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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣


    Such the old glitch. Thanks for your contributions to one of my favorite games! Now, what's the chance you might reinstall at a later date? Will you come back and act like you never said this? Why not take a pragmatic emotional approach to a VIDEO GAME? A game you knew was in mid development. A game you knew was buggy. A game that has brought the rage from so many, over so many months. Why not say something like.... I'm taking a break. This version of the game does not meet my requirements for an enjoyable experience. I'll come back and try future patches, especially once invisible zombies are worked out. Hey, but whatever.... thanks again!
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    Those values will likely be updated, and probably don't mean anything in regards to it being "raw" pork. It's not the same as uncooked boar as far as the game is concerned. If it somehow is regarded as such, they will fix this. Many new "testers" here have tunnel vision as to what they think takes priority for the devs to "fix". Your least favorite bug is likely not at the top of their priorities and will be addressed when they get to it in a hierarchy they set. Nearly every aspect of DayZ is going to have revisions and adjustments even at what is perceived to be "late in the game". Also, being adversarial with the staff will not do new members any good in getting their points across.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    This has been said a million times already but still

    I'm sorry, I don't. Maybe @ImpulZ can answer that.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    I just meant that the game will show the food as raw because it's in it's original unaltered state. I did not mean to say the actual food would have the properties of raw pork, rather it's more of a technical designation based on how the game recognizes the state of the food when it's eaten directly from the can.
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    This has been said a million times already but still

    My only advice in lieu of them actually changing the spawn rates, would be to try hunting. You can get a lot of meat from a single deer.
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    I believe it's shown as raw simply because the food inside is cold, and unaltered in any way. All of the fruit and 'shrooms say raw and don't get you sick.
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz standalone Full release Refund question.

    An NES cartridge was around $35, which was way more money back in the 80's. We still bought these buggy, short, over priced games, on the chance that it might be something special. No web reviews, no good magazines, just take a chance, buyer beware.
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    What's being worked on

    Everything is first completed on the PC side and then ported over for the XBOX. If you read the status reports, stress test build threads, and experimental threads, you will be up to speed on what's next for DayZ as a whole. https://forums.dayz.com/topic/239426-status-report-11-september-2018/ Do not neglect the PC forums because you think the information there is not relevant to consoles.
  9. That's just in real life. :P I play neutral until provoked, in DayZ.
  10. I miss being called a "care bear", can we bring that back?
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 11 September 2018

    Great report! Thanks devs, and all involved. Nice to hear you're releasing server files and pushing things forward with authority. Extra thanks for detailing the kick bug and hit registration bug.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    KOS on every server

    DayZ has been around in one form or another for 6 years plus. This will never change. I personally made the decision after making the above thread, that I would not KoS. And I've stuck to that for over 2,000 hours between the mod and SA. ^You all should really be reading the other sections of the forum as well as the Xbox section for a broader view of DayZ. Talking first will always open you up to more diverse experiences, if that interests you. Never trust a stranger in a random encounter. Don't turn your back on them and try to keep a safe distance. Remember, even people you played with for hours could turn on you at a moments notice. Be aware of when people are using outside chat to bring in friends. But also know, there may be like minded people out there, people you can have adventures with for years to come.... but only if you talk first. Stay frosty.
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Stable (BETA)

    Someone is paying attention! *beans* for you! They've shrunk the scope of BETA/1.0 regularly ever since coming out of patch hibernation/incubation. Will we get the physics they previewed, with the car driving through all the outdoor furniture and blasting through fences? Why would a picket fence, or fence consisting of a couple of 2x4''s and a small log really stop any car in motion? BETA/1.0 is really subjective, and the final say on the definition of same is left up to BI. My "fear" is that December 31st will roll around and they'll simply call whatever they have "1.0" and just continue from there like that's erm "normal" to do.... 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, ad inifinitum.... mostly feature complete for original intended features could never truly come or could be 1.7+
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Bags and transparent zombies

    Bullets not registering is a well documented bug for months now. (Check the bug tracker.) Yes, I imagine the devs are looking into it. This is not specifically at you OP but for all new players - To give people an idea of all the bugs in this Alpha and how the game is developed over time, it would greatly benefit newer players to read the threads for the stress test builds (and probably older experimental builds) whether you are on PC or XBone, and as many of the status reports as you can stand to read going back over the last couple years. If you plan to put 100's of hours into playing (see also testing) DayZ, the least you can do is take maybe 5-10 hours to read up a little on 5 years of DayZ discussion and development. Thank you for supporting this beautiful but borked Bohemian basket case of a game.
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    ATTN DEVS - Magazine gun glitch

    Sounds a lot like the same bug for when you pick up a mag and have the gun on your back and the mag and gun are rendered useless. This bug has been reported to the feedback tracker for some weeks now. I'm sure they are addressing it.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz standalone Full release Refund question.

    READ. If you didn't know DayZ was a troubled project, the blame falls on you. Reading steam reviews and most of the player impressions would tell you exactly what you're getting into. Reading the status reports will inform you of the rest. Please see my current signature for further clarification. Read, read, read. There is nearly 5 years of discussion on all things DayZ which would likely answer most questions and help people decide if they should be involved.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    General feedback thread?

    Thank you for the well thought out feedback. I've been testing builds for 4.5 years and have dealt with a massive amount of bugs to even get to the point at which you are now able to play on Xbox at all. Testing is the most important thing we can do. If the pace of development or current issues with game play make you unhappy and unwilling to test, please take a break from DayZ and come back after successive patches. You can read up on what has happened with patches through the forum and join again when things sound like they will appeal to you. Cheers.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Morale Militia Movement

    "Bandit" This is such a fluid term, as is Hero, and Survivor. Many people who think they are survivors KoS because that's their definition of survival.... to me, they are cowardly murderers. Good vs Evil is almost 100% subjective in DayZ. Happy hunting. You'll probably want to use a whitelisted server to try this out.
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Food water consumption

    We spawn in on the edge of thirsty, and nearly starving. I know from personal experience that I lose a lot of strength and mental capacity if I'm even a little hungry. Add any form of exercise to this and the results can be drastic. Generally people eat every 3-5 hours and basically should be drinking water all the time, especially when active. Take into consideration that our characters are constantly exerting themselves and I think it does make more sense to have things the way they are.
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    A survivalist's take on eating and drinking

    You start thirsty and on the edge of hungry. People start losing their capacity to do normal things in just a couple days when not properly fueled or hydrated. Do you do any cardio exercise or have experience with endurance training? Personally, if I really start to get hungry even for a few hours I lose much of my capacity to perform well mentally and physically. I have "bonked" a couple of times during long distance bike rides because I did not eat enough. You can go from all cylinders firing to severely weakened much quicker than you think. Also, some of what you've posted are work in progress/placeholder versions of those mechanics.
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    My character are stuck in a 92 year old body

    You start thirsty and on the edge of hungry. Do you watch Naked and Afraid? Ever see how those people start losing their capacity to do normal things in just a couple days when not properly fueled or hydrated? Do you do any cardio exercise or have experience with endurance training? An average person with no training cannot run far or bear much weight over distance. Personally, if really start to get hungry even for a few hours I lose much of my capacity to perform well mentally and physically. I have "bonked" a couple of times during long distance bike rides because I did not eat enough. You can go from all cylinders firing to severely weakened much quicker than you think. Also, some of what you've posted are work in progress/placeholder versions of those mechanics.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 28 August 2018

  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Passive Character Progression

    I value my character more and more with every hour I keep them alive.
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 14 August 2018

    It was just for tire on surface sounds, not for engine sounds.