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=DiG= Zgraphz

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Everything posted by =DiG= Zgraphz

  1. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Battleye Failed To Update

    bravo, that was a nice way of showing your problem. have you had this problem on other servers, or just the one you joined? are you using a controller as well? the software in some joysticks and hand-pads screw with Battleye, sounds ridiculous but it's been known to happen.
  2. humm, i don't think i can help you there. Did they give you an installer or some way to retrieve the files, it seems your missing pieces of it, if at all possible you could try getting a full version download from their website, you'd have to talk in BI's Forums about this, or ask one of the site mods, they should be able to point you in the right direction.
  3. is it possible for a 2gb around the same price?
  4. where did u buy the game from?
  5. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Ping spikes randomly

    hes right, usually anti-virus programs will have a silent mode, game mode, streaming mode etc selecting these feature lowers the bandwidth needed and cpu needed to run it's usual task. It is NOT recommended for you to turn your anti-virus off or firewall off for any reason when playing online internet games. open your start bar, type run and then in the text box type msconfig , then you can see what items are running, what items start up, and you can choose weather or not to have then enabled or disabled. Last but not least. Interference!!! wireless connections on a g type or n type run on a 2.5 ghz frequency, some cordless phones frequency run on a 2.5 ghz which screw with signal, Ovens screw with signals. and smartphones that are connected via internet to your wireless router takes a huge amount of bandwidth just being connected *just sitting doing nothing* check your task manger to see what is open and running and see if you can disable a few things, normally those are all the little weird things i've had problems with over the years with lag and video games, hope this helps
  6. =DiG= Zgraphz

    kicked from server, battleye failed to update.

    open battle eye on your computer and in add/remove program feature and uninstall battle eye, try updateing from the website, and install it manually and make sure that the target file locations are all correct with the items ur using to launch, it's important to make sure your registry keys and files have the same locations as well.
  7. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Low FPS with low GPU & CPU usage

    i agree with you 90% the gpu is more like a piggie back off the processor and the Read and write speed of the HDD it's installed to, your g-card, processor and ram at times are sitting there tapping their foot *in a sense* waiting for the HDD to dish the data out. your poorly optimization of arma 2 couldn't be more correct, when they made it, the standard 7200rpm harddrive can not dish it out fast enough because all Hard drives have mechanical moving parts, which takes time, a SSD how ever has no mechanical moving parts, thus eliminating the response time from HDD to processor and then from Processor to GPU.
  8. =DiG= Zgraphz

    DayZ on GTX 670 (670 Users!)

    post processing makes it easier for you to see whos shooting their guns, video memory is the application trying to be a wanna b video card so video memory should be default. vsync off, visability to 1600 10,000 is pointless. Arma 2 allows 10,000, dayz does not. ummm atoc are for grass and trees and ppa is just a sharp liner around edges that look shitty, but if the settings inside your video card are not set to application controlled then it's really not going to do anything except put a lil unneeded stress on the v-card. make sure startup parameters are correctly type or type if they are not such as "-winxp" "-maxmem=2047" "-Cpucount=(#of cpus you have) make sure double quotes suround the text with the -before lettering Edit: I was playing around with my nvidia control panel and found out something that was very interesting. When i turned some of the settings in my g-card control panel to minimal settings instead of increasing the performance, i started adding visual affect for quality, for some reason it actually increased my fps in dayz, then i tried playing other games, they all were lacking in fps until i changed the settings back to what they originally were. that fliping weird man
  9. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Low FPS with low GPU & CPU usage

    its ok i say steam alot because i have it and normally trouble shoot steam issues, just ignore it if it happens again. is there a way you can install arma 2/arma2 OA to the SSD it's self without being on the HDD, i don't know if that's possible but if you can you should look into trying that out.
  10. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Low FPS with low GPU & CPU usage

    Stop hi-jacking his thread, hes asking for help, i shouldn't have even responded to that but now it's out of hand.
  11. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Low FPS with low GPU & CPU usage

    in-game settings that should be avoided no matter how badass your computer is, video memory:default | vsync disabled | and post proscessing*for you* Disabled so your saying your HDD is accelerated by a SSD? so you dont have a seprate drive to install steam and or arma 2 to it?
  12. =DiG= Zgraphz

    How to improve my FPS?

