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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    Loot needs sorting...

    What you think should be a priority for your enjoyment may not be a priority for the progression of the game at large. If you find the current state of the central economy and loot tables makes for a less than desirable experience, you should probably step away from DayZ Alpha until more balancing has been done. Also, future modded versions of the game will give you everything from super scarce survival based versions to 0 survival PvP instant kit versions where you spawn next to your friends with a humvee. If waiting for all of that troubles you now, there's going to be some rough patches ahead while all of the mechanics are adjusted. I'm looking forward to how the new players deal with cold/hot and wetness. Oh boy, can't wait for those threads....
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Loot needs sorting...

    Do not sprint initially. Do not spend time close to the coast on a busy server. Search fruit trees and look for ponds. Use a map to find drinkable bodies of water or wells in towns. We are also currently playing with a reduced loot selection to keep data gleaned from logs as clean as possible. Infected have a chance for cans of food and other items in their inventory. Before posting new topics, please search your subject for existing threads of the same ilk. Here are some links and info for newer contributors.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Making developer's take action

    Refunds are not given on Steam unless you have very few hours/minutes in game. I believe the level of transparency you desire is found in the status reports. Here's something I put together to try to help new players get a grasp on where DayZ is headed and where it came from. DayZ is a notoriously troubled project and I firmly believe that if you did not read enough before you put down your money, the blame falls squarely on you. Steam reviews alone would offer a lot of critical viewpoints that would make the more cautious consumer think twice. Dictionary: ca·ve·at emp·tor ˌkavēˌät ˈem(p)ˌtôr/ noun: caveat emptor the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Community Spotlight - 8 October 2018

    Good job, Baty. I really like the pic from Ústí nad Labem. It's nice to know there are fans who live where we play! :)
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    It's Been 6 Years

    I believe I get the point, but I also believe what you're likely missing most is content that's really quite close to being implemented. Though things look bare bones now, once the rest of modules are smooshed in, content will likely be dropping much faster, and then optimization passes will commence. I've always been critical of the devs when warranted and the 7 month gap without an update that we only quite recently came out of is very poor form to say the least. If you need all the status effects, items, and vehicles, it's going to be at least 2+ more months, and that's very optimistically speaking. With the recent bugs taking so long to fix, I see them falling short of currently promised features but pushing something they call 1.0 before 1/1/2019. The current lull in patches, while not unusual for DayZ dev, is definitely disconcerting when you consider their own current deadlines. I have seen a lot of things re-worked by the devs, and re-done as well. Having to go over or fix old work that crippled your project shows some major weaknesses in their approach to building their own engine. People want to call me a white knight or fanboy, but I'm just patient and passionate and (mostly) pragmatic about my feelings around a game. I have enough faith in the vision, and faith in the modding community, to know that I will get a version of DayZ I enjoy for years. But holy shit, that 7 month drought was an intensely brutal test of that faith....
  6. Hello XBox supporters! Thank you for contributing to my favorite survival horror sandbox, and a game that spawned a popular wave for the genre. Here are a few links to help you all stay on top of things as they erm, develop. https://steamdb.info/app/221100/history/ and here: https://twitter.com/DayZ You may also want to take some time to read past status reports to help familiarize yourself with the DayZ dev process, it's history, and our place in it. https://forums.dayz.com/forum/134-developer-discussion-status-reports/ Also worth pointing to is the content on the DayZ trello page (I know, it's not been updated in a long time), here you can see models for stuff not yet in game, and maybe sadly a couple models that may never get used.... https://trello.com/b/5yzeFpo2/dayz Most things relevant to DayZ Experimental on consoles are premiered on PC stress test builds first, so following the PC forums for the latest feedback may be worth checking out. https://forums.dayz.com/forum/152-stress-test-discussion/ Lastly, here's a link to the official DayZ website, maybe worth checking out if you haven't already. https://dayz.com/ If you have any questions for a long time contributor, feel free to ask them of me here. All I would add personally here is to maybe try talking before shooting sometimes, it could make things more interesting. Thanks again!
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    When’s the next update ?!

    Also, everybody interested in the patches should be checking here: https://steamdb.info/app/221100/history/ and here: https://twitter.com/DayZ
  8. ☣BioHaze☣


    Oh hey, yeah, I skipped over one.... I believe different zombie types are supposed to have different amounts of blood/health already and that the clothes they wear might also have an impact on how "armored" they are in the future. Military infected should also have armor values in step with their gear and larger infected people should hit harder as well. Will not see t-virus type infected or super zombies. It does not fit well with limited lore or style of DayZ as it is.
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    When’s the next update ?!

