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=DiG= Zgraphz

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Everything posted by =DiG= Zgraphz

  1. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    Personally i think putting it on a console would be a huge waste of time/money, I've played arma 2 arma 3 and dayz with a Xbox controller on my PC, the only good it would do is if i was in the prone position with either a sniper rifle and or a machine gun, but if someone walked up from behind me, the idea of turning around is utterly pointless. the only good that controller does is makes it easier to shoot people. but movement and everything else just goes right out the window. One thing i would like to straighten out, PC games are meant for PC, Consoles can not play games that are meant for PC, usually, they are just way to big, But a PC can make every game a console can as long as it's allowed by the maker, and they usually tend to play a lot better. PC has and will always be the heavy weight when it comes to gaming, consoles will never stand up to a pc, because if they did, they would cost a shit load of money that most people wouldn't even buy. console games are stuck with the same ole crap, PC has the area needed to expand, console does not. and if the console did you'd certainly noticed the difference in the price tag. Xbox/PS is for the younger community or people that like playing in boxed environments with no free path play, always a path set and always a path that has to be followed, i mean that Walking Dead video game is a perfect example of an Xbox environment is like. From everyone on this forum either they agree with what i say or not, but we all know deep down inside they do. Just make the fing switch to PC. and leave your troubles behind you and start a whole new set of problems. plus if you did switch and you found out that you have a knack for pc's you can start a fing career with that, what kinda career can u start with an Xbox or PS?
  2. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Standalone thoughts?

    The best way for this to go is a mild manner NPC interaction, give the player something to do in the chance he gets bored, In retro spec, the game design needs to have some type of forward momentum, having a Lite NPC interaction will give players who want to or do not want to, to have a chance to interact with them. example of a NPC interaction: You walk up and find him, out of chance usually, and he gives you a hard mission such as hes unable to leave so you need to go get it for him, in return of your services he will give you something of value, it's very important for people not to cross the Lite NPC interactions with a heavy NPC interaction, this is a survival game, an apocalyptic one at that, so the npc would have to be rare, the idea of a leveling system would completely crush the game where it stands, so it's extremely important to not cross that line. The Freedom Aspect of Arma 2 is what makes the mod so great, but, dayz mod is not arma 2, in arma 2, no matter what type of style your playing. capture flag, domination, wasteland. all have a sense of direction, now dayz on the another hand, you get dropped on the beach. That's its, you make your own adventure the way you see fit, which is one of the most important aspects of dayz, which separates it from games like left 4 dead and crappy knock offs like warz and state of decay. but the sense of doing something, because lets be honest, humans are assholes, which gives the bandit so much power, but what of the Hero? can he actually do something heroic? that's why a Lite Module NPC interaction should defiantly be considered if not tested in beta. i mean common, a world filled with Zombies and players, there needs to be a middle man to bridge that gap, and that Middle Man would be the NPC's. Please keep in mind, i said a Lite Version NPC Modeul, thats means something similar to the gunstore and general store in waste land but much more interactive.
  3. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Standalone thoughts?

    Weather you want a change in the stand alone or not, what ever happens, happens. You can wish in one hand and crap in the other, Which one do you think is gonna fill first? Either way you look at it, dayz mod, is not gonna be much different than the standalone. It would be almost impossible to create another game but around that same style, Warz, State of Decay. All trying to get a piece of something that everyone is already playing. i hate to be the bearer of bad news, But dayz standalone will not be that much different. the only few directions standalone could go is towards dead island, Think of Dayz Mod as a huge Turd(poop) then look at Dayz Standalone (polished turd) where in that can you make such a change that would revamp everyone thought's about dayz. please, don't get me wrong. I love dayz, it's probably one of my favorites. But i just dont see how they can change everything and yet keep the same feel.
  4. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Wrong signature <Insert random PBO here>