    I would wish when people added their specs they would add their Harddrives. the game revolves around Processor,Hard drive(read/write Speed) and GPU, Ram is always good but isn't needed, i've seen people with 8 gigs of ram get 80-90fps in town. You got the fancy 3.5 processor and a healthy gpu, Try sticking the dayz game on a ramdisk, if that speeds it up even a little, then your bottle necking with your Hard drive. I would go get a SSD, stick it in my computer as a secondary drive, use me 2tb HDD as the main OS and main system and run my games off my SSD. I'll tell you what. I have a 3.8 quadcore sandy bridge intel, ge-force gtx-660tiOC, 32GB of RAM, and a 2TB 7200rpm HDD. I was getting 30-40 fps in towns and even lower in cities, i would get 50 fps in the wilderness looking into the sky with a sniper scope. I went to staples, bought a 120gb SSD for 89$, install my steam and arma game onto it. i get 120fps in the wilderness and 80-90 in cities with over 40-50 players on origins. dont ask me how or why but it fucking rocks and its absolutly beautiful. settings are all on Highest. Keep inmind in the video settings In-Game; Video Memory:default (always default, let your gpu make up it's mind) Post processing effect: disabled"unless u have a huge system, then either Low or Normal" Vsync:0 HDR quailty: If im not mistaken HDR means High Definition Rendering * if im wrong Please for the love of god someone correct me) should be at either normal or very high. *in my experience*
  13. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Low FPS with low GPU & CPU usage

    they are, but i dont think they are allowed to do that. incase somone follows their example and if something got screwed up im sure they would not want to deal with it. Mods jobs is to moderate the forums, not help/address every issues, plus something like this with system configs and files changing puts responsibility in their hands, hence they are Moderators not Technical Support.
  14. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Low FPS with low GPU & CPU usage

    Most people with beefy systems never usually give their harddrive a 2nd thought because 7200rpm usually does pretty good for everything else, but dayz is a completely different story. I honestly think, they made the game from a performance pc, what game's that are out right now (besides Planetside 2) Needs fast Harddrive Read/write speeds. BI took it to the next level.
  15. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz servers lagging for me help.

    you sir are very misleading, is it lag issue or a FPS issue? Your processor is good, your video card is good, your RAM is Decent(compare to arma 2 It's Great). one very important piece of hardware you are not listing. That my good sir would be your HARD DRIVE!!!. let me take a wild guess it a standard 7200rpm?
  16. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Low FPS with low GPU & CPU usage

    first of all, your start up parameters is off the max is Maxmem=2047, thats the highest the game allows. Visual settings in Dayz should be set at 1600, 10,000 is pointless because dayz doesn't let you see that far. Seems like you got a hefty system but how are you launching the game and where is it even installed? Tell me where is it installed. Where you bought the game. How updated are you NET framwokrs.dll's (Stupid question) Is your PC completely Updated, such as Bios,Chipsets,firmwares,hardware...etc Do you like kittens?
  17. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz FPS

    put it on a ramdisk, if it increases your fps even by a little bit, i would invest in a solid state drive. a small 60GB or 120GB would be big enough, us your HDD your using now as your Main OS HDD and use the SSD as a 2ndary drive for your games.
  18. =DiG= Zgraphz

    kicked from server, battleye failed to update.