    Take the free time you have now to go and read the old status reports and threads to educate yourself about this dev process. Some of us have been waiting much much longer than you can imagine.
  10. ☣BioHaze☣


    Soon. We need data (Alpha) and giving the scroobs more food keeps them in game longer and gets us more data. See also modded servers which will have less resources in the near future. Alpha We need modules merged into the engine and then optimization passes before they can start raising infected numbers. Probably in the works. Very well documented bugs with reloading. Will likely never be part of vanilla DayZ. Alpha, totally still WIP. You should be viewing DayZ Alpha as mostly unpolished. But wee need major parts of the game merged in before we tidy up the small bits. They are not undead, they have a disease and will die as easily as a healthy human would. WIP/Alpha This is desynch between yourself and the server and will be fixed eventually. This will never be in vanilla DayZ as the enfusion engine does not support it. Items are scaled back currently to keep data sets easier to read. The infection only effects humans and does not transmit to animals. Remember, not undead, infected. Zombie is a loose term in this context. Infected is more accurate. Think rage zombies/28 days later. We are currently working with a scaled down loot table to try to keep data gleaned from testing as clean as possible. We are currently working with a scaled down loot table to try to keep data gleaned from testing as clean as possible. WIP WIP (like moisture...... and other stat effects) WIP WIP WIP HUD has been changed multiple times and will likely be changed again, see also WIP I do not think DayZ will ever have an in game tutorial. Wiki and faq will likely be what we work with in the future. This will eventually be part of the wiki/faqs we use. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to see a global solution to server hopping for loot and ghosting in vanilla DayZ but I believe that private shards/hives and whitelisting will likely be the only way to solve this.
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    It's Been 6 Years

    Some of us have almost never missed a patch, have given feedback in every build thread, read every status report. People who complain but do not contribute have less validity in my opinion. If you want the standalone to progress, test the builds, post the bugs, and give feedback. Whining does nothing but contribute to the negative echo chamber around the SA. I watched all of you leave when things were slow or infected were taken out. Meanwhile I suffered in an empty game with no zombies while these "fans" took the easy way out and just left having contributed very little, posting angry entitled complaints on reddit or steam reviews. So many passionate contributors with so little understanding of the process just burnt out and tapped out. The new players who cry for more updates and think the bugs we have now are bad, have no clue what we've dealt with in recent years. If you stopped reading status reports and stopped testing builds, you will absolutely lack perspective on the progress and direction of the SA. Good thing come to those who wait. Frustration is the only reward for those who cannot.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    It's Been 6 Years

  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    Hit detection is a joke

    Totally. This is the best response. Alpha... Hatchet master race. Single handed melee, in these builds; far superior to 2 handed melee. You can swing the hatchet many more times for much more DPS than a splitting axe. Quite possibly, yes. Armor values were only recently re-enabled, and are certainly WIP. The data gleaned from your bludgeoning will be quite helpful in this regard. I basically consider neutral interactions to be positive in the context of DayZ. Situations where contact was made but both parties survive. Keep talking first and you'll up your chances of more interesting interactions; but always keep a safe distance at first, and be wary of people planning ambush through 3rd party chats.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Whoever ghosted behind me in berezinho

    Here's 6 years of discussion on the very same topic! https://forums.dayz.com/search/?&q=ghosting&page=1&sortby=newest Thanks!
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.63.148815

    @Girth Brooks - for spotting this translucent corner of a building. ^Here I have a drum mag on an AK and the weapon in hand shows a standard magazine but the attachment slot shows drum mag. Played on a high pop 100 man PVP server to check out the performance. While full the server performed fairly well and at numbers from 75 people down, it ran well. I heard a lot of gun shots but did not encounter players.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Population of infected

    I believe I did notice this in the PC version. I feel like the concentration of infected is more dense in smaller villages and towns. This may be to save frames in the large, lag inducing cities.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    I'm a walking Foley stage, no need for peripherals.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Simple bugs that NEED fixing now

    There is still a lot of bug fixing and feature implementation left to go with DayZ Alpha/Beta/1.0. If you cannot enjoy DayZ due to these types of bugs, you should take a break from the game and return when there is a stable client release. Also, while you may list these bugs as the most important to you, the developers have an order of hierarchy by which they fix and implement things that most likely does not fit into what you think is a priority. We all have our pet peeves (bugs) which we think should be fixed NOW but you and I are not privy to the goings on behind the scenes and the reasons why things are done in the order they are done. And hey, thanks for contributing to DayZ Alpha!
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    Here's what I could find on trello.
  21. ☣BioHaze☣


  22. ☣BioHaze☣


    Definitely, bring the flies back! Personally, I want priest infected back. :( I promise it has nothing to do with being Atheist.
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Weird shxt you've encountered whilst playing.

    Back in the mod days, someone rained exploding cows down on me, so there's that.