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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    They put zombies in our zombie game! D: Fer real this time! I heard a shotgun blast in the distance and I was thoroughly impressed.... it sounded so coooool! Otherwise the play sessions were too short to see much of anything else. Still great to finally re-join testing!
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    You're welcome. Even 5 minute spurts of messing with the new build was nice. With a little luck, maybe we'll see a patch tomorrow! Thanks!!!
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Server crashing is sad business. I heard a couple of far off shotgun blasts that sounded great!
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    I ran into fellow forumer Beav, we had decent conversation and then were separated by server DC. :( Nice to meet you Beav!
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    I unchecked everything except proper version and I got servers to show. I joined a low ping server in my region, walked 20 meters away from the coast and saw lost connection to host. :(
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Ok, I now have previously played, proper version, public, and full checked. Thanks.
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Thanks. Let's hope things improve!
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Checked that, no difference for me. Also tried show full servers, no dice.
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    I don't see any servers personally....
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    If trolling is answering your points with what should basically be common knowledge for such a deeply invested 5k hour player, then I am the God of Trolls, yes. All hail.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 25 Oct 2016

    Can you survive DoorZ?
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Yet you do not seem to have taken a fraction of that time to READ about he development of the game. A number of things in your post make this very obvious. .61 will include the first iteration of the new sound module. Everything you have been listening to has been legacy components of the mod! This means that SOME of the the sounds will be updated, like gun fire, and all of this is work in progress. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please take some time to read the last few status reports and I think you'll find there are aspects of DayZ development you have been greatly neglecting by only playing the ALPHA.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Clothing mechanics suggestions

    This does not sound practical for most players. Seasons should make it so your same clothes will be ideal for many days at a time (temperature wise), If you have a camp or storage on a server you can swap clothes when it rains or conditions change. You might do this is an authentic scenario unless you could store rain gear a bit more efficiently as you suggested. I still think large plastic ponchos should be implemented to add some protection from rain to any clothing set at the penalty of being easy to spot and possibly having a noisy rustling plastic sound.
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 25 Oct 2016

    Watching the video Hicks posted in the .61 discussion thread made me realize how hindered our peripheral vision is on a standard single screen. There's a moment where he is facing an incoming infected and he (somehow) steps back just in time to be missed by an unseen infected approaching from his left. I then thought that it might be compensatory to make sounds of movement a tick louder in ones periphery, like your ears were perked up by sound outside your view. I liked the idea of VR for DayZ but a few people have voiced concerns which has made me rethink this. I'm very much in the "wait and see" camp for any new tech, especially the pricey kind. *Someone needs to make a program that works like "keyboard bifocals". It would create a VR overlay of your keyboard is it is in relation to yours eye in real life when you looked down without tilting your head down.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Clothing mechanics suggestions

    A long time ago the devs shot down layering and it was never really discussed after that. They also shot down the idea of venting by opening jackets partially or entirely saying the animations and models would be very time intensive. Every time I'm cycling in barrier layer and start to overheat what do I do? Simply lower my zipper.... :/
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 25 Oct 2016

    This sounds a lot like what Rocket originally intended for DayZ doors. I'm pretty sure he talked about doors actions being tied to mouse movement and physics. ***I also would like fast and slow door opening animations (think RE4) and kicking and ramming of doors.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    What's wrong with bicycles?

    We've seen the model for the bike already, man. Your statements tell me that you should do a lot more reading of old status reports and common threads here to get up to speed.
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 25 Oct 2016

    Thanks devs/all! Welcome @Baty Alquawen! Please give zombies for Halloween!
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    You should check out DayZ's Trello page!
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Nah, I mean you were using a Trumpet for one thing, which many of us would likely derp with. Testing should allow for more random elements and more differing data sets expressed in every environment. It's definitely not the same as, "Satan please save this character for ever and ever amen", style gameplay.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Thanks, Byron! That looks like some good clean zombie killing fun for the whole family. Please give.
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    Infected, everywhere. New player controller = Stamina and weight system for players, injured animations... so much more! Updated audio for everything. Balanced health, food, and weather exposure system. New grass and foliage that provides cover from a distance. Build-able vehicles that perform as expected with minimal desynch.
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Yes. Dynamic infected spawn definitely made the mod more challenging and fun. Personally I'm hoping the environment can be made equally as challenging to survive as infected. Now if you put it all together, you may get an overall challenging survival experience even without bases and end game vehicles.
  25. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Well my Ego wants zombies for Halloween, exams be damned!