    #1. Open Steam. #2. Select arma 2. #3. Right click Arma 2, Select Properties. #4. Go to Local File tab, Select Verify Integrity of System Cache. (Do this to Arma 2, Arma 2 OA and then the DLC's If you have them. Once this step is completed, close Steam) #1.Open Steam. #2. Select Arma 2. #3. Select "Play Game" Allow any "Updates,Administrator Permissions and or Steams Server update" #4. Allow game to enter to the Main Menu, Log out of game, back to Steams Library, #5. Select Arma 2 OA #6. Select "Play Game" Allow any "Updates, Administrator Permissions and or Steams Server Update's" #7. Allow game to enter to the Main Menu, Log out of game, back to Steams Library. ( Do these steps to the DLC's IF you have them,) battle-eye needs updating and so does steam, at times u'll need to repeat these steps later on when battle-eye/Steam updates. Steam refers to it as "First Time Setup Phase" for arma games it's required to start the game from steams library from time to time to ensure constant updates. (Note) You'll have to do this only when you run into battle eye updates or steam updates. If your missing files such as deleted/courrpted data, In that case you follow the first steps without launching the game, just verify the game cache, and you'll be good to go.
  19. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz for Xbox One?

  20. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Standalone thoughts?

    The leaked footage was apparently really old,i think people need to just take a deep breathe and wait and see what dean hall and his team have in store for us, Yes it might be a polish version or maybe something totally unexpected, these speculations of what will and might be, are just he said she said BS. Both side have promising response's and valid arguments in a sense. so the best thing for everyone to do, is kick back and watch, when the game gets released it may take another year for the game to get up to the expectation that the dev team wanted it at. Things like these takes time, money lots of hard work and skill. Dayz was just a fun project dean and his team threw together, playing around in a sense... now look at him, he looks extremely focused and determined, if he made dayzmod with the *playing around sense* imagine what he will make when hes dedicated and focused. Now lets all be good, patient and wait for a game to be released then we can go into discussions on how badass it is or how much of an epic fail it is. Cheers
  21. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    dude really, go back to your nazi zombies and shut the fuck up, your gibberish.your post are gibberish, you make no reasonable statements or anything for that matter, you just argue with anything anyone says, it'll never end with you. it'll keep going and going till your talking to yourself. just get the fuck over it, PC smashes the shit out of consoles. if you argue that then your a dumb ass. you act as if anyone on this planet gives a fucking shit what you say and or think? The quote below, lol who the fuck do you think you are? your a bitch, thats exactly what you are, a stupid, patheic, whiny ass bitch. "Ugh, again with your "I know what'll happen, but provide absolutely nothing to back-up my statements". Seriously, if you respond to me, you better have something that actually makes sense. Or I will just take everything you say as if a brick wall said it, since it can come up with actual facts. I bet it can answer why it hurts when you run into it. As of right now, you can't." Now do everyone a favor and just shut the fuck up. No one here. Gives a shit about your console. No one here gives a god damn shit about your lame ass opinions, thus even surprising me even further that your dumbass can even form an opinion, Last but not least. If you were a bright young lad (which your NOT) you'd be posting these topics in the dev/team forums for Standalone and not the fucking dayz mod from arma 2, you fucking idiot. thus coming to our conclusion that you are A STUPID FUCKING GOD DAMN TROLL! Now please shut the fuck up. but i will say this, xbox 360 with kinect is the best god damn thing for family entertainment by far, don't think anything will beat that in at least 6 years
  22. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    why on earth would they make consoles even remotely similar to a PC's? that would be ridiculous. Yes i own a High performance PC and no i dont have an xbox 360 or ps3, but i wouldn't go on my computer to go onto a gamming community site that is meant for PC asking if the game will ever be available for console. i mean common, if they some how manage to make it for console, it would be a wreck, mine craft can be dumbed down a bit and still has it's own charm, but dayz.. it'll be a mess from start to end. you obliviously never played dayz, because if you did you'd know how impossible it is. yea they can make it for console, but it will be utter shit, mark my fing words, the dayz standalone that comes out for Console will be the biggest piece of shit ever sent to console from PC... in fact it'll be so fing shitty, the PC community might even feel the backlash of the effect. If over a million people buy it for consoles and every single one of them is pissed off. who is going to pay the price? The PC community will, because everyone who bought it for console is pissed off and want's a refund. If they loose money, that means less updates, which means a loss in productions for patches and development. All because they decided to fucking please everyone, but in the turn of events, they just pissed off everyone that bought it for console.
  23. =DiG= Zgraphz

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    IMPORTANT REMINDER: Opinions are like belly buttons, Everyone got's one!!