    Troubleshooting Arma2/Dayz for Steam user's Steam has a lot of different functions. One of the best is the File System Checklist. This checklist allows users to recover basic data that may have became corrupted/deleted. Arma 2 and Steam has a unique way of being high maintenance, every so often, Steam will need you to play the games from it's library for the "First Time Setup" phase, even though, you may have done this before, you gotta do it again, it gets important updates for registry keys, Battle eye and important updates from steams servers. To fix problem's such as: Missing or invalid cd-key, Missing or deleted content and many more different issues. Open Steam with administrator rights. Right click Arma 2, Select properties, Go to Local File tab, Select Verify Game Cache. (Do this to all Arma 2 related games in your library) The order in which the games should be install/updated, should be by the date the game was released: Arma2/Arma2OA/Arma2PrivateMilitaryCompany/AArma2BritishArmedForces. Once you have done those steps to all the arma games/dlcs, you got to close Steam out completely. Reopen steam, select arma 2 and click play, wait till you get to the main menu, then log out. (Do this to all Arma 2 related games in your library). Once this is completed, your arma files will not only be updated but scanned and all are accounted for. i copied this from my old thread sry about how big it is
  5. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Wrong signature <Insert random PBO here>

    have you verify the system cache for each game in your arma library inside steam? if your missing any pbo and or cargo/deleted/missing is always handled through the Verify Game Cache checklist.
  6. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Disconnection issue with wireless internet

    as long as your running as administrator, the firewall wont affect it... now battle eye/patches may have issues, they don't follow under the same rights, always update under admin rights when ur screwing with arma2 for your bandwidth just test your internet speed, type it in google
  7. steam use's common folders to hold the games, arma 2 use's common folders to, but arma 2 common folder holds the PBO/BiSign files that make up the visual index of the game. if you have retail version, it should be inside your primary HDD/SSD in your Program Files/Program Files (x86).under Bohemia Interactive. make sure that your file direcotry path in the dayz commanders setting are set to the correct places. Where did you get the game from? Regedit is a good tool to make sure you keys/mains are set to the right directory as well
  8. =DiG= Zgraphz

    processor 2.4 vs 2.30

    well the 2.30 is actually a 2.3 GHz and the 2.4 GHz is not gonna make a noticeable difference, for dayz, i suggest speeds of at least 3.1 GHz those are the speed's at which the processor process's go with quad core or higher, i prefer Intel but that's me.
  9. =DiG= Zgraphz

    processor 2.4 vs 2.30

    need alot more information then that what's the spec between the 2 give me 2 full names and i'll tell you which is better.
  10. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Help me with reset ID

    i'll do it, give me your cords and the map your on and i'll come kill u
  11. look inside you arma 2 oa folder, if it's not in your folder go to google and type in arma 2 beta launcher downloads, for retail, it downloads all PMC BAF arma2 arma 2oa, you just manually need to apply them. When you install the dlc's correctly, when you open arma 2 OA there should be 4 arma 2 icons at the bottom right of your screen.
  12. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Disconnection issue with wireless internet

    Jesus Christ that's an annoying problem. Maybe internet protocols are being screwed with on exit, or your installation files of your OS, like Steak&potatoes mentioned, could be screwing with your connections. if i read correctly, other computers/tabs in your home still receive the signal but your computer is the only one that's affected? try doing a stress test load with another computer (if possible) and see if the problem happens again. it';s very rare but wireless routers have been known to short but still work but shuts out connection because it thinks that's what it's support to do after the bus load of data cross's your bandwidth. i would connect my computer to Ethernet and see if the problem still happens, if it stops, then its possible the router defective, if it doesn't then it's your OS
  13. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Issues with Namslask

    You have to give a bit more information for anyone to help you. What is it your getting kicked for? is there any error messages, does it go to black screen, or does the game just crash/freeze? When was the last time you updated, is your start up parameter set to a specific map? Are your Parameters correctly typed? Example "-Winxp" "-world=empty" Have you ran the games from its installer, Example Steam open Steam+open Library + select arma 2+select play, to all the arma 2 games recently?(vista/xp Run Administrator Rights) Is the beta/version the same as the servers you are trying to join?
  14. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Reqesting character Data from server

    where did u buy The Arma2Arma2oa package? What are you using to launch? Have you check your patches/versions to check if any files mistakenly may have been deleted and or corrupted? Is your game file loading under stress or is the CPU usage within normal limits? If you have bought it through Steam, right click all the arma 2 games/dlcs, properties, local tab then select verify game cache. Run each game atleast one time through steams libary, if you have vista or xp make sure steam is under Admin Rights when you open steam.
  15. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Help me!

