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About MissSweeney

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    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Interests eh. I loves me some music, I enjoy post apocalyptic type movies (that don't involve Will Smith in space), I like to cook and I don't like to clean! And DayZ, of course.

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  • Bio
    I live in an old apartment building, the person below me screams at the voices in his head ALL DAY and the person above me is a god damned carpenter or something. How's that for a bio

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  1. MissSweeney

    take all the time you need to make the SA

    They have high standards because they have a huge respect for the fans waiting for the game. There are bugs such as floating loot and with lighting, and they are fixing these things as they go as well as adding new, awesome ideas into the game which will probably need fixing. This is no WarZ we are waiting for, this is a whole new, immersive original work of art.
  2. MissSweeney

    Remember this gem ?

    This is my favourite DayZ vid, I lose it every time I watch it. That last NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo just kills me!
  3. MissSweeney

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    You're a scary guy KoS, I'd be terrified to come across you in game!
  4. MissSweeney

    cheater on days?

    SA stands for Stand Alone, the current DayZ is a mod for the Arma 2 and 3 games, but it is currently being made into a game of its own.
  5. MissSweeney

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Sounds good, and you have a 20% chance of messing it up (gore free) video related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QDwhm8HrME
  6. MissSweeney

    Random DayZ Bullshittery series

    Good stuff!
  7. MissSweeney

    Military safe zones in the SA?

  8. Happens to me too, I didn't make the connection though and have lost way too much humanity with my reckless driving lol
  9. MissSweeney

    Helicopter stolen again... le sigh....

    Butt Fawk nowhere is the best place to find stuff. If I'm up north and need stuff, I will run around Butt Fawk nowhere and I will find stuff. Tents full of high end loot, vehicles etc. Ezpz.
  10. MissSweeney

    What happened to good ol' DayZ?

    What happened to good ol' DayZ? People happened. But really, DayZ is what you make of it. I am a friendly lone wolf who prefers a hatchet to a gun. I interact with people. Sometimes I get murdered, often I don't. I don't do favours for players I don't trust, and people who aren't trustworthy don't usually have the patience to earn my trust just to get a chance to shoot me or take my gear. Once I trust you though, I will give you my food, give you rides in my car and help you any which way I can. That in turn gives me a bunch of people willing to help me when I need it, avenge my death and look out for me. But when you're a sniper pretty much everyone doesn't like you and wont trust you or do anything for you. You might die less, but your characters life has less value then in my opinion. It's a shame that so many people do snipe, but each to their own. You just need to find a good server, earn peoples trust, and be careful. And be patient! There are friendlies out there, their just hiding in the woods
  11. But for real, I second what pretty much everyone has already said. It wont stop people who kill for the sake of killing or kill because of some future possibility that person might kill you, but it would stop a decent amount of people. It gives you something else to think about when encountering another player. Should I hide and let them run by? But I need gear. Maybe I should shoot him and take it, but that will damage the gear. I could knock him out and take it, too dangerous! I could talk to him, but what is he kills me and I lose what I have? Etc. That's what makes the game awesome for me, as well as baseball bat duels. Baseball bat duels are hilarious
  12. Regards there, ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards ​Regards Rgds MissSweeney I'm sorry, someone had to.
  13. MissSweeney

    Something is Coming

    I look forward to seeing more! :D
  14. Zombies are a threat to your survival? Good! That's what the mod is about. It takes a while to adjust to any new zombie moves, but you get used to it. I agree with an above comment that you should have checked your surroundings and prepared. But now you've had experience with how the new zombies operate, you will be more equipped to handle them and kick their ass in your next life. Also, can't they only know you out if you have your back to them?
  15. Depends on how many people play on the server. If it's a low pop server you could probably get away with landing it anywhere out of the way, but if it's a high pop server there isn't really a 'safe' place, just a not safe and less not safe place. Fly it up north somewhere and look for a building in the middle of nowhere you can land it on. That way hopefully noone will find it, and if they do they wont be able to get to it and wont blow it up. If someone really wants to wreck your chopper though, they will :(