ghz processor to process the data(which you have 3.3), Your video card will show signs of major fps loss, because it's the 4 series, the lowest I've seen do decent is the 6 series hd and up. they say 2 gigs of RAM is needed but i think the lowest should be four, 2 is just to play it, with very little FPS. last but not least you need a hefty HDD or SSD to index the arma files, the standard 7200rpm HDD with mechanical moving parts isn't fast enough to index the entire arma 2 files, the more dlc's you have, the more it index's. Newegg.com has tons of great deals for holidays and seeing how tomorrow is fathers day i'm sure they got something for really cheap, check it out. might find something you like.
  10. HA, your far from stupid, this game requires alot of attention. even the most extreme vets have issues with this, hell even the people that made the bloody thing. Switching to PM
  11. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Wanting to Solve why I get kicked

    Ha, in my personal opinion, when u say you uninstalled everything, how far did you go into uninstalling and did you do the common practice of a 100%complete uninstall of arma, even in programs/features, steam, and your registry files. if i we're you, i would delete all arma 2 content from steam, Then hit your start bar and type Regedit. this is what it should look like: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dotjosh Studios\DayZ Commander Those got to be deleted inorder to complete the 100% uninstall. KEEP in mind, your OS (Operating System) could be corrupted, i had this problem so many fing times until re installed windows 7, then all a sudden i never had that problem, later on. I found out that it was my OS registry files were not allowing me to connect to almost any server dayz would play, but arma2 dominion,realism,cap flag, Counter-strike,left 4 dead all those game ran perfectly fine, except dayz. so yea, i dunno what to tell you, if that don't work, then the express exit for your computer is out the nearest window.
  12. =DiG= Zgraphz

    No entry 'bin\config.binCFgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'.

    humm, did you buy it threw steam?
  13. =DiG= Zgraphz


    just download team viewer, and i'll fix everything. Good luck
  14. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Heli Crash Sites.... no loot?

    could be the server has them disabled, how long are you present around the crashes? are you flying to them or walking/driving. Alot of dayz servers now have them spawn loot when your within 15M from the crash, sometimes they delay the time so people can't just fly around in helis grabbing the best loot when it's not even 10 mins into a fresh restart. Try standing around the heli crashes for about 3 mins if you flew there, if u walked or drove, then give it a min if it doesn't work, then it's disabled and the helis are still crashing for some reason.
  15. Humm, are you familiar with team viewer? i can and will get your game started. just need more information. such as: Where u bought the game?, What type of OS you use?, Where you downloaded/installed the main dayz files? Open google and type: Team Viewer 8, download/install it and get back to me
  16. His problem was his dayz commander had the wrong startup parameters and he also didn't have direct 3d and Close dayz when joining a server. Yours may be a different problem Do what he did, install team viewer and i can take a look.
  17. =DiG= Zgraphz

    E3 and our attendance

    If you are being picky about an alpha, just get the f over it already, if your gonna nit and pick at every detail in an alpha build, It's called an ALPHA for a reason, you wanna be little princess's and get everything you want when you first launch it, go play COD then, otherwise. stop knocking a game NON of you even played, you don't even know if ironsights are even removed, that build was a single player build, no server architecture, at all. do everyone a favor, if your going to rage about Standalone, I understand people have opinions, but these aren't opinions, these are little kids bitching about stuff they have no knowledge over once so ever. they see a little SA footage, they think they know everything. sweet baby jesus.
  18. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Day Z Operation arrowhead issues...

    the best thing to do is go to the drive you installed the game on, go all the way to opening arma 2/arma2OA/@DayZ copying each of the links and paste them in their corresponding directories. Make sure direct3d and close dayz commander after you join game are checked. Also make sure, that your Startup Launch parameters have the correct format. Example: "-winxp" "-MaxMem=2047" "-World=empty" "-nosplash" , google dayz startup launch parameters and look at BI's website for a better understanding and more of the commands.
  19. I've been hanging around these forums for longer than i care to admit. But the moderators on these forums have been nothing but help from the start. From players who have not a single clue what to do, to the Veterans that lost almost all hope. The Moderators on the Dayz Forum have been addressing issues, Fixing problems and maintaining the forums. The reason I'am making this thread is to give a little thanks from the players to the moderators, that make our dayz experience that much more enjoyable. Call me a fan boi if you want, i dont care, i think people deserve credit, were credit is due. from Me I say Thank you to all the forum Moderators that help me and everyone out. Say +1 if you agree, or leave a brief message. This is for the Mods, give them your support!
  20. =DiG= Zgraphz


    Key words "if you want" lol
  21. =DiG= Zgraphz

    How will this play DayZ

    Yes i did, that computer wouldn't last very long, its maxed at 8gb of ram. Now if you want a suggestion, I would buy a computer that already has all the parts like from newegg or something like that. Make sure it has a big case(Metal) that can fit a micro-ATX/ATX, and start building on it. when i say big, i mean big, graphic cards and water pumps aren't small,
  22. =DiG= Zgraphz

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    i would like to use the hunting knife to kill someone silently, do not always have a silenced weapon, and switching to the axe is all a pain in the ass.
  23. Are you still using the same OS or did you upgrade to windows 8, usually that kicks you because of a deleted/corrupted file, or your battle eye isn't connecting or staying connected to the BE server which in results would get you kicked in 30 secs. personally, i would downgrade the beta patch, then re-install battle eye and relaunch it again like you would when you first installed it, for example, if you bought it through steam. open steam do the verify system game cache to all the arma games /dlc's then run them all one time to main menu. if retail launch from the Arma2OA.exe from BI Folder, do not launch from Withsix or Dayz commander. lemme know if this works
  24. =DiG= Zgraphz

    FPS same on very high or very low settings problem

    FPS is what makes it playable, thought, i do agree that SSD's do not always increase fps, but it does speed up the index searching that arma 2 does, if you noticed, arma 2 runs all images and items off PBO files, which need to be indexed while playing the game. If you speed that up with either a ramdisk or ssd or even a High performance Hard Drive that cost must more than a standard ssd. then its all up to processor and gpu. u don't need a rig from the future to play arma 2/dayz just fast HDD, 3.1+GHZ processor and a beefy g-card with 2+gb even some high performance 1gb can handle it and maybe 6-8+ gb of ram and your set for 60+fps all hardware+software should be updated or checked for updates at least 1 time every 2 week to ensure maximum performance.