    a ramdisk might benefit you, look on youtube for videos on how to run it
  16. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Can't start play with six or dayz commander

    um the usual suspect in this problem is the NETFRAMEworks.dlls from windows update. if you haven't ran your windows update, your files could be out of date. or you need to unistall them completely, then open regedit, then delete play withsix and dayz commander which is labeled Dotjosh Studios. you can find those in" HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dotjosh Studios\DayZ Commander same area for six just not that folder. then go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and look for play withsix and dayzcommander there as well, once those are deleted, restart your pc. then reinstall dayz commander, if u play dayz do not install play withsix.
  17. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Breaking Point..HELP

    could be a number of things, lag, you may not be recieve downloadable content from the server so then it kicks you, or their server is runnings mod you dont have downloaded
  18. Doorman Is God =DiG= Hello, We at Doorman is God are looking for more people to join our servers. We are very active in PVP, We have several servers that have many different mods, such as, Helicopter Lifting, different loot spawn, hundreds of cars, trucks, helicopters, planes and many more. We try to keep the servers interesting with events, they are updated on our website, whenever events are scheduled. We have a Team speak server that has multiple channels for each server, making it very competitive. We are a relaxed group of people who like to pvp against other groups for fun, if your clan or group wants to play against us or with us, I am sure it'll be alot of fun. Our servers are ran on SSD's(Solid State Drive's), they are fast, and reliable, Shot registration is the one of the best I've seen on any dayz server. They hold up to 45-50 players. We have many maps to choose from. Panthera, Namalsk, Chernarus, and a Wasteland server Zagrabard, all the dayz servers are daytime only, However we do have a Panthera Day/Night time server as well. Our group of people are just looking to have a good competitive time with dayz. So please, stop on by and let us know what you think. List of Servers DiG's Chernarus SSD Driven Server. Helicopters lift vehicles, AI bots, Auto/heli Salvageable, able to refuel at gas stations. DiG's Namalsk SSD Driven Server. Helicopters lift vehicles, Auto/heli Salvageable, Refuel at Gas Stations. DiG's Panthera SSD Driven Server. Helicopters lift vehicles, Auto/heli salvageable, Refuel at Gas Stations. DiG's Panthera Server, SSD Driven. Day/Night, Spawned geared. Website www.doormanisgod.com
  19. =DiG= Zgraphz

    =DiG= Is looking for more players

  20. =DiG= Zgraphz

    HD 7870 10-15 fps on all settings

    let me tell you that arma 2 and dayz are completely different even though dayz is a mod of arma 2. The spawning of zombies takes the biggest toll, item spawning depending on the server. it could really demand processor and HDD/SSD read& write speeds along with a healthy GPU to support the graphic load and enough Ram to back it all up. you could go play arma 2 OA dominion on a realism server and get 90-120 fps average, switch over to dayz, Your Fps will drop like a bomb. Needles to say, more players, more often zombies spawn. more players, more time loot spawns. that all take's a very heavy toll on the server and your PC, unless, it has the power to run it without any issues.
  21. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Wrong signature <Insert random PBO here>

    do you have team viewer installed?
  22. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Battleye Failed To Update

    where did u buy the game?
  23. =DiG= Zgraphz

    prlobleme seveur start

    Ce type de problème ne peut être aidé dans l'appel à l'interdiction dans les forums, il est possible que quelqu'un utilise votre clé CD piraté. Parle aux mods du forum dans les "Ban appel" forums
  24. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Arma2 and Arma 2 OA/ DayZ

    Im trying to help a buddy of mine, he bought a game through gamestop, anyone have any guide on how to do that? keep inmind please his OS is xp