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About [email protected]

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. 1. The mod is free but you will need Arma 2 (which you have) you will also need operation arrowhead which costs around about £10 i think... 2. Your internet is fine. Mine is the same 60 down 5 up 3. Yeah i'd advice you to just to have a look around the forums and have a look at some of the basic stuff that you should do when your new like any game really. Enjoy.
  2. For the fact that it's been used on some of the top games and its been successful in doing so. I don't need to do research that's why people come onto forums to find out information. I knew that arma 2 was scripted but i didn't know that Arma 2 only used battleye because it was used to stop scripting. Thank you! at least someone give me some information. :)
  3. Would you say that Punkbuster would be a much better choice for the new stand alone DayZ? I know that there has been a lot of trouble with Battleye for example people getting banned and hackers just walking around it like battleye was never there. Why does ARMA 2 insist on using this Anti-hacking software? Has battleye been introduced onto any other games?
  4. I'm on there all the time and the owners of the server have never heard of you either. dafuq? :huh:
  5. The thing that has always worked for me is if you have a weapon scoping in on the area that is bugged out and doing the flush option. its always worked for me
  6. Breaking my legs by swinging prone near the church alter
  7. He is trying to mock us with his southern ways.
  8. We do but when the world is getting destroyed by the infected we have to join forces! : )
  9. no thanks. I paid for the game so why would i play a different game? if you want you can give me the money i paid for it then i won't play on it again. Deal? So does that mean hackers are allowed to do what they do and not actually tell anyone about whats happening? If thats the case then why are battleye on the servers and why are they trying to fix the hack since its "meant to be in the game" ?
  10. Hackers on 129. Teleported my friend and they parachuted people down from a chopper.
  11. Sorry Can't do the Camo & Ghilli. Night vision goggles & Range finder instead. AS50 also
  12. Camo, Ghilli suit, M107, FAL/NV and others.
  13. I really want a L85A2 what would someone trade for this?