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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    All Time Low Population

    ....except no vehicles. :P
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    All Time Low Population

    There were no bribes, just massive hype. The SA has never once had all the features that made the mod great and with dynamic infected spawn coming to .61 it may just be the first time we will have an SA comparable to the mod.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    All Time Low Population

    I think it was Hicks who said, "I don't care if 12 people end up playing 1.0." or something to that extent. I'll be happy to be 1 of those 12. The amount of DRASTIC changes coming in the next 6 months is going to shut a lot of people up and draw in a lot of players who are on break or new to the game. DayZ certainly isn't "done" by a long shot.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    All Time Low Population

    Many posting to this thread DO lack patience AND perspective. When all is said and done this will be another chapter that the dedicated few will wax reminiscent about while playing 1.0. I want a well polished game with a lot of fun content. I too have posted some of my own criticisms recently in one of the build threads and I believe some poor management and decision making has had a negative impact on the pace and consistency of this project. That being said, I believe so strongly in the devs and the core concepts of DayZ as a great sandbox platform that it would take some really serious delays and departures from the games goals to make me lose faith. While I am passionate about DayZ, I do not let as much of my psychological well being hinge on updates or status reports as I used to and it's best to just enjoy a worthy patch when it drops and not belabor delays with a patch work of semi supportable claims.
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    Was Torchia Fired?

    I think he is doing less models and more quality assurance and by no means was fired.... you're reading an awful lot into vague references here.
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    How I voice my displeasure.
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Ladders are seriously still killing people?

    Follow the status reports!!
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 30 Aug 2016

    Thanks for hard work devs/all! These network improvements DO sound very promising! Does this mean potentially more population for globally spawned infected?
  9. It sounds good in theory but I hated the stumbling/falling put in Smash Brothers Brawl and I would not want the fate of my character decided in such a fashion. I do like the idea that there should be a penalty for moving while looking distinctly left or right. Try running anywhere that isn't a flat open field looking over one shoulder and it feels precarious at best....
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    desert horse no name *weeps softly* So.... .61 will be released while I'm on my vacation, is that how it's going to be? Maybe you'll get it out early enough next week that I can try it before I fly out? Oh well, either way it will be here when I get back. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give SA .61
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    how much time

    thanks for the video
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    DYNAMIC INFECTED SPAWN ^Seriously most important. I wanna spawn on the beach and fear the infected instantly. GIVE I've been playing Death Road to Canada, it's about as different a zombie game as you can get from DayZ without it being a zombie dating game. It was fun to play over the last weekend with my brother and I managed to clear it on my own a couple times. A quirky 2D sprite based RNG beat 'em up game, was definitely worth my $15 for the hours I've played so far. Bonus, the soundtrack is fun, and chill, and helps tie the whole vibe of the game together nicely mixing midi sounds and 8 bit sounds.
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    On the usefulness of handguns and shotguns

    We are getting a new hit box and significant more balancing of damage values for everything in the future probably really starting during Beta and certainly continuing beyond.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 16 Aug 2016

    I may be wrong but I think there will still be a base number of infected spawned at server start in most major areas. So, imagine a city like Cherno could have nearly the same amount of infected as we have now except when a player enters the server will begin to spawn more infected in the surrounding areas, as if their presence drew more in either by the commotion you make moving about or some kind of esp/horde awareness. Again, I may be wrong but I think hordes in DayZ form organically when larger numbers of infected become aggro'd in a small area and they begin acting with hive mind characteristics.
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 16 Aug 2016

    ^YES, this. Let's also keep in mind that balancing will truly begin in earnest in Beta and will likely continue up to and after 1.0.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 16 Aug 2016

    Yeah, no problem, what wolves!? Feel free to release the .61, hounds free. Some of us found .60 stable to be rather short lived and we've been twisting in the breeze for many weeks now. Having significant infected in the game would mean I could entertain myself with solo missions criss crossing Chernarus for many hours without end. Yup, the day I can enjoy DayZ the way I used to enjoy the mod, playing in a fashion similar to an open world Resident Evil title, is the day DayZ replay value really returns to the way it should be (for me). I'm excited for the day when DayZ is not regarded as just some rinse and repeat shooter full of trolls. Thanks for all the hard work devs/all!
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    A few Questions for hicks206 about dayz

    Welcome! Sorry, I'm not Hicks206 but I can help a little with these questions.... We do already have seasons in game with regards to temperatures. We've seen snow on the ground as textures but it has been said there will be no snowfall in Vanilla 1.0. Also, today this video dropped about the all new audio module which will be part of .61! Hopefully this will solve some of those terrible legacy bugs left over.... and not add too many new ones in their place! I haven't heard anything about changes to sway but maybe the new character animation controller module will change that (*no ETA on animations update yet). We are on the verge of many more HUGE changes too, very exciting stuff!
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I know you have contributed well to DayZ and this is why I was perplexed at what I saw as a sideways jab at the devs. I have taken 6 months off in the past due to my own frustrations and am currently on a 2 month break as well. I have personally prepared myself for DayZ running a full year past the projected release date BUT all indications are that once all the major modules are in and the rest of content and optimization begins we will see exponential progress compared to how it seems now (though meanwhile the progress has been basically the same only we don't see the work in builds yet). Through vacations, holidays, long breaks from the game, and other interruptions in actual play time, I still take the time to follow the status reports, the official build threads, and *shudder* - twitter as well. This keeps me up to date with progress and announcements, and keeps my little spark of hope alive, and when we are all playing 6-12 hour days again and posting every few hours I will be able to engage the topics with a perfectly up to date knowledge base. If you watch the Q&A from Peter that dropped today you will find he addresses just this problem, a major amount of negative static from people who aren't seeing the internal work on the modules that will completely overhaul DayZ game play likely solving many legacy bugs in one fell swoop (while likely creating new bugs). All that being said, if you are someone who has 1,000's of hours in DayZ that is a sure sign of dedication and it would only make sense to devote some of that DayZ related energy into being well informed about.... DayZ.
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    It's unfounded saltiness that would be easily sated if he was current on some pretty well known dev news.... Way more people take jabs at the devs than defend them because their understanding of the process is incomplete. Whose fault is that?
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Later lurker! Thanks for nothing?
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    Gear dissapears

    Welcome! Boy, I sure enjoyed some Amiga back in the day, fond memories.... https://forums.dayz.com/search/?type=all&q=gear+disappears
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    DayZ: Lead Designer Peter Nespesny Q&A

    "Break the iron shackles of the past!" Yes! I'm so pysch'd for the coming modules I could spit fire! Thanks, Peter!!
  23. Greetings, Filip! Thank you for taking time to answer questions! I saw the new grass on Trello and it looks great! If possible, can you tell us about upcoming improvements to grass and bushes that will allow for cover regardless of a persons rendering distance? I would love to see the cities completely choked with infected! Will Enfusion be robust enough to handle high numbers of infected in dense urban areas and do you have a goal in mind for the number of infected in a city like Cherno? Thanks again!